As a Superadmin, you can configure the items composing the user main menu both for your desktop platform and for the mobile app, thus determining which areas of the platform are accessible for your users. You can create multiple menus, then assign them to groups, branches of your company org chart, or user levels, depending on your needs.
Every menu you create is automatically available both for desktop and for mobile, but you can set up different menu structures if needed. You can create up to 1,000 pages and 200 menus, including built-in pages and the default menu.
Managing Menus
As a Superadmin, you can manage menus for desktop and mobile by accessing the Admin Menu from the gear icon in the top right corner of the platform and selecting Manage Menus from the Settings section. The Manage Menus page lists all of the menus already configured in your platform. For each menu, the list displays name and code, to whom it is visible, the number of pages composing the desktop and the mobile menu, whether it is the platform default menu, and whether the menu is published or not. The default menu is both for desktop and mobile, you cannot have different default menus.
Customize the table layout by selecting the columns you want to see in the list by clicking on the columns management icon in the top left corner of the table. The table layout is refreshed in real time, when columns are selected or unselected from this area. Since pages and menus are so closely intertwined, you can switch to the Manage Pages menu at any time by clicking on the list button in the top right corner.
Creating New Menus
In order to create a new menu both for desktop and for mobile, press the plus button in the page’s top right corner, insert the Code and Menu Name in the slideout panel, then select Create and Edit to add it to the menu list. You will then be redirected to the Menu Settings page. You can also return to the main list of menus, where your new menu will be shown as the last one in the list. Press the ellipsis icon at the end of the menu row, then press Edit to configure it.
New menus are created as unpublished by default but you can change their publication status using the publishing bar at the bottom of the menu configuration area. Please note that once you change a menu from Published to Unpublished, users will not be able to access that menu, even if they have visibility permissions. If this happens, users will see the first menu in the list that they are eligible to view. The Code and Menu Name fields defined at the creation stage are shown in the Menu Details tab and can be edited at any time. Move to the Visibility section to configure to whom the menu will be visible. Enable the Custom Selection toggle, then select the groups, branches and user levels that will be able to see the menu. Please note that newly created menus are visible to all groups, branches and levels. Groups and Branches are an or function, meaning a user in the selected group or branch will be granted visibility.
User-level is an and function, meaning that a user must be in the selected group or branch and be the selected user level. If no level is specified then it is ignored altogether as a visibility requirement. Selected groups, branches and profiles (enabled when Power Users is selected as a level) will populate with provisioned groups, branches and power user profiles. As an example, if the menu visibility is assigned to Group A, Branch B and Superadmins, users belonging either to Group A or Branch B will have visibility on the menu (they don’t need to belong to both), only if they are Superadmins. Level is a mandatory condition that must be satisfied. When finished, press Save Changes to go back to the menus list. The menu visibility settings are shown in the Visible to column. You are now ready to add pages to the menu.
Adding Pages to Desktop Menus
To add pages to a desktop menu, either click the icon in the Menu Items column or select Edit from the ellipsis icon's dropdown menu in your menu’s row, then move to the Desktop Main Menu tab on the Settings page. The Available Pages for Desktop panel lists the pages already configured in your platform. Select the pages you want to add to the menu by checking the checkboxes next to their name, then click the Add Pages button. The menu preview in the page’s right panel will then refresh.
If you add an unpublished page to the menu, it will not be visible to users until you publish it. Also note that you can not add any Admin-related pages into menus, such as Course Management or Catalog management pages, app settings pages, etc.
You can organize the order of the pages in the menu by dragging and dropping the pages’ rows in the menu structure. In order to remove a page from the menu, click on the ellipsis icon at the end of the row and select Remove.
When organizing the structure of your menu, remember that the first page in the list is the platform homepage, where users land after signing in. If you delete the landing page in the Manage Pages menu, after login, users will receive a 403 error and will not be able to navigate the platform.
External Link pages cannot be homepages, so if an external page is on top of the list, the user will land on the first available built-in or widget page in the menu. If the menu is made up of External Link pages only, then the user will land on the My Courses and Learning Plans built-in page. When finished, press the Save Changes button to go back to the Manage Menus page. The Menu Items column shows the number of pages linked to the menu. To publish the menu and make it visible to users, use the publishing bar at the bottom of the menu page, or press the corresponding checkmark icon in the Published column on the Manage Menus page.
While you cannot publish an empty menu at creation time, you can still publish a menu after having deleted all of the pages associated with it, but we strongly suggest you avoid that.
Adding Pages to Mobile Menus
To add pages to a mobile menu, either access the menu in which you are interested in by selecting the corresponding row or click the icon in the Mobile Menu Items column, then move to the Mobile App Main Menu tab on the menu page. For each of your menus, there will be a desktop version and a mobile version. These will be identical and synchronized until you manually customize the mobile one. In order to customize your mobile menu, making it different from your desktop menu, enable the Customize Mobile App Menu toggle and start building the mobile version of your menu.
The Available Pages for Mobile panel lists the widget pages configured in your platform including at least one widget available for mobile, the following built-in pages: My Courses and Learning Plans, All Channels, My Channel, Course Catalog, and External Link pages. Select the pages you want to add to the menu by checking the checkbox close to their name, then click the Add Pages button. The menu preview in the page’s right panel will then refresh.
Notes on Visibility: If you add an unpublished page to the menu, it will not be visible to users until you publish it. If a page is not in the mobile menu in use, users will not have the right to access it (i.e. when redirected there from another page) even if they have visibility on it.
You can organize the order of the pages in the menu by dragging and dropping the pages’ rows in the menu structure. In order to remove a page from the menu, click on the ellipsis icon at the end of the row and select Remove. When organizing the structure of your menu, remember that the first page in the list is the mobile homepage, where users land after signing in.
If you delete the landing page in the Manage Pages menu, after login, users will receive a 403 error and will not be able to navigate the platform.
When finished, press the Save Changes button to go back to the Manage Menus page. The Menu Items column shows the number of pages linked to the menu. To publish the menu and make it visible to users, use the publishing bar at the bottom of the menu page, or press the corresponding checkmark icon in the Published column on the Manage Menus page.
While you cannot publish an empty menu at creation time, you can still publish a menu after having deleted all of the pages associated with it, but we strongly suggest you avoid that, as it would prevent users from performing any actions on their mobile app.
At any time, you can re-synchronize the mobile menu with the desktop menu by disabling the Customize Mobile App Menu toggle. Disabling this option will overwrite the mobile app menu with the desktop menu structure, and your configuration will be lost.
Duplicating Menus
In order to duplicate a menu, click the ellipsis icon at the end of the row of the menu you want to duplicate and select Duplicate and Edit. The platform will create a copy of it, having the same visibility and the same desktop and mobile pages. The menu name and the menu code will be duplicated with the – Copy suffix. A duplicated menu is always copied as unpublished, so that you can edit it before making it available to users. Remember to publish the menu to make it available to users. Please note that the duplicated menu will be added as the last menu in the Manage Menus page, according to the default list sorting order (oldest to newest).
Deleting Menus
In order to delete a menu, click the ellipsis icon at the end of the row of the menu and select Delete. When you delete a menu, it is no longer visible to users, and the pages associated with it will not be deleted.
Menu Priorities
If a user is eligible to see more than one menu (depending on the Visibility configuration of each menu), they will see the first published menu available in the menu list shown in the Manage Menus page. To order menus and define priorities, hover your mouse over the menu’s row on the far left until the cross icon appears, then drag and drop the menu in the list. Priorities are sorted from first to last (top to bottom) according to the order of the list on this page. If a user is not eligible to see any of the existing menus, they will see the Default Menu, even if it has not been published yet. Only one default menu is allowed in the platform. To define a menu as the default menu, find the menu in the list, then press the star icon in the Default column.