As a manager, you can monitor the activity of your team members directly in your platform by managing parts of their learning experience or contacting them to investigate certain situations.
Depending on the platform settings, you may be able to build your team by sending requests to users to confirm you as their manager. Users will be added to your team only when they accept your request for the association.
The My team page
If you are managing at least one user in the platform, open the main menu from the top left corner of your platform and click on My team to access the My team page that you can use to monitor and manage your team.
The My team page is made up of the following tabs:
- Team members. The Team members tab offers an overview of your team.
- Skills overview. The Skills overview tab lists the skills available in your team and provides an overview of the available content, levels, and improvements. If no user in your team has selected at least one skill, this tab will not appear. Learn more about the skills in your team.
- Checklists. The Checklists tab lists the checklists relating to your team members, learn more on how to manage checklists as a manager.
- Reports. Use the Reports tab to download reports about courses, users, learning plans, certifications and sessions involving your team members (find out more on the Reports tab).
Please note: The Skills overview tab is visible only if the My skills channel or any other AI-based channel is published and the Enable skills overview and skills dashboard option is activated in the Advanced settings menu of the platform. Contact your administrator for further details.
This article concentrates on the Team members tab.
My team page: team members
The Team members tab offers an overview of your team, where every user is identified by a card showing details about their job and activities.
The Team members tab shows only active platform users, independently of their status, but you can filter users in order to see only those with specific working association statuses and use the search bar to look for specific users.
Each card shows the user’s avatar, first and last name, job, and associated skills. The user’s job and associated skills will only be visible if the My skills channel or any other AI-based channel is published and:
- The user has previously selected them in the My skills section of My profile or in their Skills dashboard, if your Superadmin has activated it.
- They are filled in with data from an external talent management platform or human resources information system.
Otherwise, the corresponding field below the user’s name will be empty (displaying a dash).
Besides personal data, every card shows the following details:
- Expired certifications. Certifications that have expired. This KPI is shown in the card only when the Certifications & Retraining App is active on the platform. Click on this field to access the team member’s certifications page.
- Overdue courses. Courses where the user’s enrollment date has expired with either a soft or a hard due date. Click on this field to access the team member’s User summary.
- Suggested skills. The number of skills you have suggested to the team member, still not accepted (only visible if the user’s skills have been set).
- If the user is in turn the manager of another team, you will be able to see their team members too, by clicking on View team.
Click either the Expired certifications or the Overdue courses item in the card of your team members to view the corresponding areas in their User personal summary.
Click on the number of skills in the user card to access the skill overview page for the selected user. Learn more about this page in the Users’ skills overview page chapter of this article.
Please note: you will see the number of skills in the user card and will be able to access the skills overview page only if the My skills channel or any other AI-based channel is published and the Enable skills overview and skills dashboard option is activated in the Advanced settings menu of the platform. Contact your administrator for further details.
If a team member is in turn also managing a team in your same hierarchy tree, the View team link will be displayed on the card. Click this link to see the users included in the team of the selected team member.
Click on the ellipsis menu in the user card to:
Send email. use this option to contact the user via email. A slideout panel will open with the user’s email address automatically filled in. Type the email subject (this field is mandatory), then add your message into the corresponding text field and press Send email to complete the action.
Please note:
- The Send email option is not available when there is no email address associated with the user and that the email address of the recipient cannot be modified.
- In order for emails to be sent properly, the platform email sender must be configured correctly by a Superadmin as described in the article Domain management: Configuring email domains.
- Enroll to courses / Enroll to learning plans. You may see these options for your team members and for the people reporting to them, depending on your Administrator’s configuration. Use them to enroll your team members to courses or learning plans for which you have visibility. Make your selection and click Next to see the additional information defined for the selected courses and learning plans (if any) and a recap of the courses into which you are enrolling your team member. Depending on your Administrator’s configuration, you might be able to set an enrollment deadline for e-learning courses. You cannot enroll users to courses and learning plans if they are already enrolled to them, if courses and learning plans are full or on sale, before and after the enrollment period, and if only Superadmins have enrollment permissions. Also note that you can enroll the team member in ILT and VILT courses, but you cannot select specific sessions for the enrollment.
- Remove from team. Use this option to remove the user from your team. When a user is removed, you will no longer see their card in the My team page, and you will have to send a new request to users to place them back in your team.
- User summary report. Use this option to access the main page of the User summary of the selected team member, in view mode.
Other than showing user details, cards also help you in understanding whether a user’s status in the platform needs your attention with colored alerts and warning messages. Alerts are based on KPIs values:
- Take a look. This alert identifies users with at least one warning between courses with expired enrollment or expired certifications.
- Looks good. This message identifies users with a good status.
- No data available. This message is shown when the user has no available data to show, perhaps because the user is new and no data has been recorded yet.
- New. This message identifies users who have been added to the team within the last 15 days.
Users’ skills overview page
While in the Team members tab, click on the number of skills in the user card to access the skills overview page for the selected user. You can also access the skills overview page of the users reporting to your team members, always by clicking on the number of skills in their card.
Please note: You can access your users’ skills overview page from their cards only if the My skills channel or any other AI-based channel is published and the Enable skills overview and skills dashboard option is activated in the Advanced settings menu of the platform. Contact your administrator for further details.
This page is divided into several areas. Click on Customize dashboard in the top right corner of the page to enable or disable the visibility of the widgets in the dashboard and to sort them. Please note that the Skills widget is mandatory and cannot be hidden.
This area shows the skills already associated to the user. The skills with a target level will be displayed at the top of the list.
Click on Suggest skills to recommend other skills to the user. Select them from the right panel and click on Suggest. The newly suggested skills will appear in the list only after the user has accepted your suggestion.
Click on the ellipsis icon at the end of a skill’s row and select View details to enter the skill detail page. Here you can see graphs with the skill improvement over time, the completed content related to the skill, the time spent in courses, the latest updates, and the suggested content. By clicking on Suggest, you can suggest content related to that particular skill.
On the skills overview page, click on the ellipsis icon at the end of a skill’s row and select Suggest current level to suggest that the user update their level for the skill. Select a level different from the one set by the user and confirm the action by clicking on Suggest.
You can also suggest setting a target level or updating it by selecting the Suggest target level option in the ellipsis menu. Select a level higher than the one set by the user and confirm the action by clicking on Suggest. Note that the user can have a maximum of 10 skills with a target level, so you cannot suggest setting a target level for other skills if the user has already set 10 targets.
Users will see all your suggestions in their Skills Dashboard and you will also see your level update suggestions beneath the related skill. Depending on your platform configuration, users may receive a notification on your updates.
Suggested content
From this area, you can suggest courses and assets to the user. Please note that when you suggest a course where the user is not enrolled, they will be automatically enrolled.
Click on Suggest and select the content you wish to recommend from the right panel that will open. Content is divided into two tabs: courses and assets. Depending on your Administrator’s configuration, you may see in the courses list all the free courses you have visibility on, only the courses belonging to certain catalogs, or only the courses in which the user is already enrolled.
Users will see their suggested content in their Skills dashboard. Depending on your platform configuration, users may receive a notification on your updates.
Skill targets
If the user has selected a target level for at least 3 skills, you will see a diagram comparing their current level and target level in those skills, giving a visual overview of the areas that need improvement.
Completed suggested content
The diagram of this section shows data about the content associated with the skills you have suggested to the user, that the user actually completed over the last 12 months.
Content is divided into formal content (courses) and informal content (assets).
Available content for the selected skills
The diagram of this section shows data about the content you have suggested to the user, that they still have to complete. Content is divided into formal content (courses) and informal content (assets).
Performing operations on a selection of users
You may need to perform the same action for more than one user. To do so, select users by clicking on the top area of their cards, then choose an action from the Choose action dropdown menu in the footer of your platform. From this menu, you can send an email to the users, enroll them to courses and/or learning plans, remove them from your team, or export the selected team members’ data via CSV.
You can perform these massive actions both for your direct team members and for their team members, in turn. Please note that you can only enroll users belonging to the teams of your team members with mass actions, whereas you are not allowed to do so through individual enrollments.
In case of errors while enrolling multiple users to content, a warning message will be shown at the bottom of the My Team page, with a link to the enrollment log file. Click on the View logs link, a right panel will open listing the enrollment ended with errors.
Managers that are not Superadmins or Power Users can only select up to 100 users at a time. When they use the Select all option, if the selected users are more than 100, the Remove and the Send email options will be greyed out.
When selecting the option to Export team member data as CSV, a slideout panel will open. Select the field separator, then flag whether you want to include the names of the columns in the first row of the file. Then select the team member fields you wish to include in the file. Please note that the username field is always included in the list. When you’re ready, press the Confirm button. A download of your file will automatically begin.
Creating your team
Depending on how your administrator has configured your platform, you may have the ability to use the My team page to build your team. If you have permission to do so, a plus button will be visible in the top right corner of the page. Further information on how to configure permissions as a Superadmin or Power User.
To add members to your team, press the plus button. In the slideout panel, insert the email address of the team member you would like to add to your team, then select the type of association you would like to create with them. Press Add team members to complete the action. The user will then be asked to confirm your request for association upon their next login to the platform. Please note that the team member must have a valid email address associated with their account in order to be added to a team.
After your request has been sent, the association status will be Pending until the user either confirms or refuses the request. When the user confirms your association, the user’s card will then be shown in the My team page. If the user refuses your request, the user’s card will no longer be visible. Please note that if a user confirms a request for association from another manager that has the same manager type as you after confirming your association, your association will be terminated.
In order to monitor the status of your requests, you may receive notifications confirming that team members have accepted your request, or to inform you that a Superadmin or Power User is asking you to check the status of your team members because your association request is in pending status.
Tips & tricks
You can enroll a user to up to 10 learning plans and up to 50 courses at a time. When enrolling a user in learning plans, the number of courses included in the learning plan does not affect the counting on the number of courses. If, for example, you are enrolling the user to 7 learning plans, each one made up of 50 courses, the user will be enrolled in 350 courses. A background job will be started if the number of selected users multiplied by the number of courses exceeds 100 enrollments.