In your learning platform, you may be able to actively contribute to the training program of your company by uploading your content to channels and sharing it with your colleagues. In turn, you can take advantage of the contributions (assets) posted by other people to extend your knowledge, and organize content into playlists. Please note that the term “asset” is used to refer to the content published as an informal learning contribution in the platform.
Based on your platform configuration, you might also be able to receive comments and questions on your assets, or comment and ask questions to other people on the content they uploaded. If your contribution to the training program is valuable, you can be designated as the expert for that area by your platform Admin. Let’s go through the steps to share your content with other users or channels in the platform.
More information on how to share content on the Go.Learn mobile app.
Sharing your content
As a learner, the Share content page provides an area where you can upload content to the platform, either to share it with other users or just for your own reference. The items you can upload may include links, images, files, and more.
This page also shows you a history of your latest uploads, where you can edit your previously shared assets or change who they are shared with, if desired.
Tip: Depending on how your platform is configured, on some pages of your platform you may also see a Share content widget where you can access some sharing functionalities: ie, upload new content as well as view or manage your previous uploads.
Upload an asset to the platform
To access the Share content page, from your main menu select the Share content item.
Then, to upload an asset, click the button corresponding to the type of content you want to share: Share a link, Share files, Record your screen, Google Drive (if configured).
→ You can also quickly access these same share options from the Share content button that you find on the top right corner of the platform home page, the All channels page, the My channel page, and others.
If you are sharing a link, paste your link into the corresponding field. If you are sharing one or more files or Google Drive documents, select them from your device or from your Drive. If you are sharing a screen recording, please follow the instructions provided in the article on adding a screencast.
Remember that:
- you cannot share a YouTube playlist, but you can share single YouTube video
- when sharing a link, only HTTP or HTTPS URLs can be entered.
Then, the following steps are the same for all of the types of content you are sharing.
Configure how the asset is presented and shared
After selecting the link or file you want to upload, the right panel will open: Here, you need to complete the information about your content. This will control how the asset appears, and with whom it is shared.
→ You can later change these settings by clicking the ellipsis menu on the asset and selecting Edit asset.
Please note: If you selected multiple files to upload at the same time, they will be uploaded immediately with default information, and the right panel will not open. However, you can later configure each asset individually: from the Share content page, Share content widget, or from your My Channel page, click the ellipsis menu on the newly uploaded asset and select Edit asset. You will then be able to configure its settings.
When sharing links, some fields will be automatically populated—please note that the automatic retrieval of information depends on the website’s server configuration and may not work for some websites.
Thumbnail: Start by choosing the thumbnail: you can leave the one generated by the platform, or you can press the Upload Image button to add a new thumbnail, then select an image from your device. Remember that the minimum suggested image dimension is 800x400px, and the maximum suggested file size is 4MB.
Title and description: Then, write a title and description for the content you are sharing.
These fields are required.
Tags: Use the Tags field to add tags to your content to improve its searchability in your platform’s global search. If the auto-tagging feature is enabled in your platform, some tags may be automatically generated based on the content of your asset, as understood by your platform using artificial intelligence (note that this only works for English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Portuguese content and find out more about taggable content types). The AI-generated tags will only appear after you have shared your content. You can manually edit or remove tags at any time with a limit of 50 tags and of 32 characters per tag.
Skills: If configured by your platform Administrator, you can use the Skills area to add up to 50 skills to the asset, so that they will be shown in the My skills channel of the users who assigned themselves those skills. Some skills may be automatically generated by the AI, you can keep them or remove them by clicking on the corresponding X button.
For security reasons, the platform artificial intelligence does not access private content (that is, content requiring authentication to be accessed) and can thus automatically assign tags and skills only to public content. For private content, we suggest you add tags and skills manually.
Sharing: Finally, decide who you want to share your content with:
- Channels and/or People. You can share the content with channels and/or people.
- Only Me. You can save the content only to yourself. The content is saved on your My channel page, and it will be visible only to yourself and will not appear in the search results of other users.
Depending on how your Administrator configured the platform, you may be able to share your content with channels only and not with other users, or with channels and a specific set of users decided by your Admin.
Once you have configured these fields, press Next. If you selected the option to share the content with channels and/or people, search for them by typing and adding their names in the corresponding field, or choose them directly from the suggested ones, or from the All channels list below. When you are ready, click on the Share button at the bottom of the panel. Your content has been shared successfully!
Please note that when you share content with other users, they will find those assets in their New Invitations and Subscriptions channel. When you share content with other users, they will receive a notification if this has been previously configured by the Superadmin.
If you publish your asset in more than one channel, remember that Invite to watch functionality, questions & answers and comments are shared between the channels you published your asset in. This means that if you share an asset with two channels with different visibility settings, and you add a comment, a question or an answer to one of the channels, you’ll find that comment, question or answer also in the other channel where you published the asset.
Expert’s peer review
When choosing the channels you want to share your content with, for some channels, you may see that the review of an expert is required. This means that your content will be published in those channels only after the channel’s expert reviews and approves your content.
Please note that if you chose to share your content with some channels requiring expert peer review, and also with other channels not requiring it, your content will need to wait for the expert’s approval only to be published in the channels requiring the review, but it will be published immediately in the channels not requiring expert’s review.
When the expert approves the asset you uploaded, you’ll receive a notification in your platform’s Notifications area. The channel’s expert has approved your content, and this means that your asset has been published in the channel you shared it with. Open the notification, then if you want you can open your asset’s page by clicking the corresponding button in the text of the notification.
If the expert rejects your asset, you’ll receive a notification informing you that your asset has been rejected by the channel’s expert, so it could not be published in the channel. From the button in the notification text, you have the possibility to access your content’s page, but you cannot edit your asset anymore after the rejection. You can upload the same asset you improved with the corrections needed.
Inviting other users to watch content
Once you have published your asset, you can decide to invite other users to watch your content. On your asset’s page, click the Invite to watch button in the action bar at the top of the page. You can reach the Invite to watch panel also by clicking on the ellipsis menu in the asset card in the channel, and selecting Invite to watch.
In the right panel that opens, select the users or channels you would like to invite amongst the ones suggested by the platform by clicking on the plus button at the end of their row, or type their names in the text box to search for users or channels individually. When inviting users from channels, you are inviting all the users who have visibility on the channel. Once made your selection, press the Invite button.
The users suggested by the platform’s artificial intelligence are proposed according to an algorithm, which takes into account the matrix of past interactions between all users and assets deriving a measure of distance in between users and assets. In this case, the users suggested are those with the least distance from the asset currently being watched.
Also some other considerations apply, such as the rules of visibility of users for the content being watched.
The platform always suggests that you invite the users with visibility on the channel where you have published your content, so that they are aware that there is something new for them.
You can invite other users or users from channels to watch your contribution or any other contribution at any time, not only right after the asset publication. Remember that you can only invite users having visibility on the channel where the asset is published and that you can invite the same user more than once.
When users are invited to watch your contribution, they will receive a notification. Remember that you, as the contributor, will not receive your own Invite to watch notifications when the notification is sent to all the users in a channel you belong to.
If you have been invited to watch an asset, please note that you can only send an invitation to watch it to the users that already have permission to view the asset. Only the platform Admin and the user who uploaded the asset are able to extend the asset’s visibility permissions, while the users who have been invited to watch the content cannot do it.
Viewing your asset’s page
After having published your asset, you can find it in your My channel page, and, if you shared it with other channels, on the pages of these channels too. To view your asset’s page, click on its card. On the page that opens, you’ll see the asset player, a box on the right side of the page recommending similar content, details on the publication of the asset, and an area where other users can ask questions and leave comments.
Editing the details of your asset
Any details that you add when creating an asset can be edited later. Please remember that admins can edit the details of any asset in the platform. Experts can edit the details of any assets in the channels that they manage. Please note if an asset is shared in different channels managed by different experts, no expert can edit the asset. You as the asset owner (who shared your content in the platform) can edit the details of any asset that you uploaded into the platform. Please note that you can edit the asset even if the resource is awaiting peer review.
Remember that every asset that you upload is stored on the My channel page, in addition to the channels you shared it with. If you choose the Only me option when sharing your content, it will only be visible to you and from your My channel page. Other people will only see the content you uploaded in the channels for which they have visibility, because you invited them to watch it.
To edit the details of your content, on your My Channel page, open the asset’s page by clicking on its card, press the ellipsis button in the action bar in the top right corner, then select the Edit button that appears below. You can also reach the asset’s edit page by clicking on the ellipsis menu in the asset card, and selecting Edit asset.
On the edit page, you will find three tabs: General, Shared with people and Shared with channels.
General tab
In the General tab, you can edit all of the details related to your asset. Let’s go through all of the sections of the General tab.
In the Asset preview section, you can replace the link, file, or screen recording you uploaded by clicking the corresponding button and choosing a new one.
If you have uploaded an asset type through its link, this cannot be subsequently replaced with other asset types, for example if you upload an XLS file type, it can only be replaced by an XLS file type.
Then, in the Details section, you can edit the asset’s title and description that you originally set when you first uploaded the content to your platform. In the Thumbnail section, you are able to change the thumbnail’s image and in the Tags field, you are free to add new tags or change the ones previously added to your asset. If configured by your Administrator, in the Skills area you can change the skills assigned to the asset.
If you have uploaded a file, in the Asset download section you can choose whether you want to allow other users to download the file on their devices. This option is enabled by default, but you can disable it by using the corresponding checkbox.
Finally, in the Delete asset section, you have the possibility to delete the asset you shared. If you delete the asset, it won’t be visible anymore in the channels and by the people you shared it with. This asset will also be removed from your channel page.
Shared with people tab
Switch now to the Shared with people tab, where you will find the list of users you shared your asset with and the names of current and, if changed, the old contributor.
In the row of each user, you can also see if the user has viewed your asset or not. By clicking the ellipsis icon at the end of the row, you can remove the user from the list, or you can invite them to watch your content.
If you want to share the content you published with new people, press the Share button in the top right corner of the area, search for other people by typing and adding their names in the corresponding field, or choose them directly from the suggested ones. When you are ready, click on the Share button at the bottom of the panel.
Remember to publish your asset using the status bar at the bottom of the page. Otherwise, if your asset’s status is Under maintenance, a message will warn you that if you don’t change the asset’s visibility to Published, people the asset is shared with won't be able to view it.
Shared with channels Tab
Finally, in the Shared with channels tab, you will find the list of channels you shared your asset with.
If you shared your content with a channel requiring expert peer review, in the row of the channel you will find a label informing you if your asset is waiting for approval, or has been rejected by the expert.
If you want to share the content you published with new channels, press the Share button in the top right corner of the area, search for channels by typing and adding their names in the corresponding field, or choose them directly from the suggested ones, or from the All channels list. When you are ready, click on the Share button at the bottom of the panel.
Remember to publish your asset using the status bar at the bottom of the page. Otherwise, if your asset’s status is Under maintenance, a message will warn you that if you don’t change the asset’s visibility to Published, channels the asset is shared with won't be able to view it.