This article provides detailed information about the latest updates, enhancements, and fixes to our software. Our commitment to continuous improvement ensures the best possible experience for our users.
Each entry identifies the release date and the type of release and includes a description of the updates.
Find out more about Docebo's release cycle.
September 2024
September 9, 2024
Scheduled maintenance on Learning evaluation on September 17 from 9 to 11 am CET
Due to scheduled maintenance, you may experience some issues with Learning evaluation from 9 to 11 CET on September 17, 2024. During this 2-hour window time, we will upgrade our database system, enhancing performance and security.
September 2, 2024
Two new payload fields added to webhooks
For those using webhooks, two new fields have been added to the payload:
These fields will be present in every payload and show the ID of the webhook as well as the domain of the platform where it originated.
Changes to user_is_not_enrolled
As communicated on June 3, 2024, for those using the APIs:
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal/{catalog_id}
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal/general
the user_is_not_enrolled
parameter is now enforced as a boolean and only accepts the values true
or false
. Values passed as an array are no longer accepted.
Go.Learn version 6.1.2 and branded mobile app version 6.1.2 are here!
In this update, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile.
Heads up! Upcoming user interface terminology updates scheduled for November 2024 for reports and current updates to Arabic terminology
With the last maintenance of November, we will release several enhancements to improve clarity and consistency of the terminology used in the platform. As part of these improvements, for those using the new custom reports, some texts under the “report” module will be updated. Please note that if you are using the reports to feed downstream systems and those systems expect an exact field name but encounter a different one, this could disrupt or cause issues in the ingestion process.
Please read the Community post outlining all the details (opens in a new tab).
In addition, in the current release, some terminology in Arabic has been improved. More specifically, the Arabic translations of the following terms have been updated:
- learner
- status names: in progress, completed, expired
- sorting order: A-Z, Z-A to use Arabic characters instead of English ones
Heads up! Important changes to how Yes/No user additional fields are set through APIs and CSV import
Differently from what was communicated on May 27, 2024, the following changes will apply starting from October 14, 2024 (sandbox) and December 2, 2024 (production) and will also include the POST/manage/v1/user
For those using CSV imports to create and update users, if a Yes/No
user additional field is left blank, the system will now accept and assign the state None, and the field will appear blank in the interface. Formerly, the value assigned in this situation was “No”.
And for those using the APIs:
the values to set Yes/No
type user additional fields will be changed to the following, making them consistent across the three APIs:
, and all other values not listed forYES
This may represent a breaking change, for example, if with POST/manage/v1/user/batch
you previously relied upon the values 0
, “0”
, “”
or null
to set NO
Heads up! Changes in the report fields of the E-Commerce - Transactions report
Starting from December 2, 2024, some fields of the E-Commerce - Transactions report will be modified.
In the E-commerce Transaction Fields section, the three fields Transaction Total Price, Transaction Subtotal Price and Item Price will be modified as follows:
- These three fields will display the value of the price only (instead of the value and the currency used)
- The currency used for the price will be displayed in the new fields:
- Transaction Total Price Currency
- Transaction Subtotal Price Currency
- Item Price Currency
Please note that the currency can be a real currency or training credits (if enabled on your platform).
In the E-commerce Transaction Item Fields section, fields will be modified as follows in all the reports you have already saved:
- The field Course/lp Name will be renamed Name of course/learning plan/subscription plan/training credit pack
- The field Course/lp Code will be renamed Code of course/learning plan/subscription plan/training credit pack
In addition, a new default field called Payment method will be added.
Heads up! The learn microservice compact_list
endpoints to be removed in December
Starting from December 2, 2024, the endpoints POST /learn/v1/lp/compact_list
and GET
will no longer be available
August 2024
August 26, 2024
There is no weekly maintenance release this week. Regular maintenance will resume next week.
August 19, 2024
Community hub is here!
Exciting news for your learning platform! Starting from this release, you can benefit from the Community pack including Community hub. This new feature offers a great way to engage your learners by fostering the sharing of ideas and knowledge inside communities. Creating communities allows your users to post messages, ask and answer questions, add comments, chat with each other, and more. Check out our knowledge base to learn more about Community hub.
New technical cookie introduced in your platform
As communicated on July 15, 2024, Docebo adds an additional technical cookie named community_session
to the list of cookies of the Docebo platform. The new cookie is strictly needed to track anonymous user sessions of communities. As a Superadmin, make sure you take action according to the currently applicable law of your Country. Learn more about the cookie policy on your platform.
Improvement for Audit trail event User modified
A new line is available in the log details of the Audit trail event User modified indicating the user status in the platform (activated or deactivated). To access these details, filter the Audit trail events using the User modified filter. Then, click on the ellipsis menu in an event row and select View log details. More information on Audit trail events in our knowledge base.
New parameter in the response body of POST /manage/v1/user/batch
and PUT /manage/v1/user/{id}
For those using the following APIs:
their response body now includes the UUID
August 12, 2024
Go.Learn version 6.1.1 and branded mobile app version 6.1.1 are here!
In this update, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile.
August 5, 2024
Changes to GET/pages/v1/pages and GET /pages/v1/pages/{id}
In the response to GET /pages/v1/pages
and GET /pages/v1/pages/{id}
, the last_edit_by
field was removed last week. This is a security fix, implemented for confidentiality of personal data.
Heads-up for Connect! Deprecation of Lists by Workato item
As communicated on July 22, 2024, starting on August 6, 2024, Lists by Workato will no longer be available for selection in Connect recipes. You will instead be guided to use Repeat While (opens in a new tab) to loop a specific number of times. To create a new list, you can use Create list and followed by the Add items to list actions in Variables by Workato (opens in a new tab). All the existing recipes that use Lists by Workato will continue to work for the foreseeable future as long as those recipes are not edited.
July 2024
July 29, 2024
The GoLearn app for Android is being sunsetted in China
As communicated on April 8, 2024, the GoLearn mobile app for Android will be removed from the Chinese app stores where it was published on July 31, 2024. The Go.Learn app for iOS will continue to be available in China on the Apple App Store. This change does not affect any branded mobile apps you have in China, which you can continue to use and publish as before.
Heads up! New report fields for the Users- Learning plans report
Starting from September 30, the Completion Percentage field in the View options of the Users-Learning plans report is:
- Renamed Progress Percentage (All Courses)
- Moved to the new section Learning Plan usage statistics fields
In addition, please note the following improvements made to the report:
- three new sections are added to the View options tab:
- Learning plan usage statistics fields
- Course fields
- Course enrollment fields
- The fields Start of validity and End of validity are added to the Learning Plan Enrollment Fields section
- Nine new fields are added to the section Learning plan fields
- The Learning plan enrollment date and the Learning plan completion date filters are added to the FIlters tab.
July 22, 2024
There is no weekly maintenance release this week. Regular maintenance will resume next week.
Heads-up for Connect! Deprecation of Lists by Workato item
Starting on August 6th 2024, Lists by Workato will no longer be available for selection in Docebo Connect recipes. You will instead be guided to use Repeat While (opens in a new tab) to loop a specific number of times. To create a new list, you can use Create list followed by the Add items to list actions in Variables by Workato (opens in a new tab). All the existing recipes that use Lists by Workato will continue to work for the foreseeable future as long as those recipes are not edited.
July 15, 2024 - Major release
Enable quick enrollments for e-learning courses
A new option is available in the platform advanced settings, for Extended enterprise clients and at course level to streamline the enrollment process for e-learning courses, making it quicker for learners to start playing them with fewer clicks. Learn more.
Use of evaluation questionnaires improved!
For those using Learning Impact/Learning evaluation, we have improved the use of questionnaires for your evaluations. You can now easily add the questionnaire to your courses and improve your response rates in just a couple of clicks. Learn more about the use of questionnaires as training material.
The Evaluation designer is out!
Exciting news for learning evaluation! Starting from this release, you can benefit from the Evaluation designer to design, customize and plan your evaluation processes. With the Evaluation designer you can build your evaluation strategy, customize and create your own questionnaires to match your needs, set up your timeline, and much more. Learn more about the Evaluation designer in our knowledge base.
New option to manage enrollments of deactivated and expired users
A new option is available for Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses to automatically unenroll deactivated and expired users from sessions to free up seats for active users. This development responds to three ideas for a total of 66 votes.
More granularity for session enrollments
When managing enrollments for Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses, from the course Enrollments tab you can now filter enrollments for users without session enrollments or with at least one session enrollment and take advantage of a new column identifying the user branch. These two options combined allow you to prevent over-enrollment from the same branch in a single session and ensure a balanced focus on training, avoiding potential understaffing in your operations. These new developments reply to an idea with 10 votes in the Idea Portal.
Automate the invoice generation and sending with Stripe SCA and Stripe Tax
For those using Stripe SCA in conjunction with Stripe Tax, a new option is available to force Stripe to automatically send an invoice via email to the users who finalize a purchase on the platform.
The Catalogs in my subscriptions built-in page is being discontinued
Differently from what was communicated on April 15, 2024, the Catalogs in my subscriptions page is not being discontinued with this release but later this year. Keep an eye on the Product updates page for the new date. If you and your learners find value in using this page and appreciate the experience, you can replicate the same functionality by creating a custom widget page including a Catalogs widget configured for the Subscriptions app.
GET ecommerce/v1/transaction/{id}/cancel
no longer available
As communicated on April 15, starting with this release, the endpoint GET ecommerce/v1/transaction/{id}/cancel
is no longer available.
Skill visibility setting improvement
As communicated on April 29, for those using skills, starting with this release, the “Skills management” advanced setting applies only when users assign skills to content. If you wish to extend or limit users’ visibility on the skills they can assign to their own profile, you can use the custom visibility settings of skill sets. Please be aware that if you have activated this option, your learners’ visibility on skill sets may change after this enhancement is released. If you wish to make all skills visible to all users, you can do so by publishing the “All skills” skill set.
Skills in global search
For those using skills, the platform global search will also search formal and informal content based on the skills field, both for manually assigned skills and skills automatically assigned by the AI.
Deduct points and coins when removing badges
For those using Gamification, when deleting a badge or unassigning it from users, you can choose to remove the related earned points. If you are using the Rewards shop, you can do the same with coins.
Badge award notification
For those using Gamification, you can set up a new notification to be sent to users whenever they are assigned a badge.
Skill targets
For those using skills, learners can now take advantage of skill targets to set learning goals and find the content they need to develop their skills. Managers can also suggest skill targets to their team members.
Keep track of deleted records
As communicated on May 13, the tracking of Learn Data deleted records is implemented starting with this release, providing the following benefit: When you delete a record in your tool, the corresponding record will not directly disappear from Learn Data. Instead, it will be displayed in the column __deleted
with the value set to TRUE
for 30 days. After this period, it will be deleted forever. You can also request Docebo to delete all data related to a specific user at any time.
Please note this might cause breaking changes to your pipelines especially when aggregating or counting items. If you want to keep the current behavior, we suggest filtering out all the records with __deleted = TRUE
. More information on Learn Data is available on demand.
Sunsetting HTTP 1.0 protocol for API endpoints
As communicated on June 10, effective immediately, the HTTP 1.0 protocol will no longer be supported for Docebo APIs. Comprehensive analysis indicates that this change will not affect any current users. This notice serves to officially inform you of this update.
Docebo mobile app - Go.Learn version 6.1.0 and branded mobile app version 6.1.0 are here!
In this update, you can find the following new features and enhancements:
- A new My activities page lets you keep track of all your learning activities at a glance: Course progress, expiring certifications, but also contests, leaderboards, and interactions with the material you or other learners have posted on the app.
Furthermore, as always, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience mobile.
Column resizing and absolute dates in background jobs
The background jobs table now supports resizing of the Name column, to avoid truncating long job names, and the Creation date column always shows the absolute date and time, event for recent jobs.
GoTo API changes
Due to GoTo API changes, some architectural updates have been made to the support for GoTo products. These updates affect the underlying code only and do not affect the functionality of the product.
For more information please see:
- Migrating to New Token Retrieval with (opens in a new tab)
- GoTo Connect APIs Host Migration (opens in a new tab)
Improvements for Docebo Connect for Credly and Docebo Connect for Accredible recipes
For those using Docebo Connect for Credly or Docebo Connect for Accredible, starting with this release, when a credential in Accredible or badge in Credly is deleted or archived and is associated in Docebo, the certification is removed in Docebo from the drop-down menu of available external certifications to be awarded. The course will remain marked completed in Docebo and the course additional field associated with the external badge or credential will be reset to the default value.
Improvement for Docebo Connect for Accredible recipe
For those using Docebo Connect for Accredible, starting with this release, when a credential already existing in Accredible is produced by Docebo, the behavior of the integration can be configured to allow for the credential in Accredible to be either overwritten or duplicated.
Heads up! New technical cookie introduced in your platform
Please note that starting on August 21, 2024, Docebo will add an additional technical cookie named community_session
to the list of cookies of Docebo Learn. The new cookie will be strictly necessary to track anonymous user sessions for learner communities of the Communities enhancement.
As a Superadmin, make sure you take action according to the currently applicable law of your Country. Learn more about the cookie policy on your platform.
Heads up! New notification engine will replace [calendar_attachment]
For those using the [calendar_attachment]
shortcode in their notifications, please note that with the migration to the new notification engine on 4 December 2024, this shortcode will be replaced by a selector in the user interface that allows you to add an attachment. As a result you may need to manually adjust the body of the notifications.
July 8, 2024
New Time spent on learning dashboard for Learning insights
For those using Learning insights, please note that a new Time Spent on learning dashboard is now available. This dashboard provides key metrics to help you understand how learners engage with courses on the Docebo platform. It includes insights on total time spent, average time spent by learners, average time to course completion, engagement rate, and time spent by branch, group, and course. Learning insights is now in a public beta stage and available for activation.
July 1, 2024
Accessibility enhancements
The channel search landmarks now have a meaningful accessible name. This update improves the accessibility for all single-channel pages, the All channels built-in page and the Channels widget.
Google Universal Analytics replaced by Google Analytics 4
As communicated on April 8, 2024, for those using Docebo for Google Analytics, Google has announced that Universal Analytics will no longer be accessible after July 1, 2024 (opens in a new tab). Docebo for Google Analytics 4 is available and should be used as a replacement for Docebo for Google Analytics. The integration Docebo for Google Analytics will no longer function after July 1, 2024.
June 2024
June 24, 2024
Heads up! Important changes to how Yes/No user additional fields are set through APIs and CSV import
Differently from what was communicated on May 27, 2024, the following changes will apply starting from October 14, 2024 (sandbox) and December 2, 2024 (production) and will also include the POST/manage/v1/user
For those using CSV imports to create and update users, if a Yes/No
user additional field is left blank, the system will now accept and assign the state None, and the field will appear blank in the interface. Formerly, the value assigned in this situation was “No”.
And for those using the APIs:
the values to set Yes/No
type user additional fields will be changed to the following, making them consistent across the three APIs:
, and all other values not listed forYES
This may represent a breaking change, for example, if with POST/manage/v1/user/batch
you previously relied upon the values 0
, “0”
, “”
or null
to set NO
June 17, 2024
User has been modified webhook behavior changes
As communicated on March 11, 2024, for those using the User has been modified webhook, the existing webhook is not triggered if the user has been updated with existing values. The webhook is only triggered if the user is updated with at least one different value compared to the version stored in the system. If you are still using the event that has been removed (webhook triggered when user is updated with existing values) for any of your integrations, please change the logic now to avoid impacting your existing integrations. For more information, read the article on Creating and managing webhooks.
New accepted code length for learning plans
The maximum code length for learning plans has been increased from 50 to 255 characters.
Security fixes released
We have released a set of security improvements tied to a static code analysis review. This update will have no impact on any services.
Go.Learn version 6.0.5 and branded mobile app version 6.0.5 are here!
In this update, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile.
June 10, 2024
Heads up! Sunsetting HTTP 1.0 protocol for API endpoints
Effective July 15, 2024, the HTTP 1.0 protocol will no longer be supported for Docebo APIs. Comprehensive analysis indicates that this change will not affect any current users. This notice serves to officially inform you of this update.
Heads up! Changes to the POST learn/v1/enrollments API
For those using the POST learn/v1/enrollments
API, please note that starting September 11, 2024, the endpoint will return a 400 error in the following cases:
- When normal users attempt to enroll other users (self-enrollment only is allowed).
- When managers attempt to enroll users who are different from themselves, users they do not manage, or users with invalid IDs.
June 3, 2024
Two new Audit trail events for training materials
Two new audit trail events are now available to track when training materials are updated both from the Course management area and the Central repository.
Webhooks in sandboxes for regions eu-west-1, eu-central-1, ap-southeast-2 and ca-central-1
As communicated on May 22, 2024, for those using webhooks in sandboxes in regions eu-west-1, eu-central-1, ap-southeast-2 and ca-central-1, please note that on June 5, 2024, an architectural change may briefly cause webhook events to be delivered at a rate of two payloads per second while a migration takes place. This is due to old queues from the previous environment sending their events while the new environments have already been activated and begin to send their events. This eventuality should affect only customers with large webhook queues and the normal rate of delivery will be restored as soon as the old queue has been cleared. Please note that this will not result in double deliveries, just a brief increase in traffic.
PUT /learn/v1/courses/{id} no longer available
As communicated on March 4, 2024, the endpoint PUT /learn/v1/courses/{id}
is no longer available. You can instead use PUT /course/v1/courses/{course_id}
Heads up! Changes to user_is_not_enrolled parameter
For those using the APIs:
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal/{catalog_id}
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal/general
Please note that, starting from September 2, 2024, the user_is_not_enrolled
parameter will be enforced as boolean, and only accept the values true
or false
. Values passed as an array will no longer be accepted.
May 2024
May 27, 2024
New Google Play app account deletion requirements with 31 May compliance deadline
As communicated on March 4, 2024, for those using the branded mobile app with self-registration enabled: If users can create an account from within the app, Google now requires two separate account deletion options (opens in a new tab). In addition to the existing in-app path for account deletion, you must also provide a web link resource where users can request app account deletion. This web link must be included within your Data safety form in Play Console, and it will appear on your Play store listing.
This requirement is already in force. It is important to comply as soon as possible, to ensure you can continue updating your branded app after the 31 May 2024 deadline.
Heads up! Important changes to how Yes/No user additional fields are set through APIs and CSV import
Starting from 31 July (sandbox) and 2 October (production): for those using CSV imports to create and update users, if a Yes/No
user additional field is left blank, the system will now accept and assign the state None, and the field will appear blank in the interface. Formerly, the value assigned in this situation was “No”.
And for those using the APIs:
the values to set Yes/No
type user additional fields will be changed to the following, making them consistent across the three APIs:
, and all other values not listed forYES
This may represent a breaking change, for example, if with POST/manage/v1/user/batch
you previously relied upon the values 0
, “0”
, “”
or null
to set NO
May 20, 2024 - Major release
Revamped learning plans!
This update introduces a more user-friendly interface for learning plans, maintaining all existing features while adding the ability to manage additional fields and designate courses as mandatory or optional. Stay tuned for further improvements in the coming months!
Hindi language supported by the desktop platform
Starting from this release, the Hindi language has been added to the languages available in the desktop platform, bringing the total to 53 languages supported. Hindi is now included in the list of all the languages the platform offers in the Localization tool, and your learners can now set it as the language of their platform from the My profile area.
Auto skill assignment
For those using skills, the new auto skill assignment feature enables AI to automatically assign skills to your formal and informal content, saving you time and effort while helping learners find the best content to develop their skills. You can manage this feature in the artificial intelligence configuration panel.
Navigate playlists from courses with the new course page
If you have activated the new course page, when courses are included in playlists, you can navigate and manage the playlist directly from the course header, when accessed from the My channel page, or from any channel the playlist is visible.
More streamlined background jobs management
A single dashboard shows all the background jobs on your platform. From there you can easily check their progress or perform actions such as fast-tracking or interrupting a job. Filters let you easily focus on the jobs of interest to you. Learn more.
Enhanced test question category selection
When creating questions in tests and associating them to categories, the category selection is now carried out from a dedicated right panel including a search engine.
Contacts for data processing and security information
The Advanced settings > Email preferences section has two new fields: Security emails, for receiving messages relating to security incidents, and DPA emails, for receiving messages relating to the data processing agreement. These must both be filled in for compliance purposes.
Customer experience contact button added to help center
From the help center panel, administrators can now also contact the customer experience representative to request product demos, professional services, or training.
Three new webhooks available for the Certification category
For those using Webhooks, three new webhook events are available for use in the Certification category:
- Certification awarded
- Certification revoked
- Certification updated
These webhooks are intended for use with external certification providers and are designed to be used in conjunction with Docebo Connect.
UserInfo Endpoint in OpenID Connect
For those using OpenID Connect, the UserInfo endpoint is now supported.
Microsoft Outlook 365 Calendar recipes now support webhook payload grouping
For those using Docebo Connect for Microsoft Outlook 365 Calendar recipes, this integration now supports the possibility of grouping payloads when configuring the webhook.
Accredible and Credly integrations now support external certifications
For those using Docebo Connect for Accredible or Docebo Connect for Credly integrations, external certification support has been added allowing the external certification to be accessed in the My activities as well as the Certifications and retraining app.
Heads up! Webhooks in sandboxes for regions eu-west-1, eu-central-1, ap-southeast-2 and ca-central-1
For those using webhooks in sandboxes in regions eu-west-1, eu-central-1, ap-southeast-2 and ca-central-1, please note that on June 5, 2024, an architectural change may briefly cause webhook events to be delivered at a rate of two payloads per second while a migration takes place. This is due to old queues from the previous environment sending their events while the new environments have already been activated and begin to send their events. This eventuality should affect only customers with large webhook queues and the normal rate of delivery will be restored as soon as the old queue has been cleared. Please note that this will not result in double deliveries, just a brief increase in traffic.
May 13, 2024
Go.Learn version 6.0.4 and branded mobile app version 6.0.4 are here!
In this update, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile. Please note also that the minimum required iOS version has been increased to 15.5.
Heads up! Keep track of deleted records
Contrary to what was communicated on March 4 and March 25, 2024, the tracking of Learn Data deleted records will be implemented starting from July 17. The first data marts will be delivered as planned on May 20, but their testing took more time than initially planned, and we had to delay the final implementation of the second part of Learn Data improvement plans.
Our team is working hard to deliver this improvement in the shortest possible time.
As a reminder, this will provide the following benefit: when you delete a record in your tool, the corresponding record will not directly disappear from Learn Data. Instead, it will be displayed in the column __deleted
with the value set to TRUE
for 30 days. After this period, it will be deleted forever. You can also request Docebo to delete all data related to a specific user at any time.
Please note this might cause breaking changes to your pipelines especially when aggregating or counting items. If you want to keep the current behavior, we suggest filtering out all the records with __deleted = TRUE
. More information on Learn Data is available on demand.
May 6, 2024
Docebo Content data in Usage dashboard
For those using Docebo Content, you can now keep track of active users in the Usage dashboard.
April 2024
April 29, 2024
Accessibility enhancements
This release includes accessibility enhancements for filter panels. Learn more.
Improvement to mass export of users
The capability to export a large volume of users to an XLS file has been enhanced for greater speed and reliability.
learn/v1/catalog API sunsetted in favor of newer endpoints
As communicated on January 29, 2024, for those using the learn/v1/catalog
API, this endpoint is no longer available. You can replace it by taking advantage of the newer endpoints:
Check out the API documentation in the API Browser. Learn more about Docebo’s APIs.
Heads up! Skill visibility setting improvement
For those using skills, starting on July 17, 2024, the “Skills management” advanced setting will apply only when users assign skills to content. If you wish to extend or limit users’ visibility on the skills they can assign to their own profile, you can use the custom visibility settings of skill sets. Please be aware that if you have activated this option, your learners’ visibility on skill sets may change when this enhancement is released. If you wish to make all skills visible to all users, you can do so by publishing the “All skills” skill set.
April 22, 2024
Go.Learn version 6.0.3 and branded mobile app version 6.0.3 are here!
In this update, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile.
April 15, 2024
As communicated on January 29, 2024, for those using the learn/v1/catalog
API, this endpoint is no longer available. You can replace it by taking advantage of the newer endpoints:
Check out the API documentation in the API Browser. Learn more about Docebo’s APIs.
Heads up! The Catalogs in my subscriptions built-in page will be dismissed in July 2024
Starting from July 15, 2024, the Catalogs in my subscriptions page will be discontinued. If you and your learners find value in using this page and appreciate the experience, you can replicate the same functionality by creating a custom widget page including a Catalogs widget configured for the Subscriptions app.
Heads up! GET ecommerce/v1/transaction/{id}/cancel no longer available in July 2024
Starting from 15 July 2024, the endpoint GET ecommerce/v1/transaction/{id}/cancel
will no longer be available.
April 8, 2024
Docebo for PENS is no longer available
As communicated on September 25, 2023, the Docebo for PENS integration is no longer available.
Heads up! Google Universal Analytics replaced by Google Analytics 4
For those using Docebo for Google Analytics, Google has announced that Universal Analytics will no longer be accessible after July 1, 2024 (opens in a new tab). Docebo for Google Analytics 4 is available and should be used as a replacement for Docebo for Google Analytics. The integration Docebo for Google Analytics will no longer function after July 1, 2024.
Heads up! The GoLearn app for Android is being sunsetted in China
Starting on 31 July 2024, the GoLearn mobile app for Android will be removed from the Chinese app stores where it was published. The Go.Learn app for iOS will continue to be available in China on the Apple App Store. This change will not affect any branded mobile apps you have in China, which you can continue to use and publish as before.
April 1, 2024
There is no weekly maintenance release this week. Regular maintenance will resume next week.
March 2024
March 25, 2024
Faster loading of the user management page
The performance of the user management page has been improved, to reduce the page load time.
New Help center area for Content marketplace
For those using the Content marketplace, the Help center area “Docebo Content” was renamed “Content Marketplace” to include all issues regarding both internal and external content providers.
Go.Learn version 6.0.2 and branded mobile app version 6.0.2 are here!
In this update, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile.
Filtering training material from Docebo Content
For those using Docebo Content, you can now identify training material coming from the Docebo Content library by using the relevant filter and column in the Central repository.
Heads up! Keep track of deleted records
As communicated on March 4, 2024, we have improved Learn Data to allow you to keep track of deleted records.
Starting from May 15, 2024, when you delete a record in your tool, the corresponding record will not directly disappear from Learn Data. Instead, it will be displayed in the column __deleted
with the value set to TRUE
for 30 days. After this period, it will be deleted forever. You can also request Docebo to delete all data related to a specific user at any time.
Please note this might cause breaking changes to your pipelines especially when aggregating or counting items. If you want to keep the current behavior, we suggest filtering out all the records with __deleted = TRUE
. More information on Learn Data is available on demand.
March 18, 2024
Docebo has successfully performed the normal weekly maintenance release on all platforms and, this week, there are no major updates to report
March 11, 2024
Accessibility enhancements
This release includes accessibility enhancements for the carousels of channel and catalog pages. Learn more.
Heads up! User has been modified webhook behavior changes
For those using the User has been modified webhook, after June 19, 2024, the existing webhook will not be triggered if the user has been updated with existing values. The webhook will only be triggered if the user is updated with at least one different value compared to the version stored in the system. If you are currently using the event that will be removed (webhook triggered when user is updated with existing values) for any of your integrations, we ask you to change the logic before June 19th, 2024 to avoid any impact to your existing integrations. For more information, please read the article on creating and managing webhooks.
March 4, 2024
Enhanced enrollments’ visibility for Power Users
For those who have activated the Allow Power Users to see the real number of enrolled users and their attendance option in the course properties option in the platform Advanced settings, please note that now Power Users have visibility on all counters, including the course waiting list, the session waiting list, and the users without sessions assigned, regardless of whether they have resources and users assigned to them or not.
OAuth2 endpoint checks limit of failed sign-in attempts
The platform setting for Maximum number of consecutively failed sign in attempts is now enforced for logins performed via the OAuth2 endpoint POST https://{lmsurl}/oauth2/token
Heads up! Keep track of deleted records
Learn Data has been improved to allow you to keep track of deleted records. Starting from May 15, 2024, when you delete a record in your tool, the corresponding record will not disappear from Learn Data. Instead, it will be displayed in the column __deleted
with the value set to TRUE
. Please note this might cause breaking changes to your pipelines especially when aggregating or counting items. If you want to keep the current behavior, we suggest filtering out all the records with __deleted = TRUE
. More information on Learn Data is available on demand.
Heads up! New Google Play app account deletion requirements with 31 May compliance deadline
For those using the branded mobile app with self-registration enabled: If users can create an account from within the app, Google now requires two separate account deletion options (opens in a new tab). In addition to the existing in-app path for account deletion, you must also provide a web link resource where users can request app account deletion. This web link must be included within your Data safety form in Play Console, and it will appear on your Play store listing.
Heads up! PUT /learn/v1/courses/{id} no longer available in June 2024
Starting from 5 June 2024, the endpoint PUT /learn/v1/courses/{id}
will no longer be available. You can instead use PUT /course/v1/courses/{course_id}
which is already active.
February 2024
February 26, 2024 - Major release
AI configuration panel
You can now manage all your platform’s AI settings in one place: the artificial intelligence configuration panel. You can also take advantage of AI retraining to help AI learn and improve its algorithms and performance.
Data refresh improvements for reports
A new report data refresh, replacing the current method, is available. The data refresh process has been improved to reduce the data latency period. Any change to the data is now reflected in the reports within an approximate delay of 1 hour.
The exported reports now immediately reflect the latest available data without any delay due to data refresh as this process is now performed in the background. You can check the time of the latest update on the reports main page.
Please note that the rollout scheduled is detailed in the Community (opens in a new tab).
Configure the results returned by the global search
It is now possible to customize the visibility of the global search results tabs and their sorting order in the main domain and the sub-domains thanks to a new configuration option in the platform Advanced settings and the Extended Enterprise. This improvement addresses an idea for a total of 238 votes (opens in a new tab)!
Identify the course creator
You can now identify the creator of a course directly from the course properties, Details tab and filter courses by author in the Course management. The course creator, together with the course creation date, can be exported with the course data.
This improvement addresses two ideas for a total of 69 votes:
- Make course creator name & creation date visible in course properties (opens in a new tab)
- Include a field to know who created a course (opens in a new tab)
New option to manage enrollments’ visibility for Power Users
A new option (Allow Power Users to see the real number of enrolled users and their attendance in the course properties) is available in the platform Advanced settings to allow Power Users to see the real number of enrolled users in a course in the Course report, on the Course management page and the Sessions tab, but they will keep seeing and managing only the enrollments of the users they manage:
- on the Enrollments tab for courses, and
- on the Enrollments & Evaluations and Events & Attendance tabs for session
This improvement addresses two ideas for a total of 23 votes:
- Allowing visibility to Power User to check available seats in ILT Sessions (opens in a new tab)
- Power Users must be able to see total session enrollment numbers (opens in a new tab)
Accessibility enhancements
This release includes accessibility enhancements for the login page, vertical tabs as well as improvements to the accessibility of the privacy policy and terms and conditions pages. Learn more.
User access events logged in audit trail
User logins, logouts and failed login attempts are now logged in the audit trail under a new user access events category.
Background jobs for mass user exports
Exports of large numbers of users to CSV or XLS files are now carried out using a background job, so you can continue to work while the export is in progress.
New notification for skill updates
For those using skills and My team, starting from this monthly release you can set up a notification for skill-related updates.
Support for LTI 1.3 content
Docebo Learn now supports LTI 1.3 content in the Central repository. In addition to the capabilities of LTI 1.1 content, LTI 1.3 offers enhanced security standards based on OAuth2 and JSON Web Tokens. It is highly recommended to implement and procure products that conform to the latest version of LTI 1.3.
Ex aequo users equally ranked in leaderboards
For those using Gamification, users with the same number of points will now have the same ranking in leaderboards.
State parameter validation for OpenID Connect
For those using OpenID Connect, a new setting lets you choose whether to enforce and validate the state parameter returned by the identity provider.
Docebo for Microsoft Teams usage now visible in the Usage dashboard
For those using Docebo for Microsoft Teams, the usage of this feature is now visible in the Usage dashboard.
Updates to Docebo for Microsoft Teams report field names
As communicated on January 22, 2024, for those using new custom reports for Docebo for Microsoft Teams, the names (in English and the translations into all supported languages) of some report fields are updated to replace the old name of the product (Flow for Microsoft Teams) with the current and official one (Docebo for Microsoft Teams).
List of updates:
- From “% Of Training Material From Flow for Microsoft Teams” to “% Of Training Material From Docebo for Microsoft Teams”
- From “Time In Training Material From Flow for Microsoft Teams” to “Time in training material from Docebo for Microsoft Teams”
- From “Training Material Access % From Flow for Microsoft Teams“ to “Training material access % from Docebo for Microsoft Teams”
- From “Training Material Access From Flow for Microsoft Teams” to “Training material access from Docebo for Microsoft Teams”
Please note that the update is applied to translations only (English and other languages), while the keys used in the code are left unchanged. You can see the updates in the Localization tool.
Webex Meeting Classic deprecation reminder
For those using Webex Meeting Classic, as communicated in March 2023, the service will be deprecated by Webex starting March 31, 2024. Anyone using Webex Meeting Classic will need to convert their meetings to the new format before that date. For more information, please see the knowledge base article Docebo for Webex V2.0 or the Docebo Community post outlining all the changes from March 2023 (opens in a new tab).
Old Audit Trail functionality end of life
As communicated on June 26, 2023, and on December 4, 2023, the old Audit Trail app (reachable from the Reports page) is no longer available.
The new Audit Trail functionality (found in the Settings section of your Admin Menu) will be the only functionality available and to be used.
- If you have not done so already, we strongly recommend switching to the new Audit Trail starting from now. No action is required from your part to activate it as the new Audit Trail page is already available in the Settings section of your Admin Menu
- If you have built integrations with the old Audit Trail app, you need to migrate these integrations to the new Audit Trail APIs or through Webhooks
- As of January 1st, 2023, the new Audit Trail equivalently records the same events tracked by the old Audit Trail. You will find all the events that took place after this date in the new Audit Trail.
- All the events found in the old Audit Trail app will be archived and transferred to a dedicated section of the new Audit Trail. You will be able to export all the events that took place before 2023 from the Archive folder.
Virtual Coach end of life
As communicated on January 22, 2024,, the Virtual Coach feature within Learn is deprecated on both the web and mobile platforms. Learn more about the deprecation of Virtual Coach in our Community (opens in a new tab).
Security enhancements
As communicated on February 5, 2024, to improve security, and thanks to the release of the Domain Management feature that provides Docebo-managed SSL certificates, two security enhancements are now available:
- “Strict-Transport-Security” and “X-Content-Option” headers will be available in the response of all the endpoints of the application
- Non-secure HTTP traffic will be automatically redirected to HTTPS, to ensure that all traffic is encrypted
Localized Country names returned by the GET /manage/v1/user/search and the GET /manage/v1/user APIs
As communicated on November 20, 2023, the Country names set as user additional fields returned by the GET /manage/v1/user/search
and the GET /manage/v1/user
APIs are now localized according to the language of the user using the APIs.
Go.Learn version 6.0.0 and branded mobile app version 6.0.0 are here!
In this update, you can find the following new features and enhancements:
- A completely new pre-login experience for the Go.Learn app, with onboarding screens that explain the purpose of the app, and guidance on how to enter the platform URL.
- For the branded mobile app, a domain option allows the platform URL to be prefilled, so users no longer have to enter it.
- For those using single sign-on, automatic redirect to the SSO provider is now supported for SAML, OpenID Connect and Auth0.
- Google Drive integration is here: Learners can open Google files uploaded to their courses and channels using the native Google application. These Google files can be non-public, provided the learner has permission to access them.
- Test and survey descriptions can now include formatted text, images and links.
- Swahili and Hindi have been added to the languages available in your mobile app, bringing the total to 53 languages supported. Your learners can now enjoy their learning experience in these languages too on their mobile devices.
Furthermore, as always, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile.
Improvements to the Docebo Flow video player for Launcher and building blocks
For those using Docebo Flow, the Course player widget now has improved functionality to allow closed captioning, playback speed controls and the ability to skip ahead or back. These new functions are dependent on the settings in Course management.
Improved details for course tiles
For those using Docebo Flow, the course title now shows more details about the type, average time, language, due date, expiration and rating of the course. This feature is available for Docebo Flow Launcher, Docebo Flow Building Blocks and Docebo Flow Mobile SDK.
Content import counter
For Docebo Content customers, Superadmins can keep track of the amount of imported content from within the Docebo Content library.
Naming of Docebo Content Classic in the platform
As communicated on January 22, 2024, for those using Docebo Content Classic, the new “Docebo Content Classic” label is now available in several areas in the platform for better distinction from the Docebo Content experience:
- Central repository filters and table
- Course catalog, both Superadmin and learner view
- Course preview in the course catalog
- Catalog widget page
- Content marketplace.
Note that if you have customized the labels identifying Docebo Content Classic, you will need to customize them again after the new label is released.
The Docebo Content Classic naming will also be introduced in the Usage dashboard.
Learn Data using DataLake v2.5 dismissal
As communicated on August 21 and October 23, 2023, and on January 15, 2024, a new version of Learn Data using DataLake v3 is available. If you are still using Learn Data on DataLake 2.5, his version is now discontinued.
February 19, 2024
Docebo has successfully performed the normal weekly maintenance release on all platforms and, this week, there are no major updates to report.
February 12, 2024
Docebo has successfully performed the normal weekly maintenance release on all platforms and, this week, there are no major updates to report.
February 5, 2024
Accessibility enhancements
This release includes accessibility enhancements concerning the cookie policy banner and the learner menu readability. Learn more.
urn:scormdriver prefix removed for SCORM training material
As communicated on November 6, 2023, for those using SCORM packages including tests, the urn:scormdriver prefix is removed from several areas of the Course report such as from the beginning of every answer provided in the Attempt details tab, in the Answers breakdown pop-up and in the corresponding exported report.
Country parameter removed from GET/manage/v1/user/{user_id}
The response to GET manage/v1/user/{user_id}
no longer includes a country parameter among the user fields. The country can still be obtained by setting it up as an additional field.
Heads up! Security enhancements planned for the end of February
To improve security, and thanks to the release of the Domain management feature that provides Docebo-managed SSL certificates, two security enhancements will be available starting February 28, 2024:
- “Strict-Transport-Security” and “X-Content-Option” headers will be available in the response of all the endpoints of the application
- Non-secure HTTP traffic will be automatically redirected to HTTPS, to ensure that all traffic is encrypted
January 2024
January 29, 2024
Accessibility enhancements
For those using the new course page, this release includes accessibility enhancements concerning the course page title and the skip to content functionality. Learn more.
Channel API labeling aligned
As communicated on October 23, 2023, for those using Discover, Coach & Share, the labeling of courses and learning plans in channel APIs has been aligned to that of assets. If you are using channel APIs, you will need to align the status_ID and status_label parameters for courses and learning plans. The same alignment will also take place for the Go.Learn and the branded mobile app. Please remember to update your app once the improvement is available on January 31.
Heads up! learn/v1/catalog API to be sunsetted at the end of April 2024 in favor of newer endpoints
For those using the learn/v1/catalog
API, please note that starting from April 29, 2024, this endpoint will no longer be available. You can already replace it by taking advantage of the newer endpoints:
Check out the API documentation in the API Browser. Learn more about Docebo’s APIs.
January 22, 2024
Improved skill suggestions
For those using skills, AI will now consider your Platform Catalog, so that only the skills you have selected will be used in automatic suggestions of skills for users and content.
Suggestions for Google email sender new guidelines
In December 2023, Google communicated a change in their guidelines for sending communications to “” emails with the aim of improving the overall security and reliability of email services. This change will become effective starting February 2024 and will impact all Docebo’s customers with users with a “” email using notifications and newsletters. Learn more in Docebo Help.
Changes to the GET /manage/v1/multidomain
API endpoint
As communicated on October 23, 2023, for those using the GET /manage/v1/multidomain API, the following changes are implemented:
- Access to the endpoint is now restricted to Superadmin usage only
- The returned payload will have no visibility over the root branch
- The returned
value now has the trailinglms/
Parameters no longer available for the Catalog and the Catalog Calendar APIs
As communicated on October 23, 2023, the catalogsIds
and the mobile parameters are no longer available in the following APIs:
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal/preview
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/public/preview
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/public
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal/calendar
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/public/calendar
As an alternative to the catalogsIds
parameter, use the catalog_ids
parameter, introduced on October 25, 2023.
Heads up! Updates to Docebo for Microsoft Teams report field names
For those using new custom reports for Docebo for Microsoft Teams, please note that starting on February 21, 2024, the names (in English and the translations into all supported languages) of some report fields will be updated to replace the old name of the product (Flow for Microsoft Teams) with the current and official one (Docebo for Microsoft Teams).
List of updates:
- From “% Of Training Material From Flow for Microsoft Teams” to “% Of Training Material From Docebo for Microsoft Teams”
- From “Time In Training Material From Flow for Microsoft Teams” to “Time in training material from Docebo for Microsoft Teams”
- From “Training Material Access % From Flow for Microsoft Teams“ to “Training material access % from Docebo for Microsoft Teams”
- From “Training Material Access From Flow for Microsoft Teams” to “Training material access from Docebo for Microsoft Teams”
Please note that the update is applied to translations only (English and other languages), while the keys used in the code are left unchanged. You can see the updates in the Localization tool.
Heads up! Virtual Coach will be deprecated at the end of February 2024
On February 26, 2024, the Virtual Coach feature within Learn will be deprecated on both the web and mobile platforms. Learn more about the deprecation of Virtual Coach in our Community (opens in a new tab).
Heads up! Naming of Docebo Content Classic in the platform
For those using Docebo Content Classic, starting on February 28, 2024, the new “Docebo Content Classic” label will be available in several areas in the platform for better distinction from the Docebo Content experience:
- Central repository filters and table
- Course catalog, both Superadmin and learner view
- Course preview in the course catalog
- Catalog widget page
- Content marketplace.
Note that if you have customized the labels identifying Docebo Content Classic, you will need to customize them again after the new label is released.
The Docebo Content Classic naming will also be introduced in the Usage dashboard.
January 15, 2024
Accessibility enhancements
This weekly release includes accessibility enhancements concerning page titles, widget titles (for widget pages) and the links of the user’s main menu. Learn more.
Added last_update parameter to GET /manage/v1/user/{user_id}
The response to GET manage/v1/user/{user_id}
now includes a new last_update
parameter, indicating the date and time when this user was last modified.
Go.Learn version 5.11.1 and branded mobile app version 5.11.1 are here!
In this update, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile.
New translation management
For those using Shape, translation management has been revamped to be more user-friendly, extend AI translation to all types of scenes, and enable the localization of media assets.
Heads up! Learn Data using DataLake v2.5 will be discontinued on February 28
As communicated on August 21 and October 23, 2023, a new version of Learn Data using DataLake v3 is now available. If you are still using Learn Data on DataLake 2.5, please note that this version will be discontinued on February 28, 2024. Please reach out to your contact person in Docebo if you need any help with the transition.
January 8, 2024
Swahili language supported by the desktop platform
Starting from this release, the Swahili language has been added to the languages available in the desktop platform, bringing the total to 52 languages supported. Swahili is now included in the list of all the languages that the platform offers in the Localization tool, and your learners can now set it as the language of their platform from the My profile area.
Dark and light mode appearance for the course player
For those who have activated the new course page, it is now possible to configure the course player appearance in dark or light mode both at course level, in the course properties, or globally for all courses, in the Configure branding and look menu.
All report field labels moved under the “report” module
For those using new custom reports, now you can find all of the labels used for report fields under the “report” module in the Localization tool. All report field labels that were under any modules other than “report” have been moved – together with the corresponding translations – to the “report” module. This improvement wants to make it clearer which texts are used and allows Superadmins to recognize and manage report keys more easily.
New check on date format for the GET ecommerce/v1/transaction API
As communicated on October 9, 2023, for those using the GET ecommerce/v1/transaction
API, the date_from
and date_to
input parameters now only accept dates with the following format: UTC YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
APIs no longer available
As communicated on October 9, 2023, the following APIs are no longer available to manage groups:
GET /manage/v1/group/{id_group}
PUT /manage/v1/group/{id}
DELETE /manage/v1/group/{id_group}/members/{id_user}
GET /manage/v1/group/{id_group}/members
GET /manage/v1/group
GET /manage/v1/group/importer_fields
DELETE /manage/v1/group/{id}
POST /manage/v1/group
POST /manage/v1/group/members/batch
DELETE /manage/v1/group/members/batch
POST /manage/v1/group/batch
POST /manage/v1/group/{id_group}/members
GET /manage/v1/group/
GET /manage/v1/group/{id_group}/members/all
A new set of APIs for the management of new groups is available from October 2020.
Removal of POST /audiences/v1/audience/recalculator/batch
The API call POST /audiences/v1/audience/recalculator/batch
has been removed for security reasons.
Docebo Learning Analytics platform is being sunsetted
As communicated on November 22, 2023, The Docebo Learning Analytics platform will be sunsetted on January 10, 2024. This change comes after an assessment of our customers’ needs and is part of a broader plan to give you access to strong analytics capabilities. If you are a Learning Analytics user, please contact Docebo to explore your options.
December 2023
December 18, 2023
New Domain Management feature available
For those using custom, secondary and email domains, a new management feature is available allowing for a unified configuration interface of:
- Custom, secondary and email domains
- Email senders
- SPF records
- DKIM records
- Docebo-managed SSL certificates
- Self-supplied SSL certificates
This feature replaces the corresponding platform management apps and advanced settings. Learn more in Docebo Help.
Power Users can manage other Power Users
Power Users can now manage other Power Users when assigned to them as users according to the profiles assigned to them as resources. Depending on the permissions granted by the Superadmin, they can create and manage the Power Users they have created and/or also manage the Power Users created by other users from the Power Users menu. This improvement addresses an idea with 44 votes (opens in a new tab).
The new “Survey-Individual Answers” report is available
The Survey-Individual Answers custom report is now available to provide you with more data on your platform use: the new report shows the individual answers to all the questions of completed surveys, in all courses.
Skills are now available in custom reports
For better management of skills, they are now included in custom reports through a new field called Skills in Course available among the report View Options (Course Fields section). This field will be available for the following report types:
- Users – Courses
- Groups/Branches – Courses
- Sessions – Users Statistics
- Users – ILT Sessions
- Courses – Users
- Users – Course Enrollment Time
New option when duplicating channels
For those using channels, when duplicating them, you can now also configure the option to duplicate the source channel visibility settings. In addition, as communicated on September 11, 2023, when using the POST /share/v1/admin/channels/channel_id/duplicate
API to duplicate channels and their content, a new boolean parameter called copy_visibility
is available to manage the porting of the visibility settings of the source channel for the duplicated channel. If the copy_visibility
parameter is set to false, the visibility will be set to “All groups and branches” by default. In addition, the duplicated channel will have the same content and the same experts as the source channel only if the assign_same_content
and the assign_same_experts
parameters are set to true.
Course description displayed on the learning plan page also for enrolled users
For those using the new course page, the learning plan page for enrolled users now shows the description of the courses composing the learning plan when learners click on the down arrow at the right of the course area in the Courses in the learning plan section.
Completion banner for HTML, LTI, and Google Drive training material
For those using the new course page, if an HTML, LTI, or Google Drive training material is set to be marked as complete upon opening and the same training material is the last lesson or the end object marker of the course, the platform will inform the learner about the course completion with a banner on the top of the player instead of opening a new page so that learners can still view the training material they have just opened.
Accessibility fixes for the My profile page
When changing the platform language in the My profile page, Preferences tab, the Save changes with platform reload pop-up that opens to confirm your choice has been improved with an accessible name and a hint for the X button (close).
Changes to the webhooks URLs
As communicated on May 15, 2023, and on July 24, 2023, for those using Docebo Connect, on December 31, 2023, Workato will be deactivating all webhooks where the URL begins with
, instead switching to a URL beginning with either
depending on the hosting region of your platform. Please make sure that all your recipes and Docebo Webhooks are pointing to the new, region dependent, URL. For more information please see the chapter on Migrating the Webhooks URL in the Docebo Connect Knowledge Base article.
Heads up! BlueJeans sunset in 2024
For those using the Docebo for BlueJeans integration, please note that Verizon has announced the service will be retired in 2024. Once the product has been sunset by Verizon, the Docebo for BlueJeans integration will no longer function. For more information please see BlueJeans is Being Sunset on the BlueJeans by Verizon blog (opens in a new tab). Docebo for Bluejeans support will end on July 1, 2024, the integration will reach its end of life on December 31, 2024.
December 4, 2023
Accessibility conformance report updates
We have updated the Docebo accessibility conformance reports after releasing some improvements:
- For those who have NOT activated the new course page: Docebo Learn Accessibility Conformance Report (VPAT) (opens in a new tab)
- For those who have activated the new course page: Docebo Learn Accessibility Conformance Report (VPAT) for the New Course Page
In addition, we have fixed the heading structure of the All results page of the global search. Find out more.
Restriction on external images for certificate templates
As communicated on September 11, 2023, in order to improve the platform security, users will no longer have the possibility to include images from external URL links (embedded in the HTML) in the certificate templates. This restriction will apply to newly created certificate templates as well as existing certificate templates. When downloading certificate templates containing external images, the images will be replaced by placeholders. This restriction does not apply to background images. Learn more about certificates.
Better rendering for HTML content in tests
For those inserting HTML content in the answers of single choice, multiple choice and inline choice test questions, we have fixed some rendering inconsistencies.
Enhanced security measures for GET manage/v1/managers/candidates API
Starting on November 27, 2023, it is no longer possible to use the API endpoint manage/v1/managers/candidates
with the method GET
unless the Automatic notification for team members and the Auto Suggestion in automatic notification options are selected in the platform’s advanced settings for teams and managers. This is a security fix, implemented to ensure greater confidentiality of data.
New behavior for the GET learn/v1/courses/{id}/by_category API
As communicated on September 11, 2023, for those using the GET learn/v1/courses/{id}/by_category
- the
parameter will no longer be available meaning that the returned courses will always be subject to the caller’s visibility - when the ID on an unpublished course is passed, the API will return a 403 error instead of a success message
Heads up! Old Audit Trail functionality will be deprecated at the end of February 2024
Contrary to what was communicated on June 26, 2023, the old Audit Trail app (reachable from the Reports page) will no longer be available starting from the end of February 2024.
The new Audit Trail functionality (found in the Settings section of your Admin Menu) will be the only functionality available and to be used.
- If you have not done so already, we strongly recommend switching to the new Audit Trail starting from now. No action is required from your part to activate it as the new Audit Trail page is already available in the Settings section of your Admin Menu
- If you have built integrations with the old Audit Trail app, you need to migrate these integrations to the new Audit Trail APIs or through Webhooks
- As of January 1st 2023, the new Audit Trail equivalently records the same events tracked by the old Audit Trail. You will find all the events that took place after this date in the new Audit Trail.
- All the events found in the old Audit Trail app will be archived and transferred to a dedicated section of the new Audit Trail. You will be able to access all the events that took place before 2023 from the Archive folder.
November 2023
November 20, 2023
Manager as new recipients of two notifications
Managers are now selectable as recipients of the Digest: Course has expired and the Course has expired notifications. They will receive the notification for the courses in which their team members belonging to the selected branches or groups are enrolled. This improvement addresses an idea with 65 votes (opens in a new tab).
Accessibility improvements and updates
We have improved the accessibility of the My profile area and addressed some minor issues. More details in Docebo Help.
Improved channel widget and navigation
For those using channels, users can now follow channels from the homepage widget regardless of the display mode. Moreover, the channel navigation has been made more accessible through a “Load More” button.
New columns available in the e-commerce transaction export
As communicated on October 23, 2023, for those using the e-commerce app, when you export e-commerce transactions in CSV or XLS format, the exported file now includes 2 additional columns: Total paid to gateway and Currency paid to gateway identifying the transaction amount paid via payment gateway as well as the currency used.
Docebo for Zoom V2 integration end-of-life delay
For those using Docebo for Zoom Version 2, the deprecation of the integration has been delayed to July 17, 2024. The end of support date for the integration remains December 20, 2023.
Changes to GET /learn/v1/instructor/getInstructorData API
As communicated on August 21, 2023, for those using the endpoint GET /learn/v1/instructor/getInstructorData
, the following changes are applied to the behavior of the API call:
- the values passed for the parameters
are now strictly validated, accepting only integer values - the status 1003 error message (Cannot find course with the passed ID) is removed
Go.Learn version 5.11.0 and branded mobile app version 5.11.0 are here!
In this update, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile.
New option available for OpenID Connect Logout Behavior
For those using OpenID Connect, a new logout behavior option is available, allowing you to not send id_token_hint
New languages for translations and voice-overs
You can now translate your Shapes into Bosnian, Czech, Kazakh, Macedonian, Malay, Slovak, Tagalog, Turkish, Ukrainian, and create voice-overs in Chinese (Traditional) English (Australian), English (UK), and Turkish, on top of the already supported languages.
Heads up! Localized Country names returned by the GET /manage/v1/user/search and the GET /manage/v1/user APIs
Starting on February 21, 2024, the Country names set as user additional fields returned by the GET /manage/v1/user/search
and the GET /manage/v1/user
APIs will be localized according to the language of the user using the APIs.
Heads up! Docebo Learning Analytics platform is being sunsetted
As of January 10, 2024, we will be sunsetting the Docebo Learning Analytics platform. This change comes after an assessment of our customers’ needs and is part of a broader plan to give you access to strong analytics capabilities. If you are a Learning Analytics user, please contact Docebo to explore your options.
November 6, 2023
Improved access to team members’ skills overview
For those using skills and My Team, managers can now access their team members’ skills overview pages even if the Skills Dashboard has not been added to the user menu.
Accessing available content for a skill and user via integrated HR platforms
For those using skills and External Talent Management Platforms or HRISs, it is now possible to call a page listing all the available content to be completed by a user for a selected skill.
Retirement of the Docebo recipe action Custom Action (Deprecated)
As communicated on May 15, 2023, for those using Docebo Connect, the Docebo recipe action Custom Action (Deprecated) is removed. Please make sure your recipes are updated using the recipe action Custom Action instead. For more information please see the chapter on Available Recipe Actions in the Docebo Connect Knowledge Base article.
Heads up! urn:scormdriver prefix will be removed for SCORM training material in February 2024
For those using SCORM packages including tests, starting on February 7, 2024, the urn:scormdriver prefix will be removed from several areas of the Course report such as from the beginning of every answer provided in the Attempt details tab, in the Answers breakdown pop-up and in the corresponding exported report.
October 2023
October 23, 2023
Go.Learn Version 5.10.0 and Branded Mobile App Version 5.10.0 are here!
In this update, you can find the following new features and enhancements:
- For those using the branded mobile app, the Reader app mode is available for iOS apps. If your app allows users to access paid content that they purchased outside of Apple’s ecosystem, you need to activate the Reader App mode to be compliant with Apple’s guidelines on e-commerce (paid content) (opens in a new tab) and to be able to publish your app on Apple App Store.
- The slide player on the mobile app has been improved. Performance has been optimized and some bugs on device rotation and slide overlapping have been fixed.
Furthermore, as always, a handful of minor issues have been addressed to give you a better, smoother learning experience on mobile.
APIs for the mobile web app deprecated on October 25, 2023
As communicated on September 25, 2023, all the APIs under the api/webapp
service are deprecated on October 25, 2023.
Please note that the web app of the platform on all mobile browsers on all mobile devices was sunsetted on December 31, 2018.
Changes to Learn Data tables
As communicated on August 21, 2023, for those using Learn Data, starting from the end of this month, some changes to Learn Data tables will apply due to the introduction of DataLake v3. With the introduction of DataLake v3, you will benefit from near-real-time raw data refresh. Moreover, you will be able to get only the delta updates thus saving time and bandwidth.
The list of changes is available on demand.
The catalog_ids parameter is now accepted by the Catalog and the Catalog calendar APIs
The catalog_ids
parameter is now accepted as an alternative to the catalogIds
parameter by the following APIS:
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal/preview
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/public/preview
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/public
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal/calendar
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/public/calendar
Heads up! New columns available in the e-commerce transaction export
For those using the e-commerce app, please note that starting on November 22, 2023, when you export e-commerce transactions in CSV or XLS format, the exported file will include 2 additional columns: Total paid to gateway and Currency paid to gateway identifying the transaction amount paid via payment gateway as well as the currency used.
Heads up! Changes to the GET /manage/v1/multidomain API endpoint
For those using the GET /manage/v1/multidomain
API starting on January 24, 2024 the following changes will be implemented:
- Access to the endpoint will be restricted to Superadmin usage only
- The returned payload will have no visibility over the root branch
- The returned
value will have the trailinglms/
Heads up! Parameters no longer available for the Catalog and the Catalog Calendar APIs
Please note that starting on January 24, 2023, the catalogsIds
and the mobile
parameters will no longer be available in the following APIs:
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal/preview
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/public/preview
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/public
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/internal/calendar
GET /learn/v1/catalog_content/public/calendar
As an alternative to the catalogsIds
parameter, use the catalog_ids
parameter, introduced on October 25, 2023.
Heads up! Channel API labeling aligned
For those using Discover, Coach & Share, starting on January 31, 2024, the labeling of courses and learning plans in channel APIs will be aligned to that of assets. If you are using channel APIs, you will need to align the status_ID
and status_label
parameters for courses and learning plans. The same alignment will also take place for the Go.Learn and the branded mobile app. Please remember to update your app once the improvement is available on January 31.
October 9, 2023
Discontinuation of free bundle imports from Docebo Content Classic
For those using Docebo Content Classic, free course bundles are no longer available. If you have already imported content from the free bundles, it will still be available on your platform.
Docebo Content data in the Usage dashboard
For those using Docebo Content Classic, you can now keep track of active users in the Usage dashboard.
Heads up! New check on date format for the GET ecommerce/v1/transaction API
For those using the GET ecommerce/v1/transaction
API, please note that starting on January 10, 2024, the date_from
and date_to
input parameters will only accept dates with the following format: UTC YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
Heads up! APIs no longer available in January 2024
For those using the following APIs to manage groups, please note that they will no longer be available starting on January 10, 2024:
GET /manage/v1/group/{id_group}
PUT /manage/v1/group/{id}
DELETE /manage/v1/group/{id_group}/members/{id_user}
GET /manage/v1/group/{id_group}/members
GET /manage/v1/group
GET /manage/v1/group/importer_fields
DELETE /manage/v1/group/{id}
POST /manage/v1/group
POST /manage/v1/group/members/batch
DELETE /manage/v1/group/members/batch
POST /manage/v1/group/batch
POST /manage/v1/group/{id_group}/members
GET /manage/v1/group/
GET /manage/v1/group/{id_group}/members/all
A new set of APIs for the management of new groups is available from October 2020.