Docebo Connect is a Docebo module acting as a connector between your platform and third-party SaaS systems, helping you to integrate your platform with more than 400 third-party external systems, reducing the integration effort.
Docebo Connect offers a large catalog of connectors for the most popular SaaS systems, to manage automated workflows (called recipes) shared among systems in order to exchange and share data on the basis of triggers.
Please note that Docebo Connect takes advantage of the APIs and business logic already existing in the integrating systems and does not create new ones. In addition, Docebo Connect does not manage SSO flows with Identity Providers (such as SAML, OpenID Connect, etc), JavaScript integrations (such as Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager) or iframe integrations (such as Docebo OEM or Salesforce Canvas).
For more information on the definition of terms and concepts used throughout this article, please read Docebo Connect Glossary of Terms.
Please note: Any actions performed in the Docebo platform via Docebo Connect are subject to the same restrictions and latencies as if the platform interface were being used manually. Docebo Connect recipe actions also will not change platform asynchronous actions into synchronous actions and can not "skip the queue" of other tasks waiting to be performed in the platform.
Activating Docebo Connect
To activate Docebo Connect on your platform or sandbox, please reach out to your Docebo account manager. Please note that depending on the integration requirements, there may be associated costs.
Before you start
Activating Docebo Connect will create a new Superadmin level user on your system called service.connect
. This user cannot be edited or deleted via User management. The activation process will also create a new OAuth2 application in the API and SSO section of your platform's Advanced Settings.
Warning: This OAuth2 application must not be deleted. Doing so will render Docebo Connect non-functional.
Managing Docebo Connect
Once Docebo Connect is activated in your platform, log in as a Superadmin, access your Admin Menu from the gear icon, find the Docebo Connect section and press Manage.
When you first open Docebo Connect you will land in the Project tab. From here it is possible to:
- Create, test, modify and delete your own recipes
- Edit, start, stop and restart the execution of the recipes and, in case it is necessary, debug the recipes.
Warning: When testing your recipes only the recipe/workflow is in test mode, meaning that the related API calls are made for real and, as a consequence, the create, update or delete action that is invoked by that action will actually affect the resource on Docebo or the 3rd party platform.
- Add, remove, start and stop Pre-Built Connectors to applications
- Connectors are a basic requirement for each system you wish to integrate with the Docebo platform, they provide the connection upon which recipes are built. Find out more about Connectors in the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
Warning: The Docebo Learn connector
must not be moved, renamed or deleted - it must be left as is. Deleting this connection will require you to contact support in order to restore the functionality. - Use the built-in trash bin system
- The system has a built-in trash bin system, meaning that in the case of unintended recipe or connector deletion those items can easily be recovered until they are manually permanently deleted from the system.
- Use the recipe versioning system
- There is also the recipe versioning system which makes it possible to restore any previous recipe version.
- Organize your projects
- Arrange your recipes in folders and subfolders according to your organizational needs.
This tab lists all of the recipes and connections already configured in your platform. Recipes are automated workflows that can make multiple apps interact. Each recipe is made up of a trigger and one or more actions that are carried out when a trigger occurs. Find out more in the Workato knowlege base (opens in a new tab).
If you are accessing Docebo Connect for the first time, there will be no recipes configured except for a recipe called Examples, which is created automatically for integration purposes. You can keep that recipe as an example for the creation of other recipes, or rename it.
Before using the recipes contained in the Example folder, it is necessary to clone the originals. This creates a copy of the recipe that is linked to the original recipe which is maintained and automatically updated by Docebo. When a recipe is updated you will be given the opportunity to update the cloned recipe as well. This process insulates your recipes from being automatically overwritten by any updates, potentially erasing any customizations you may have performed and / or blocking of recipes linked to additions or automation in production.
Tip: For more information about how to clone a recipe, please see Docebo Connect usage: Copying recipes.
In addition to that, it is possible to find a vast collection of recipe examples in the Community Library tab which is provided for and maintained by the Workato community.
Find out more on how to create recipes in the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
In the Dashboard tab you can monitor the jobs created by your recipes. In this tab, you can find the details into the execution flow of a job, i.e. what steps were executed, and the data input and output from every step. More details on job monitoring (opens in a new tab).
This page is divided into three sections:
- Dashboard
- Where it is possible to monitor the progress of jobs (number of executions, status) for a specific period of time (e.g. 7 days) and drill down on the single job report. Find out more in the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
- Dependency Graph
- A tool that visually illustrates the relationships between every asset and resource (e.g. recipes). Find out more in the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
- Activity Audit Log
- A simple and powerful interface for administrators to comprehensively track changes to the account, connections, recipes, folders and packages. Find out more in the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
Connector SDK
From the Connector SDK tab, it is possible to create, update or delete your own custom connector and manage the connectors imported from the community.
These connectors have a private scope by default which means that they are only visible and available to the connector owner. After the connector is built and released, you have the ability to use it in your recipes.
Find out more on Connector SDK in the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
Lookup Table
Tip: Lookup tables have a size limit of 10 columns and 100,000 entries (rows).
From the Lookup Table tab is possible to manage your own lookup table(s), defining a new table, creating, updating, and deleting lookup table entries, and massive import data via CSV.
Warning: The permissions on the integration-settings table or any other Docebo-supplied lookup table should not be changed as doing so will render that lookup table inaccessible to any integration that is not specifically given permissions to access it. This will cause those integrations to become non-functional.
In order to make sure that the lookup table has the adequate permissions, visit the Lookup Table tab and open the lookup table, for example integration-settings. There, under the table heading, make sure that it is available in All projects.
If you do not see All projects, press Available in and in the window that opens, in the Choose a project dropdown menu, select All projects. Next, press Update availability to make the table accessible to all recipes.
Find out more on Lookup tables in the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
In the Properties tab it is possible to create, update and delete your own Account properties.
Find out more on Account properties in the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
Community Library
The Community Library is a great place to explore when first using Docebo Connect. There you can find many example recipes as well as connectors developed, maintained and contributed by the Workato community.
In the recipe section within the Community Library tab you can browse example recipes by category (e.g. Collaboration, HR, Utility, etc) and/or leveraging the text search functionality.
Once you have identified the community recipe you are interested in, by clicking on Use this recipe, the community recipe is imported in Docebo Connect:
From there you can start customizing to your needs (Please note: Docebo Connect requires you to use the Docebo Learn Connector in your recipes):
In the Custom Connectors section, you can find a large collection of connectors developed and maintained by the Workato community. Just as it is for recipes, it is possible to browse available connectors by category (e.g. Collaboration, HR, Utility, etc) and/or leveraging the text search function.
Once you have identified the connector that fits your needs you can import it into your Docebo Connect account by clicking on the Install connector button:
Click Accept and install to complete the install procedure:
The connector the becomes available under the Connector SDK tab:
In order to use the imported connector in your recipes, you have to release it to your Docebo Connect account by clicking on the Release latest version button:
Find out more on Community connectors via the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
API Platform
With Docebo Connect you are able to expose recipes as custom API endpoints. This allows you to extend the functionality of the existing Docebo API platform to suit your needs. Please see the Workato knowledge base for further details (opens in a new tab).
The API Platform tab is broken down into the following views:
Dashboard tab
When you first access the API platform in Docebo Connect you will be on the Dashboard tab. In this tab you are presented with an overview of your Docebo Connect API usage. Please see the Workato knowledge base for further details (opens in a new tab).
API Collections tab
In the API Collections tab you see groups of endpoints that you can create. Please note the Provisioning collection, if present, should not be deleted. For further details on how to create collections, please see the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
Policies tab
Policies allow for control over API usage. For example, you can restrict usage of an API to limit the number of times it is called in order to prevent degraded performance. Setting a policy is optional however, not setting access policies allows for unrestricted usage. For further details on how to create policies, please see the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
Clients tab
Clients are groups of users with access to API collections through their access profile. Clients can have multiple access profiles. For further details on creating and managing clients, please see the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
Logs tab
This view shows a detailed list of all the connection activity within your API platform.
Library tab
The Library is a list of API collections that are discoverable by other users in your organization. Users can find documentation, examples, and tools that they need to use your API here. For further information on all the features found in your API Collection Library, please see the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
Settings tab
In this tab you are able to configure the API prefix and set a custom domain.
API Prefix
You can customize the prefix in the URL for all of your endpoints here. For further information on how to customize your prefix, please see the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
Custom Domain
You can use a custom domain to redirect to your API endpoints. For further information on how to use your own custom domain, please see the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
Message templates
Message templates allow you to prepare static templates for frequently used messages utilizing Mustache (opens in a new tab) as the templating language. These templates can be used to generate messages in various formats, such as XML, JSON, HTML or text.
Message Templates enable the template developer to change the format of the message, by separating the generation from the composition logic, without making changes to the recipe that sends the message out.
For more information please see the Workato knowledge base (opens in a new tab).
Available recipe actions
This is a list of the Docebo actions that you can use in recipes, either as final or intermediate steps. The actions, as listed here, are intended as general guidelines. Every action includes a set of parameters (such as, username, course ID, etc).
- Add course to learning plan
- Add a course to a learning plan in Docebo
- Batch update rsvp event
- Batch update an RSVP Event in Docebo
- Create course
- Create a course in Docebo
- Create event
- Create an event in Docebo
- Create learning plan
- Create a learning plan in Docebo
- Create session
- Create a session in Docebo
- Create user
- Create a user in Docebo
- Create users in batch
- Batch create users in Docebo
- Custom action
- Build your own Docebo action with a custom request
- Custom action (Deprecated)
- Build your own Docebo action with a custom request (deprecated)
WARNING: This recipe action was removed on November 8, 2023. In order to avoid recipe issues, please replace this recipe action with Custom action. In order to do so you need to first remove this recipe action from your recipe and recreate the remainder of the recipe from that point using the Custom action recipe action instead.
- Delete course
- Delete a course in Docebo
- Delete event
- Delete an event in Docebo
- Delete learning plan
- Delete a learning plan in Docebo
- Delete session
- Delete a session in Docebo
- Delete user
- Delete a user in Docebo
- Delete users
- Delete users in Docebo
- Duplicate session
- Duplicate a session in Docebo
- Enroll user into a course
- Enroll a user into a course in Docebo
- Enroll user into a session
- Enroll a user into a session in Docebo
- Get certification resources
- Get certification resources in Docebo
- Get certifications
- Get certifications in Docebo
- Get certifications awards
- Get certifications awards in Docebo
- Get course by ID
- Get a course by ID in Docebo
- Get courses
- Get all courses in Docebo
- Get enrollments
- Get enrollments in Docebo
- Get enrollments by session ID
- Get enrollments by session ID in Docebo
- Get event by ID
- Get an event by ID in Docebo
- Get events by session ID
- Get events by session ID in Docebo
- Get ilt sessions
- Get ILT sessions in Docebo
- Get learning plan by ID
- Get a learning plan by ID in Docebo
- Get learning plans
- Get learning plans in Docebo
- Get session by ID
- Get a session by ID in Docebo
- Get sessions by course ID
- Get sessions by course ID in Docebo
- Get user by ID
- Get a user by ID in Docebo
- Get users
- Get users in Docebo
- Remove course from learning plan
- Remove a course from a learning plan in Docebo
- Share file
- Share a file in Docebo
- Share link
- Share a link in Docebo
- Unenroll user from course
- Unenroll a user from a course in Docebo
- Unenroll user from learning plan
- Unenroll a user from a learning plan in Docebo
- Unenroll user from session
- Unenroll a user from a session in Docebo
- Update course
- Update a course in Docebo
- Update event
- Update an event in Docebo
- Update learning plan
- Update a learning plan in Docebo
- Update session
- Update a session in Docebo
- Update user
- Update a user in Docebo
Migrating the Webhooks URL
This chapter is for those using recipes that require Webhooks. Please note that as of December 31, 2023, Workato has deactivated all webhooks where the URL begins with
, instead switching to a URL beginning with either
. In order to prevent any issues with your recipes, please follow the steps outlined in this chapter.
In order to ascertain the correct URL to use, access the Admin Menu. Next, in the Settings menu, press Advanced Settings.
Next, press the Platform Information tab and note the Hosting Region. If your hosting region is in Europe, the correct URL to use for webhooks is
. Otherwise, you will use
Access your Docebo Administrator page by pressing the Admin icon, then locate the Webhooks section and press Manage.
Next, locate the webhooks associated with your Docebo Connect recipes. Any webhook beginning with the URL
will need to be changed. Note down which recipes are affected and move to Docebo Connect to retrieve the correct URL.
Access your Docebo Administrator page by pressing the Admin icon, then locate the Docebo Connect section and press Manage.
In your Projects folder, locate the recipe affected by the Webhook URL change and press the ellipsis button. Next, in the drop down menu, select Edit Recipe.
In the Recipe Editor click on the Trigger entry and in the resulting slide-in window, press the Copy button next to the Workato webhook address. Then press the Exit button.
Next, return to the Webhooks screen and locate the webhook you wish to update. Press the Ellipsis button at the end of the webhook's row and in the drop-down menu, select Edit.
In the resulting General screen, in the Endpoint section, paste the copied URL into the Payload URL text box. Then, press the Save Changes button.
After saving your changes, your webhook will be updated but deactivated. Press the gray circle in the webhook's Status column to activate it. The circle will then turn green with a checkmark in it to indicate that the webhook is now active.
Repeat this process for every webhook that requires a new Payload URL.
Please note: If you are using Docebo Connect integrations that require a webhook to be configured with a third party provider, please make sure you update the Workato URL of your webhook there also.