Disclaimer: Some content in this article outlines how to use functionalities that may not be available on all plans. Get in touch with your account manager (if your plan includes this option) or reach out to Docebo using your platform's Help center if you wish to upgrade your plan.
The Superadmins of your platform can configure and organize the layout of the pages and the menus used both by the desktop and the mobile platform. Depending on your needs, you can keep the desktop menu structure and page layout aligned with the Go.Learn app, or keep different versions.
Use case scenarios
- The menu structure, as well as the structure of the pages composing the menu, is flexible and can be changed at any time. It is a perfect fit for a situation where you need to define some pages dedicated to an event your company is organizing to share the event program, or the directions on how to get to the venue, only for a limited period of time (that is, before and during the event), both for desktop and for mobile. Thanks to this flexibility, a Company using the Extended Enterprise app can design different sets of pages, organized in different menus, one for every domain managed by the platform. When using the White label app in conjunction with the Extended Enterprise app, the set of pages and menus can be branded differently for every domain.
- Create a page for your instructors that will serve as a centralized hub, facilitating efficient navigation and task management. For instance, an informational area using the HTML widget provides easy access to important updates and announcements. Additionally, a tasks list widget displays all instructor tasks, facilitating efficient prioritization and completion. To further enhance the experience, integrate a Calendar widget enabling instructors to view assigned tasks and swiftly access the courses they lead.
Docebo manages three types of pages:
- Built-in pages. These pages are included by default in the platform menu but their layout cannot be edited and they cannot be deleted, nor duplicated. As a Superadmin, you can define whether to show or hide them in menus. The built-in pages available for mobile are: My Courses and Learning Plans, All Channels, Course Catalog, My Channel, My Skills and Questions & Answers (the last three are available only when the Discover, Coach & Share module is active). More information about mobile built-in pages.
- External link pages. These pages are used to open links from external web pages directly within your desktop platform or your Go.Learn mobile app. External Link pages are available both for desktop and mobile.
- Widget pages. These pages are made up of widgets and can be fully configured by Superadmins. Some widgets are available both for desktop and mobile, some for desktop only. In order to view the pages already configured for your desktop and mobile platforms, log in as the Superadmin, then access the Admin Menu from the gear icon in the top right corner of the page, then click on Manage Pages in the Settings section.
This page lists all of the pages configured in your platform, ordered by page type. Remember that every page is available by default both for desktop and for mobile. Each row displays the page icon, code, name and description, whether the page is a Built-In, External Link or Widget page, in how many menus the page is included, and the number of widgets composing the page (for widget pages only).
Since not all the widgets available for desktop are also available for mobile, the Widgets column includes details about the number of widgets used for the desktop and for the mobile page. The last column of the table shows if the page is published or not. When a page is published, it is possible to include it into menus. Remember that pages are displayed only to the users assigned to at least one menu including the page. If a page is not assigned to any menu, no user will have access to it. Customize the table layout by selecting the columns you want to see in the list by clicking on the columns management icon in the top left corner of the table. The table layout is refreshed in real time when columns are selected or unselected from this area.
Manage pages
Click on the page name to see the page details. The page details change depending on the page type, and are mostly not editable for built-in pages. Find out more about widget pages and about external link pages. Click on the ellipsis icon at the end of the row of a page to copy its URL (to share the page with other users), edit, duplicate or delete it. Remember that the Delete and the Duplicate and Edit options are not available for built-in pages, since these pages cannot be managed by users.
Tip: You can embed the URL of a page in a widget, such as the custom content box widget, to redirect users to pages not included in the main menu. Have a look at the Community post on hidden pages for more inspiration (opens in a new tab).
When you delete a page, it will no longer be available in the menus it is associated with. If you delete the page used as the landing page after the login, after logging in, users will receive a 403 error and will not be able to navigate the platform. When you duplicate a page, the platform will create a copy of it, having the same status (published/unpublished), general settings (description, languages, additional page buttons, icon), widgets and related settings, mobile layout and desktop preview. The page name and the page code will be duplicated with the - Copy suffix.
The duplicated page will not be assigned to any menu, so that you can edit it before making it available to users. When the page is ready, remember to associate it with a menu to make it visible. Please note that the duplicated page will be added as the last page in the Manage Pages page, according to the default list sorting order (oldest to newest).
At any time, you can switch to the Manage Menus section by pressing the list button in the top right corner.
In order to view the menus already configured in your platform, login as the Superadmin, then access the Admin Menu from the gear icon in the top right corner of the platform and select the Manage Menus item from the Settings section. Remember that every menu you create is available by default both for desktop and for mobile.
Each row displays the menu name and code, the users enabled to see the menu, the number of pages included both in the desktop and in the mobile menu, whether the menu is the default platform menu, and if it is published or not.
Click on the ellipsis icon at the end of the row of a menu to edit, duplicate or delete the menu. At any time, you can switch to the Manage Pages menu by clicking on the list button in the top right corner.
Configuring the My transcript built-in page
My Transcript is a built-in page that allows users to view and download a detailed report of their learning activities on the platform. For a description of the learner experience, see the article My transcript: access a full record of your trainings.
Although most built-in pages allow only configuration of the page name and description, in the case of My transcript you can also set up an option controlling the type of transcript the learner will see.
Select Admin menu > SETTINGS > Manage pages, locate the row of the My transcript built-in page and from the ellipsis menu select Edit.
Then, in the Transcript focus section, you can set the desired option for the learner’s individual training report:
Training oriented: (default)
Focuses on specific job-related training.
Name, Certificate, and Completion date columns are locked -
Continuous education oriented:
Focuses on continuous education credits
Name, Certificate, Credits (CEUs), and Final score columns are locked
The total CEUs is also shown along the top -
Skill acquisition oriented: (Available only if the Skills app is active)
Highlights the development of skills.
Name, Certificate, and Assigned skills columns are locked.
The chosen option will cause certain columns to be locked when the user views the My transcript page. However users can still remove the other columns or add some not included in their default view.
Configuring pages and widgets via CSS
If you have basic knowledge of CSS, you can customize your desktop platform pages using CSS files. Every platform page (built-in, external link or widget page) is identified by a unique ID in the CSS HTML, automatically assigned by the platform at creation time, with the following format:
The {page_id}
value is a numeric shortcode. Here is a CSS example:
#doc-page-14 .tilegroup-wrapper .tilegroup-head { display:none !important; }
We strongly suggest avoiding long selectors, as they are more likely to cause problems when Docebo operates changes in the platform layout. Most of the built-in pages have a unique ID attribute, listed in the following table:
Built-in page name | Unique page ID |
My courses and learning plans | doc-page-my-courses |
Course catalog | doc-page-catalog |
All channels | doc-page-channels-dashboard |
My channel | doc-page-my-channel |
Questions & answers | doc-page-questions-and-answers |
Subscription plans | doc-page-subscriptions |
My team | doc-page-my-team |
My checklists | doc-page-my-checklists |
My skills | doc-page-channel-{channel_id} |
Skills dashboard | doc-page-my-competencies |
My calendar | doc-page-my-calendar |
My transcript | doc-page-my-transcript |
Similarly, any widget available in widget pages is identified by a unique ID in the CSS HTML, also automatically assigned by the platform when the widget is created, with the following format:
The {widget_id}
value is a numeric shortcode. Thanks to pages and widgets’ unique IDs, you will be able to customize every single page and widget in the platform according to your company requirements. Further information on how to customize the layout of your platform via CSS.
Best practices
Keep the following best practices in mind before creating and managing menus & pages:
- Keep it simple
- Define your priorities
- Remember that scrolling down can break the User Experience
- The elements on the top are more relevant
- Start from your company’s website
- If you have a lot of elements to show, create another page
- Create a different menu/page for target only if it’s necessary
Tips & tricks
The user platform navigation history is both tracked in the platform and in your browser. Though we try to optimize as much as possible your navigation experience via browser, using the browser Back button may sometimes not lead you properly back to where you came from. Should this happen, you can take advantage of the platform navigation bar.
Find out more
Start by creating pages, then organize them into menus and assign them to users. Find more information here:
- Create widget pages. How to create pages from scratch using widgets, or using predefined templates to speed up the creation process.
- Use the right widgets. Refer to the complete list of available widgets, both for mobile and for desktop.
- Create external link pages. How to create pages linking to external web sites.
- Organize pages into menus. How to organize pages in menus, and how to synchronize desktop and mobile menus.
- Learn about mobile pages and menus. Refer to the Q&A on everything you need to know about the transition to mobile pages.
- Manage pages and menus on Go.Learn. Learn more on using and navigating the mobile app menu and on mobile built-in pages.