Disclaimer: Some content in this article outlines how to use functionalities that may not be available on all plans. Get in touch with your account manager (if your plan includes this option) or reach out to Docebo using your platform's Help center if you wish to upgrade your plan.
The widget pages you configure for your desktop platform and for your mobile app are made up of widgets. Learn how to create widget pages in your platform.
This article lists the available widgets for desktop and mobile and explains how to configure them. Please note that some widgets are available for desktop only, widgets available for mobile are identified by a mobile icon in the widget area in the right panel.
To see a preview of how widget pages will be displayed to learners on desktop, use the Preview function in your platform. Remember that the preview function is not available for mobile pages, so we strongly suggest you test your mobile pages before deploying them, by creating a test menu assigned to a test user.
Activity overview
The Activity overview widget shows statistics about the user’s activity, such as the number of courses in which the user is enrolled as well as the number of Completed, In progress and Not started courses. Depending on the widget settings, other types of information may be shown.
Use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide the title. Move to the Items to display section to select the types of data that will be shown in the widget.
Activate the Courses status toggle to show the status of the courses where the user is enrolled as a learner. Even if logged in as a Superadmin or Power User, the user will see data from the learner's point of view. Statistics are graphically displayed with a pie chart collecting data since the user was created in the platform. It is not possible to filter data according to timeframes.
Then, choose whether to show the Total number of user sessions and/or the Total number of user enrollments in the widget. Please remember that this information is shown only if you are logged in as a Superadmin or a Power User. Normal users will not see these statistics, even when this option is enabled. Data is graphically shown in a histogram and can be filtered by timeframes.
If the Discover, Coach & Share module is active in your platform, you will see another option, called Social cctivity. When this option is active, the Activity Overview widget displays an extra section, called Social Activity, showing the number of pending Invite to Watch requests and the number of assets uploaded and published by the user in the last week. Click on the icons to access respectively the New invitation and subscriptions channel page and to the All channels page, pre-filtered in order to show relevant information.
Finally, set the widget height or leave this field empty to let the platform calculate it depending on the widget options you have enabled. If the natural height of the widget content is smaller than the height you have input, the widget will be automatically resized to its minimum height. As an example, when you enable the Course status option, the height of the corresponding object in the widget is 330 pixels, while both the Total number of user sessions and the Total number of user enrollments options display objects being 375 pixels high. The widget minimum height is the sum of the heights of all of the objects composing it.
Please note! As the mobile app is for end users and has no Admin functionalities, only the Courses Status and the Social Activity statistics are displayed on mobile, while the statistics on users sessions and on users enrollments are not available.
This widget is available both for desktop and for mobile.
Activity stream
The Activity stream widget displays the latest platform activities so that the user knows what’s happening in the platform around them and which activities other users or admins performed.
This widget shows the user’s new enrollments in courses, assets, Q&As, and comments that have been published on the platform.
Use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it. When the Show activity from courses and learning plans toggle is enabled, the widget shows a card for every course or learning plan the user is enrolled in. Every card shows the user avatar, the course or learning plan thumbnail, title and language, the user enrollment date and level in the course.
If you want the user to be able to comment on the displayed activities, enable the Allow comments option. The Allow “Ask the expert" button option displays the Ask the expert button so the user can contact the channel expert if needed. This option can be used when Discover, Coach & Share is active in the platform. More info on questions and answers management.
This widget is available both for desktop and for mobile.
The Catalogs widget shows the catalogs accessible to the user, listing all courses and learning plans available for purchase or enrollment.
Use the Title text area to set the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it.
In the Catalogs to display section of the panel, set whether to show all the available catalogs by selecting the All catalogs option, or a Custom selection of catalogs. If you choose the Custom selection option, then define which catalogs the user will see in the widget.
When configuring the catalogs to display, remember that learners will see catalogs they have access to, displaying all courses and learning plans available for purchase or enrollment, logically organized by catalog.
If you are using the Subscriptions app, consider the following use cases:
- If the widget is meant to showcase all available catalogs, select the All catalogs option. This ensures that the widget will display not only the catalogs belonging to the bundles you created but also those that are visible to learners but not included in any bundles. You will get the same result by using the Course catalogs built-in page.
- If the widget is for all learners, choose Custom selection and add all the catalogs included in the bundles you created. Learners will only see the catalogs associated to the subscriptions they have purchased or have been assigned to them, within the catalogs they have visibility on.
- If the widget is intended for a specific audience, choose Custom selection and include a curated selection of catalogs from the bundles you created, tailored to the specific purpose of the page.
Move to the Display mode section. If you choose to display more than one catalog, select whether to display them in Default, Stream or Calendar mode.
Tip: The Calendar display mode displays past, present, and future courses, serving as an ideal means to keep learners informed about upcoming events across all the catalogs they have access to, regardless of whether they are enrolled or not. This enables users to view available courses and learning plans and enroll at their discretion. It is important to note that courses scheduled in the past are retained and not deleted.
If you choose to display only one catalog, you can select whether its content is displayed in Default, Stream, Card, List, or Calendar mode. Default and Stream modes follow the same display view, but the Default option allows the definition of a pre-selection for “Type” and “Price” filters. Card and List display modes do not include the Catalog Title when displayed; in this case, if you wish to display the catalog title, set the name of the widget to include the title or the identifier for the catalog.
Move to the Options section and set whether users are allowed to sort the catalogs in the widget (if the widget displays more than one catalog) or the courses and learning plans in the catalog (if the widget displays only one catalog). If you enable the Show sort by option, also select the default sort option (newest to oldest, oldest to newest, name or code). Please note:
- When you select Default or Stream display mode, the sorting is applied to the catalogs included in the widget and does not apply to the courses and learning plans included in catalogs. If the widget displays a single catalog, the sorting mode is still intended for catalogs and will not sort the courses and learning plans inside the selected catalog. In this scenario, consider using the Card or the List display mode.
- List and Card display modes are available only when the widget displays a single catalog. If you select one of these display modes, the sorting is applied to the courses and the learning plans included in the catalog since there are no catalogs to sort.
When displaying more than one catalog, remember that the default sorting of the courses and the learning plans included in every catalog displayed in the widget is set at catalog level.
The catalog widget includes a search engine allowing users to look for courses and learning plans for a keyword in the course code, title, UID and description. The widget content can be filtered according to different criteria (including the course additional fields) or by course categories. When setting one or more filters, or using course categories as filters, the widget only displays the first page of results for every catalog included in the widget.
Usage tips:
- This widget loads 24 cards per catalog by default. If the catalog includes more than 24 elements, and you selected the List display view, the remaining elements are loaded as the user scrolls the widget content.
- It is recommended to include up to 50 catalogs per widget. If you need to display more than 50 different catalogs to different users, consider creating separate pages with a Catalogs widget for each user segment (showing the catalogs they are allowed to see), and then include these pages in different menus adjusting their visibility on each user segment.
This widget is available both for desktop and mobile, and it is compliant with the platform accessibility standard.
The Channels widget displays the channels assigned to the user and their content.
Use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it.
Use the options in the section Channels to display to identify the channels that will be shown in the widget. By default, the All channels option is selected, meaning that users will see all the channels in the platform to which they have been granted visibility, but it is possible to configure the view to show only the user's personal channel (My Channel option), a custom selection of channels (Custom selection option) or the channels that users are following (Followed channels option).
If you select the Custom selection then choose the channels to include in the widget by typing their name and selecting them from the Channels order dropdown. You can set the sorting order by dragging and dropping channels after selection: the order set in the widget configuration determines how channels are displayed in the widget.
If you choose to display only one channel in the widget, or if you select the My channel option, the Display mode section is available so that you can choose whether channels will be displayed in card or stream mode. Keep the widget size in mind when selecting the display mode.
When the Card display mode is selected, you can enable the Show sort by option in the Options section to allow users to sort the content of the channels in the widget in alphabetical order (A to Z or Z to A) or by date (newest to oldest or vice versa). When you enable this option, remember to select the default sorting mode using the Default sort by dropdown menu.
If you select the options All channels, My channel, Followed channels or Custom selection and select one widget only, the Options section is displayed in the panel with the following options:
- Show filters selector: enables a filter selection area in the widget to filter channels’ content according to different options.
- Show search bar: shows the search bar at the top of the widget, above the channel links, so that users can search for channels’ content in the widget.
Please note: It is not possible to add more than 100 channels in the Channels widget, exceeding this limit may lead to slower response and load times on the page. Additionally, please be aware that the widget can display up to 24 cards per channel.
This widget is available both for desktop and for mobile, and it is compliant with the platform accessibility standard.
Courses and learning plans
This widget lists all of the courses and/or learning plans in which the user is enrolled.
Warning: If you do not insert this widget in the users’ page if the Courses and Learning Plans built-in page is not in the user's main menu, users will not be able to see their courses and/or learning plans upon logging into the platform.
Insert the title of the widget, then choose if you want to show the courses and/or learning plans as a list or as cards. Please remember that the card view is only available when the widget has a one-column or two-column layout.
Select whether to show all the courses and learning plans, courses only or learning plans only. When selecting Courses and learning plans or Courses only, set if you want to remove the courses that are part of a learning plan from the list of elements shown in the widget. Use the dedicated toggle in the Display Mode section for this purpose.
Define now if you want to show the elements in the widget independently from their status, or only if their status is Not started, In progress, or Completed.
If the Show the Enrollment attributes option is enabled in the platform's advanced settings menu, the Attributes section allows you to set the widget to show content with any priority or a specific one. When this option is disabled, the Attribute section is hidden. Content priority helps clarify the importance of content for learners, indicating whether it is mandatory, required, recommended, or optional.
A search engine is also available for the user to search for courses or learning plans within the widget. Enable the Show search bar filter option to display the search bar on top of the widget.
Optionally, you can enable a filter selection tool to filter courses and learning plans, and enable the Show Filters Selector option for this purpose. By enabling the Show sort by option, courses can be sorted by enrollment date (newest to oldest or vice versa), name or code. When this option is enabled, remember to select the default sorting mode in the Default sort by dropdown menu.
There may be many courses and/or learning plans to load in the widget, so remember to set your Courses and learning plans loading preferences in the Display Mode section:
- Show “Load more” button. When this option is selected, the Load more link will be shown in the widget and will display extra results when clicked.
- Show “View all my courses and learning plans” link. When this option is selected, the My courses and learning plans link will be displayed in the widget for the user to access their My courses and learning plans page in the platform.
- Show the first two options together. Select this option to show both the Load more and the My courses and learning plans links in the widget.
- Load items as the user scrolls the page. When this option is selected, courses and/or learning plans will be loaded automatically while the user scrolls the list.
Please note! The options in the Display mode section are not supported on mobile. On the Go.Learn mobile app, the Load More button at the bottom of the widget is the only option that allows you to display extra results.
Finally, decide whether you want to show the course deadline (if set) and if you want to remove from the widget the courses that are part of a learning plan.
This widget is available both for desktop and for mobile, and it is compliant with the platform accessibility standard.
Custom content box
This widget is composed by a background (either filled with a solid color or an image) with three elements laying over it: a content title, a content subtitle and a button (linking to a URL).
Use the Title text field to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it. Then, select whether you want to upload an image or fill the background with a solid color by flagging the corresponding option.
When selecting the Background Image option, upload your image in the Upload Your Image area either by dragging and dropping it or by browsing for it on your device after pressing the Upload icon. When the image is loaded, a preview is displayed in the dedicated area. If you want to replace the existing image, simply upload a different one in the same way.
Please note! If you press the trash icon to delete the current image, this will delete it immediately, even if you cancel or do not save your changes. Also, the image will be deleted from any other places where it was used. For example, if you duplicated a page, so that two pages include the same image, pressing the trash icon on one image will remove it from the other page as well. These images are cached so the deletion is not immediately apparent.
Supported file formats for images are PNG and JPG, and the maximum file size is 4MB.
When selecting the Background Color option, either use the color picker or directly enter the color’s HEX code. The default background color is the platform Accent Text and Links Color, which is defined in the Configure Branding and Look section of your platform’s Theme Settings.
Select whether you want to show the content title and subtitle, type them into the corresponding text fields and select a solid color for the text. Now, define whether to display the button. If the button is displayed, type the text shown on the button, link a URL by typing it in the Destination URL and define whether it will be opened in a new tab/window of your browser, or in the current tab. When setting the URL and opening the URL in the current tab, consider using relative URLs (opens in a new tab), so that users will be able to navigate back from the page they have been redirected to upon clicking on the button, directly from the Custom Content Box widget. When using absolute URLs, navigating back is only allowed via the browser Back button.
Complete the button layout configuration by selecting the button's background and text colors.
The final step is to define the alignment of the text content and button inside the widget. Define the horizontal alignment of the elements, keeping in mind that the selected alignment will impact all three elements.
Set the content vertical alignment to define the vertical disposition of the three elements. Select Top and Bottom to align the elements so that extra space is placed in between the content title/subtitle and the button. When the Middle option is selected, the extra space is distributed evenly above and below the three elements.
As a final step, define the widget's minimum height in pixels. The minimum height will be applied when the widget content is shorter than the minimum height, in order to fill the gap and keep the widget height consistent. Leave this field blank to use the default height.
This widget is available both for desktop and mobile.
Embed video
This widget is used to embed the YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia video players in your widget page. Upon inserting the video URL in the dedicated area, the icon of the platform from which the video player is loaded is colored, while the others will remain greyed out.
Please note the video does not autoplay in the widget. Users will have to start it manually. Video players are displayed in order to fit the available width. Since the original ratio is preserved, the widget height will be resized accordingly. Please note that the original video platform completely manages the player aspect and settings.
Use the Title text field to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it. Copy and paste the Video URL into the dedicated area.
This widget is available both for desktop and mobile.
Enrollment codes
This widget is connected to the Subscription codes app, and allows users to enter their enrollment codes to enroll in courses. Use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it.
Please note! If the Subscription codes app is not active in the platform, then this widget will not be shown in the widget list.
This widget is available for desktop only.
The Gamification widget shows gamification points, coins and badges, leaderboards and contests from the Gamification app. Use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it.
Then, select at least one of the options in the Items to Display section: Badges, Leaderboards and/or Contests. If Badges are shown in the widget, decide whether to Show how many badges have not yet been awarded and the View All option.
This widget is available both for desktop and for mobile.
The HTML/WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) widget allows you to create custom HTML or WYSIWYG content. You should have experience working with this type of content in order to properly configure the widget.
Use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it. Select whether you want to use HTML or WYSIWYG editor and write/paste your code in the dedicated area. You can optionally define the widget height in pixels. Never use HTML to iframe an internal platform page.
This widget is available both for desktop and for mobile. We suggest using the WYSIWYG editor for mobile pages, Docebo cannot grant the widget output when the HTML editor is used.
Best practice: Use a relative link when linking to other pages (/pages/16/dashboard
instead of http://mylms.docebosaas.com/pages/16/dashboard
). This way, it won't matter whether your user is logged in via the custom domain or via the docebosaas
domain when they click the link.
Notes on the HTML/WYSIWYG widget
- The HTML content and the HTML content layout in this widget are under your responsibility. Any issue arising from a not properly configured HTML code, even in the case of migration to new platform/module versions, relies on you, not on Docebo.
- The elements added to the widget are affected by the default CSS of the platform, so be sure to add your own explicit styles and unique classes to make the content look the way you want.
- When using the HTML editor, the preview of your HTML may look different from the output in the widget. Also due to security filters applied when the HTML is saved, some code statements could be removed to prevent the usage of malicious code (f.e. CSS, JS code, etc.).
- It is strongly recommended not to use the HTML/WYSIWYG widget to handle the cookie policy. Refer the the cookie policy section of the knowledge base to learn more about managing the cookie policy in your platform.
The IFrame widget displays content from an external URL. You can simply copy and paste the link of the website that you want to show in the widget.
Insert the title of the widget, the height, and the link of the page that you want to display. To hide the title, leave the Title text box empty. If you do not insert a value in the widget height text box, the system will use the default height for this kind of widget.
Optionally, you can enable the Advanced Settings toggle, with the following consequences:
- An OAuth2.0 authorization code for the current user is issued based on the selected OAuth2.0 client and is sent to the embedded page in parameter auth_code. This can then be traded with an OAuth2.0 access token valid to invoke Docebo APIs with the access level granted to the user currently logged in. Please note that the authorization code is only valid for 30 seconds from issuance, so it must be exchanged quickly with an Access Token.
- A SALT code is sent to the embedded page as a parameter, in order to allow the embedded page to verify the identity of the caller page. This code is sent in a parameter named hash, containing the SHA-256 hash of the comma-separated concatenation of userid, username, OAuth2.0 authorization code, and the value specified in the Salt Secret field.
The embedded page can recalculate the same hash by concatenating the comma-separated parameters user_id, username, auth_code, and the known value specified as Salt Secret (in this order) and then hashing it with the SHA-256 algorithm. If the calculated hash matches the one sent in the parameter hash, then the embedded page has confirmed the identity of the caller page.
After pressing the Add Widget button, the platform performs an HTTP request to the provided URL to make sure that it is correct. Please remember not to use an URL of an internal LMS page.
Please Note! Before embedding an IFrame page, remember to check that the "Content-Security-Policy" and the "x-frame-options" of the site you want to embed are set properly to allow IFrame embedding. There are free tools on the internet to check this value for a specific page or you can just use the browser development tools and check the response header when navigating to the URL of the remote site.
This widget is available for desktop only.
This widget is used to show an image on a widget page. Images can redirect to a destination URL so that when users click on the image, they are redirected to that URL. However, please note that you cannot add an internal URL (a platform page) as the destination URL. Supported file formats for images are PNG and JPG, and the maximum file size is 4MB.
Images are displayed in order to fit the available width. Since the original image ratio is preserved, the widget height will be resized accordingly. Make sure the image width is not smaller than the widget width, or it will be scaled up and might look blurry. Widget widths are 444px for 1/3 row widgets, 680px for 1/2 row widgets, 917px for 2/3 row widgets, and 1390px for full rows.
Use the Title text field to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it. You can translate the title of the widget into multiple languages by clicking the globe icon next to the title field. When translating the widget title in more than one language, note that it is not possible to associate different images to different languages, as the widget can only display one image. Learn more about using the multi-language tool to create multi-language content.
In the Content to display area, upload the image you want to use:
- You can click the upload icon and choose the image file on your device, or directly drag-and-drop the image into the Upload your image field.
- When the image is loaded, a preview of it appears in the area underneath.
If you want to replace the existing image, simply upload a different one in the same way.
Please note! If you press the trash icon to delete the current image, this will delete it immediately, even if you cancel or do not save your changes. Also, the image will be deleted from any other places where it was used. For example, if you duplicated a page, so that two pages include the same image, pressing the trash icon on one image will remove it from the other page as well. These images are cached so the deletion is not immediately apparent.
Additionally, you can enter a Destination URL so that users will be redirected to that URL upon clicking on the image. Finally, use the toggle to define whether the URL will be opened in a new tab/window of the browser, or in the same tab/window.
Please Note! The suggested URL format for Destination URLs should include the entire URL string like “https://domain.com".
This widget is available both for desktop and mobile.
My calendar
The My calendar widget displays a calendar listing all of the courses in which the user is enrolled on a day-to-day basis. The calendar aspect may vary considerably depending on the selected type of view and on the widget size. Use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it.
Then, select the calendar Display view: either Monthly, Weekly, or Agenda. Monthly and Weekly views are classic; you must press the calendar date to view details about the scheduled courses (location, timings, course title, and description). The Agenda view shows your monthly events and their details displayed in a list, which is empty if there are no scheduled events for the month. The colored dot next to the course title identifies the course type (e-learning, ILT).
By enabling the Show display view option, you allow users to change the calendar display view dynamically by showing a dropdown menu listing the available calendar display modes. If this option is not flagged, you will choose the display view for all users, and they cannot change the view.
By activating the Show “View my calendar” link option, you allow users to use the link redirect to their full calendar in the platform. Learn more about the platform’s calendar.
Optionally, you can enable a filter selection tool to filter the courses according to the course type (E-learning and ILT), enable the Show filters selector option for this purpose.
When configuring the widget, enable the Show search bar option to display the search bar on top of the calendar. Then, when viewing the calendar widget, users can use the search engine to search for courses or sessions scheduled for the future or the current day (past events are not included in the search results).
Please note! The events on the My calendar widget may not be adequately rendered if the widget is displayed with the 1/3 - Three columns row layout. We highly suggest configuring the widget in 1/1 - Full Width or in 1/2 - Half-width row layout.
This widget is available both for desktop and mobile. Please note that to activate it for mobile you as the Superadmin need to contact Docebo via the Help Center or through your Account Manager if your plan includes this option.
Notes on the My calendar widget
For ILT courses, the title of the calendar event is the title of the ILT event. If the event has no title, then the calendar displays the session title. If both the event and the session titles are missing, then the course title is shown. The calendar event description follows the same logic.
For e-learning courses, as there are no events and sessions, the calendar event always displays the course title and description.
This widget displays a list of statistics related to users and courses. The widget layout changes depending on the type of user currently logged into the platform:
- For All Users: Shows the best answers and the best scores in classroom and E-Learning courses. If Discover, Coach & Share is active on your platform, it all shows the user's answers that are marked as Best Answer as well as the user's best score in an E-Learning and Classroom course.
- For Superadmins: Shows the user's recent activities in courses. If Discover, Coach & Share is active in your platform, it also shows the assets uploaded into Discover, Coach & Share, and questions asked during the current day and the last seven days.
- For Power Users: Shows the users recently active in courses and the managed courses and users. If Discover, Coach & Share is active in your platform, it also shows the assets uploaded into Discover, Coach & Share and questions asked during the current day and the last seven days. Please note that the count of the users recently active in courses is disabled by default. Refer to the API Explorer documentation for further details on how to activate this count.
- For Experts: Shows the answered questions and reviewed and approved assets. If a user is both an Expert and a Power User, then they will see both Expert and Power User KPIs. If Discover, Coach & Share is active in your platform, it also shows answers as well as reviewed or approved assets.
Use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it. Then, flag which type of information you want to show in the widget, depending on the user type.
Finally, set the widget height or leave this field empty to use the default height. When the natural height of the widget content is smaller than the selected height, the widget will be forced to resize to the selected value.
This widget is available for desktop only.
My profile
Please note that the only difference between the My Profile widget on desktop and on mobile is that when you switch on the Show “My Activities” link toggle during the configuration of the widget’s option, the My Activities link is available only for desktop because this page isn't available in the Go.Learn mobile app. Begin by inserting the title of the widget or leaving it blank to hide the title.
Then, choose what information you want to show in the box: the user’s profile picture, email address, the My Activities link (if you select this option, users will be redirected to the user’s personal summary page) and the My Profile link.
Please note: Profile pictures accept .jpg and .png file extensions. Ensure that file extensions are lowercase to fit this format requirement or your images may not upload properly.
If you have previously created user additional fields, you can insert them into the widget by adding the names of the fields in the corresponding text box.
Finally, set the widget height or leave this field empty to use the default height. When the natural height of the widget content is smaller than the selected height, the widget will be forced to resize to the selected value.
This widget is available both for desktop and mobile.
My transactions
This widget shows all of the purchases made by the user by means of the E-Commerce App within the platform. Purchases are shown as a list of transactions. The number of details shown in this widget depends on the widget size (1/3, 1/2, 2/3 or 1/1 column). When the user clicks on the menu icon at the end of the transaction row, they will be able to see the transaction details in a dedicated panel.
This widget has no configuration except for its title; its layout is not editable, so use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide the title.
This widget is available for desktop only.
Questions & answers
The Questions & Answers widget shows the questions and answers from the Discover, Coach & Share module related to e-learning courses and assets, meaning that this widget can be used only when the Discover, Coach & Share module is active in the platform. This widget allows users to answer questions, the question owner to identify an answer as the Best Answer, and other users to like or dislike answers.
Use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it. Optionally, you can enable the Show filters selector option to allow users to filter the questions displayed in the widget.
A search engine is also available for the user to search for questions and answers within the widget. Enable the Show search bar filter option to display the search bar on top of the widget.
By enabling the Show sort by option, questions can be sorted by date (from old to new, or from new to old) to ease the search. When this option is enabled, remember to select the default sorting mode in the Default sort by dropdown menu.
Flag whether you want to show the View All link in the widget, to show all the available questions and answers divided into pages. The number of questions and answers loaded on each page is defined in the Max displayable Q&A per page parameter. The minimum number of displayable Q&A per load is 1, the maximum is 10.
Define then whether to Show “Load more” link by enabling or disabling the checkbox. When this option is disabled, the three checkboxes of the Options section are automatically disabled.
Finally, when creating a Q&A widget you have an additional configuration which is Filter by Channel - select channels so that users will see only the questions and answers of those specific channels as well as ask questions directly from the specific channel widget. This allows you to create highly customized Question and Answers widgets and pages.
Please Note! If you do not select any channel when creating and configuring the widget, the default choice is All Channels.
This widget has an infinite scroll, so it should be placed in the bottom row of the page, with no widget below it since what is placed below an infinite scroll widget may not be visible to the users.
Please Note! In order to enhance the social experience for your users we suggest:
- Activating this widget if the course is available in a channel
- Activating the New Question to Expert and New answer for a question notifications, otherwise the user or expert needs to login to the course to check the updates
This widget is available both for desktop and for mobile.
Share content
The Share Content widget provides users with quick access to sharing functionalities. From here, users can upload and share new content as well as view the history of their previously uploaded assets. This widget can be used only when the Discover, Coach & Share module is active in the platform.
Use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it. Move to the Sharing options section to select the types of content that users will be able to upload and share using the widget:
- Share a link. Allow your users to share URLs, videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, and other content via a link.
- Share a file. Allow your users to upload documents, videos, audio, and other files directly from their devices and to share them.
Google Drive. Allow your users to share files directly from their Google Drive.
(Available only if the Google Drive app is installed and configured on the platform) - Record your screen. Allow your users to record their screen and share the recording.
In the Content history section, select Enable shared content history to display the user’s previously uploaded assets in the widget. Note that this history will show only the content uploaded by that user, and not the content uploaded by other users.
This widget is available for desktop only.
Task list
The Task List widget shows the tasks assigned to the user.
Please Note! The task list only shows data relating to courses up to 90 days in the future
The widget layout and purpose change depending on the type of user currently logged into the platform:
- Learner. Shows the upcoming ILT sessions in which the user is enrolled, the assignments waiting for evaluation, deadlines, the In Progress and Not Started courses and learning plans (excluding the courses in which the user is on the waiting list), the checklists requiring to be filled out and the certifications to renew. If the Upcoming Deadlines option is set in the Learners Only section, users will be able to see the list of courses whose deadline is within the next 90 days. However, if they click the View All button, all courses will be shown regardless of the deadline.
- Instructor. Shows the upcoming ILT sessions in which the user is enrolled, tests and assignments waiting for evaluation.
- Expert. Shows the assets to review and the questions without the best answer.
- Admin/Power User. Shows pending users and transactions, reward requests, course enrollment approval requests, assignments to evaluate, and overdue courses. Superadmins and Power Users can perform actions (such as approving or rejecting a user request or sending emails) from this widget.
Use the Title text area to define the widget title, or leave it blank to hide it. Then, select which type of information you want to show in the widget, depending on the user type.
Finally, set the widget height or leave this field empty to use the default height. When the natural height of the widget content is smaller than the selected height, the widget will be forced to resize to the selected value.
This widget is available both for desktop and mobile. Please note that on the mobile app, which is designed for end-users (learners) and has no admin functionality, the Task List widget only shows tasks assigned to learners (and not to Superadmins or other user levels or roles). All types of learners’ tasks are supported on mobile, except for the certifications to renew, which are not available at this time.
Tips & tricks
When designing your desktop and mobile pages, keep in mind that all the compatible widgets will be displayed in a single column on the mobile app. If the rendering is not what you expected, because, for example, the same image is resized differently on desktop and on mobile, you may want to create a new page just for mobile (see how to duplicate pages), with a different widget layout and then assign the new page to the mobile version of the menu.