As a Superadmin or a Power User with given permissions, you are responsible for the users in your platform, from creation to everyday management such as editing, assigning/moving users to groups and branches, managing teams, etc. Though you can manage users individually, you can also take advantage of mass actions to save time and reduce the risk of errors.
This article outlines all of the mass actions available in the Users section of your platform. Mass actions for user management are also available for the My team functionality, both for Superadmins and for Managers. Find out more about managing users on your platform.
Please note: The process for adding or changing group memberships works off of platform events. This process constantly analyzes the platform events in order to understand if there are users needing to be added or removed to/from groups, based on these events. As a result, any user modification that involves group modifications is processed asynchronously and the update may be delayed up to one hour.
Mass selecting users
In order to manage multiple users with a single mass action, log into your platform as the Superadmin, then access the Admin menu from the gear icon in the top right corner. In the E-Learning Section, press the Users item. Once you're on the main Users page, select multiple users by selecting the checkboxes next to the user names or select the checkbox in the top row to select all of the users on the page currently shown.
Please note: In order to select all of the users of your platform, not just the users displayed in the current page of the table, press the Select all button at the bottom of the table, displayed when at least one user is selected.
Once you've selected the users you want to manage, click on the Choose action button shown at the bottom right corner of the table. A pop-up menu will appear above the button, where you can decide which action to complete on the selected users. Refer to the section below for details on each option.
Massive actions for user management
Once you have selected at least one user in the table, the Choose action button will be made available at the bottom of the All users table, click on it and choose one of the available actions to massively perform on the selected users:
Branches → Add to branch
Use this option to add the selected users to a specific branch in the organizational chart. In the slideout panel that will open, select the branch in which you want to place the selected users, then press Confirm. Try to avoid placing a user in multiple branches, as if often can make user management and user experience more complex (i.e. it may trigger multiple notifications for them). Rather than placing a user into two or more branches, you can place the user in a single branch, then place them in different groups.
Branches → Move to branch
This will move the selected users to another branch. In the slideout panel, select the branch in which you want to place the selected users, then press Confirm. Now, all of the selected users will be removed from their previously assigned branches and will be placed in the newly selected branch.
Please note: If you have activated your platform after October 21, 2019, you are not allowed to move users to other branches, and this option will not be visible to you.
Branches → Remove from branch
This command will remove the selected users from the branch they belong to. In the slideout panel, select the branch from which you want to remove the selected users, then press Confirm. In this case, please make sure that all of the selected users belong to the same single branch. Remember that you cannot remove users from the root branch.
Export → Export as CSV or XLS
These options allow you to export the list of selected users, in either XLS or CSV format. Select the desired type of export. Then, in the slideout panel, set the field separator character (only for CSV export) and set whether to include column names in the first row.
Next, use the checkboxes to select what fields should be included in the export. You can choose from standard user fields, as well as from additional fields you have created or imported. Please note that the username field is always included in the list, it is selected by default, and cannot be unchecked.
You can also include details about the branches to which users belong. When including branch details in the export remember that:
- The branch name and the branch name path are always exported in the platform's default language, as they may not have a translation in the language selected by the user.
- If users are not assigned to any branch, they are implicitly assigned to the root branch, and their branch ID and any value related to the root branch (branch id, name, code, etc) will not be valorized in the exported file.
- If you activated your platform before October 21, 2019, your users may belong to more than one branch. In such a case, all the branches to which a user belongs will be included in the export, separated by the | symbol.
When you are ready, click the Export CSV file or Export XLS file button at the bottom. A download of your file will automatically begin. Please note that, in case of CSV export, the dates are exported in UTC format
If you select more than 250 users, the export will be carried out with a background job.
Give manager permissions
When this option is selected, the This user manages a team option is activated in the profiles of the selected users. Further information on how to configure managers.
Reset skill profiles
When using the Skills management to manage the skills of your users, use this option to reset the skills associated to the user profiles.
Send activation notification
Use this option to send the User has been created (by administrator) notification to all of the selected users. Please note that this notification must already be configured and activated in the Notification App. Refer to the Sending a Notification to new users chapter of the article on user management for further information.
Status → Activate
If the user was previously deactivated, it can be activated again. Using this action will activate all the selected users. If you select more than 250 users, the activation will be carried out with a background job. Further information on the user statuses.
Status → Deactivate
Use this command to deactivate the user profiles of the selected users. If you select more than 250 users, the deactivation will be carried out with a background job. Further information on the user statuses.
Please note: You can also import, activate and deactivate users via a CSV file.
When this option is selected, a slideout panel will allow you to massively change some user fields such as: Password, Email validation status, User expiration date, preferred language, user role and direct manager, and all the additional fields.
This command will delete permanently the selected users. Remember that this operation cannot be undone and that when you delete a user, you'll also delete any asset that the user uploaded into the platform. Be careful when using this option.