The My Team functionality helps managers get an at-a-glance view of their team’s activities, such as items that are due, courses that need to be completed, and potential learning content that may be beneficial for their team members. My Team is a core functionality of your platform, available to all customers. As a Superadmin or Power User (with granted permissions), you can use the My Team functionality to:
- Create and manage manager types. Your platform allows you to configure different types of managers depending on the structure of your company. As an example, your company organizational chart may be structured so that a user (User A) reports to a direct manager (Manager A), who reports to another manager in turn (Manager B). In this example, User A is directly managed by Manager A, and Manager B is a second-level manager of the user.
- Associate users to managers. When you associate a user to a manager, you define a working relationship, and you build the manager’s team. Each user can be associated with more than one manager type, according to your company’s hierarchy tree.
- Allow managers to create their own associations. You may want to give managers permission to create their own teams by sending association requests to users.
- Manage team requests. You can check the status of user-manager associations, and take action if needed.
- Remove associations. When needed, you can un-associate a user from a manager.
- Manage privacy issues and enrollment rules. You can configure privacy settings for your users in order not to show their names in searches. You may also allow managers to enroll users to courses and learning plans.
Creating and Managing Manager Types
The first step in properly defining a manager-user working association in your platform is to configure the types of managers working in your company. A manager is a user (any level of user in your platform) with assigned team members.
Once you have created the manager types in your platform, you can then assign managers to them. Please refer to the Creating A Manager chapter of the article on managing users for further information on how to assign users to a manager type in the User Management area of your platform after you have created your manager types.
Please note that if you do not change this association, then all the managers defined in the platform will be associated with the same manager type, as well as the team members.
In order to configure manager types in the platform, login as the Superadmin, access the Admin Menu from the gear icon in the top right corner, then press the Users item from the E-Learning section. On the next page, press the Manage Teams and Managers item in the top right corner and select Manage Managers Type from the items that appear below. The Manage Managers Type page lists all of the existing manager types already defined in the platform.
When accessing this page for the first time, the list will be populated with the mandatory manager type only. The mandatory manager is always active in the platform and cannot be deleted or deactivated. Press the plus button in the top right corner of the page to add a new type of manager. Insert the Manager Type name, and optionally add a description. Press Create to complete your action.
Please Note! You can set up to ten Manager Types.
The manager status can be activated and deactivated from the Manage Managers Type page. Use the checkmark in the Active column for this purpose. Switch the checkbox from unchecked to checked (grey to green) to activate the status, or from checked to unchecked (green to grey) to deactivate it.
When the status of the manager type is deactivated, its organizational chart is hidden in the platform, but the associations are kept in the database. Press the ellipsis icon at the end of the manager type row to edit the details or delete it.
Please Note! A manager type cannot be deleted if it has a manager assigned to it, and that manager currently has team members associated to them. In this case, the Delete option will not be available. You must delete all of the associations before deleting the manager type.
Associating Users to Managers
As a Superadmin or a Power User, you can create associations between users and managers when editing a user profile in your platform. Select Users from the E-Learning section of the Admin Menu. From the All Users page, find the user in the list, press the ellipsis icon that appears when you hover your mouse over the user’s row, then select Edit from the dropdown menu.
Press Next at the bottom of the slideout panel until you reach the Team Members page. On this page, complete the fields in the Manager Information area to define the managers associated with the user. Remember that you can associate only one manager type per user, as an example, the same user cannot have two direct managers. When finished, press Update.
Please Note! A manager can also manage a team in which one of their team members is a manager of a team. The top manager in the hierarchy can view their team members and also the team members of the manager/team member, as long as they have the same manager type. As an example, a direct manager can see the users that one of their team members manages as direct manager, whereas a functional coordinator can see the users that one of their team members manages as functional coordinator.
Alternatively, you can define the managers of users in bulk by uploading CSV files in the User Management area of your platform. Please note: When creating associations manually and via CSV uploads, users must already exist in the platform before defining the association.
When editing a profile of a user that is defined as another user’s manager, you will see a list of all of the team members assigned to the user underneath the This user manages a team toggle on the Team Members page of the slideout panel. You can manually remove the association between a team member and a manager by pressing the X icon next to the username on this list.
Identifying Users as Managers and Associating Team Members via CSV Import
Once the manager type has been created, you can identify a user as a manager and associate users as team members via the CSV import process. Follow the steps laid out in the article on importing and managing users via CSV, making sure to identify any user as a manager using the Is Manager field.
Some rules:
- The user identified as a manager must be inserted in a CSV row prior to the rows of any team member because managers are created in the platform before any team member (these records are created in the platform one row at a time through the CSV file).
- When associating a user with a manager, the manager's username attribute must be used to identify the user who is the manager. You can map any user who is a manager to any of the provisioned manager types, but the user must first be identified as a manager.
- If you set a user (UserA) to be a team member of a user who is not a manager (UserB), then that user (UserB) is turned into a manager and the first user (UserA) becomes a member of their team.
Enabling Managers to Build their Teams
As a Superadmin, you can give managers the possibility to build their teams in the platform by sending requests to the users who are their team members, asking said users to confirm their managers. In order to enable this option, access the Admin Menu and press the Advanced Settings item in the Settings area. Reach the Teams and Managers tab, then enable the Team Composition for Managers option.
Managers can build and manage their teams from the My Team built-in page of the platform, so you must add this to the managers’ main menu in order for them to quickly and easily access that page. This page lists all of the team members assigned to the manager and provides information about them. The My Team page is visible only to people with at least one team member, otherwise, it is hidden.
When the Team Composition for Managers option is enabled, managers will see a plus button in the top right corner of My Team page, allowing them to send team requests to their team members. In order to learn how managers can build their teams and handle requests from this page, refer to the Manager User Guide.
Managing Team Requests
As a Superadmin or Power User with granted permission, You can check the status of user-manager associations from the Manage Team Requests page of the platform. From the All Users page, press the Manage Teams and Managers item in the top right corner, then select the Manage Team Request button that appears below. The Manage Team Request page lists all of the imported (associations imported with a CSV file), confirmed, pending, or not confirmed user-manager associations in the platform.
Besides the username and the role, the list shows the name and the type of manager linked to the user. If the user is associated with more than one manager, they will be listed several times, with a row for every association.
The Notification Date column shows the date when the status (Imported, Confirmed, Pending, or Not Confirmed) was changed the last time, and it is thus linked to the Status column that can have one of the following values:
- Confirmed. The association has been manually inserted by a Superadmin or a Power User, or the user has confirmed the association with their manager.
- Imported. The association has been configured by an imported CSV file.
- Not Confirmed. The user has not confirmed the association with their manager. Please note that if a user does not confirm an association with one manager (Manager A), and accepts a request from another manager afterward (Manager B), then the first Not Confirmed request (with Manager A) will be deleted from the list, and you will see only the new Confirmed association (with Manager B) in the list.
- Pending. The request has been sent, but the user has not responded yet.
From this page, you can manage requests individually or in bulk. In order to manage a single request, find it in the list, and press the ellipsis icon at the end of the request row that appears when you hover your mouse over it. Then, select one of the following options:
- Force Confirmation. Use this option to force the confirmation of an association. This option is available when the association status is either Not Confirmed or Pending.
- Resend Request to Team Member. Use this option to force the resend of the request for association confirmation. This option is available when the association status is Confirmed, Imported, or Not Confirmed.
- Send Notification to Manager. Use this option to send a notification to the manager when the request is in Pending status, to inform the manager that the user has not accepted the request yet. The notification will be sent only if the Admin asks you to check your team notification is active in the platform. Learn more about notifications.
- Remove Association. Use this option to permanently remove an association from the list. This option is available for all types of statuses. Please refer to the following section of this article for further information.
If you want to complete the same action for multiple users, select them by checking the checkbox next to the usernames in the list, press Choose Action in the bottom right corner of the page, then select the desired option from the dropdown menu. The options listed here are the same as the ones available when managing single associations.
Please note! Some options may not be available , depending on the status of the selected requests. Docebo suggests selecting requests with the same status to take advantage of the same options described for requests managed individually.
Additionally, you can export the list in CSV format. When exporting users, a slideout panel will open. Select the field separator, then select whether you want to include the names of the columns in the first row of the file. Below, select which user fields you want to include in the file. Please note that the username field is always included in the list. When ready, press Confirm. A download of your file will automatically begin.
Removing an Association
When an association is removed manually on the Manage Team Requests page or from the Team Members tab when editing a user profile, the team member is removed from the manager’s Team Members tab and the association is deleted from the list on the Manage Team Requests page.
If the association with the mandatory manager is removed, you can suggest the end-user to define a new manager in the platform. In order to activate this option, login as the Superadmin, access the Admin Menu press the Advanced Settings item in the Settings area, and then reach the Teams and Managers tab. Here, enable the Automatic Notification for Team Members option. When this option is active and the user logs in after the association is removed, a pop-up will be shown to users in order to guide them through the manager association process.
Deleting Managers
When a user with Manager permissions is deleted from the All Users page in the user management area (Admin Menu - E-Learning - Users), the platform will display a popup window to allow you to set how the manager's team members will be reallocated.
Depending on your needs, the team members may not be reallocated, can be reallocated to the direct manager of the removed manager (if the deleted manager has no direct manager, this option will not be available), or to any other manager in the platform, selectable.
Please Note! When deleting more than one manager from the All Users page with a mass action, the team members associated to those managers will not be reassigned.
Configuring Privacy Settings for Managers
When the Automatic Notification for Team Members option is active in your platform (Admin Menu - Settings area - Advanced Settings - Teams and Managers tab), users can create an association with a manager on their own. Optionally, you can also enable the auto-suggestion of the manager's name when the user starts typing the name in the manager assignation procedure. This means that the manager's name can potentially be shown to any user.
In order to enable or disable this option, access the Admin Menu from the gear icon in the top right corner and press the Advanced Settings item in the Settings area. Reach the Teams and Managers tab and enable the Auto Suggestion in Automatic Notification option. When this option is enabled, an alert will be shown to remind you about this privacy restriction.
Configuring Permissions for Managers
In the Teams and Managers tab of the Advanced Settings, move to the Enroll to Content and Suggest Content Setting to configure the manager enrollment and content suggestion rules from the My Team page. Depending on the selected option:
- Managers may be allowed to enroll their team members in courses and learning plans or to suggest content to their team members. If this option is not selected, managers will still see the Suggest button when suggesting content, but they will only view in the list of possible content the courses and learning plans in which the user is enrolled. If it is selected, you have to choose one of the following options:
- Managers will be allowed to enroll and suggest to their team members any free courses and learning plans available in the domain (and related subdomains) they are assigned to
- Managers will be allowed to enroll and suggest to their team members the free courses and learning plans available in the Course Catalog assigned to them
- Managers will be allowed to enroll and suggest to their team members the free courses and learning plans available in the catalogs selected in the text area. It is possible to include more than one catalog in the list.
As an option, you can allow managers to:
- Enroll and suggest content to the people reporting to their team members too;
- Set enrollment deadlines when enrolling users in e-learning courses.
Please note! Managers are allowed to suggest and enroll their team members only in FREE courses and learning plans. Moreover, as regards ILT and VILT courses, managers are only allowed to enroll users in the whole course and not in specific sessions.
Move to the Additional Fields in My Team Page section to set whether the user additional fields filter will be available in the My Team page. When this option is selected, managers will be able to filter the users they see in their My Team page and the reports they export by user additional fields. Only additional fields marked as Visible to the Users and that are visible to the manager’s specific branch will be available in the My Team filters.
Enabling Skills Overview and Skills Dashboard
If you are using skills, when the Enable Skills Overview and Skills Dashboard option is activated in your platform and the Skills Dashboard page is added to the user menu, users will have access to their Skills Dashboard from their main menu, provided that at least one AI-based channel is published.
If you activate the Enable Skills Overview and Skills Dashboard option, managers will be able to see the Skills Overview tab and the skills overview page of each user from the My Team page. Moreover, as a Superadmin you can access users’ Skills Dashboard in view-only mode from the user management page.
Please Note! Superadmins will only be able to view the Skills Dashboard of the users who have configured their skills.
The option is disabled by default. In order to enable or disable it, access the Admin Menu from the gear icon in the top right corner and press the Advanced Settings item in the Settings area. Reach the Teams and Managers tab and select the Enable Skills Overview and Skills Dashboard option.
Three notification types are available for the functionalities linked to My Team:
- Manager request not accepted. Triggers when a user does not accept a manager's request to confirm their association.
- Team member added to a team. Triggers when a user accepts a manager request to confirm their association or identifies a manager as their manager (when the Automatic Notification for Team Members option is enabled), and when an Admin or Power User creates or forces an association from the Manage Team Requests page.
- Admin asks you to check your team. Triggers when an Admin or a Power User selects the Send notification to a Manager option from the Manage Team Requests page when the association request is in Pending status, to inform the manager that the team member has not accepted the request yet.
Please note that these notifications will not be sent to users in pending, expired or deactivated status, nor to users not having confirmed their association with their manager. When this notification is sent as a mass action to more than 99 users, a background job will automatically start. Learn more on notifications.
Here follows a short glossary for the most commonly used terms in this article.
- Managers. A manager is a user (any level of user in the platform) with assigned team members.
- Team Members. The people managed by a manager. The team members associated with the same manager compose a team, and can thus be called Team Members.
- Association. An association is a working relationship between a manager and the team members composing their team.
- Relationship. Relationship has the same meaning as association in this article.
- Manager Types. Docebo allows you to define different manager types, that you can associate to managers in order to differentiate them if needed by your organizational chart
Tips and Tricks
- If you are importing users and managers via CSV file (manually or in the Automation app), remember that a manager must be always included before any team members referring to them, otherwise, the system will not be able to establish the relationship. In order to avoid this problem, you can split the user list into two separate CSV files. The first one will contain managers (at least their usernames and the "Is a Manager" field), the second one will contain user fields and manager association (the "Type of Manager" field). This will prevent any errors during the import, in case a manager hasn't been created yet but a user has been associated with that manager.
- You can create a hierarchical structure of managers by configuring primary managers as direct managers to secondary managers. When primary managers access the My Team page, they will have an overview of the secondary managers. Clicking on the secondary managers' cards, the primary managers will have visibility on the team members of the secondary managers.