As a Superadmin or a Power User with granted permissions, you may want your users to retake a course on a regular basis to keep them up to date with the evolution of the course topic and track multiple completions of the same course over time.
This need can be satisfied by archiving the current users’ enrollments and re-enrolling the same users in the same course more than once. You can force them to retake all of the training materials or to play only those added since they last completed the course.
The data of the archived enrollments is kept in the platform and can be viewed in:
- the Users - Courses and in the Users–ILT Sessions custom reports
- in the User Statistics tab of the course report (and in no other area of the Course Report)
- and in the Archived enrollments section of the Enrollments tab of every course
Please note that the custom reports on the archived enrollments show only the data actually archived, meaning that some fields in the report may not be populated.
Requirements and limitations
- You can archive enrollments both for e-learning and Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses, but you cannot archive enrollments for the sessions of ILT courses.
- You cannot archive enrollments for learning plans, but you can archive and re-enroll users to the courses belonging to learning plans without using the archive and unenroll option.
- You can archive enrollments in enrolled, in progress, or completed status.
- Once enrollments are archived, they cannot be restored, as the data structure of archived enrollments is different from that of active enrollments. Please read carefully the Archived Enrollment Data chapter of this article to check which values are actually archived.
- When a course is deleted, the archived enrollments linked to the course are not deleted at this time.
- You cannot delete archived enrollments at this time. This option (together with specific APIs) will be available at a later stage.
- It is not possible to archive enrollment:
- for the users on the course waiting list
- for the users whose course enrollment status is different than Enrolled, In Progress, Completed
- for the ILT courses where the user is enrolled in more than 5 sessions
- for the ILT courses where the user is enrolled in any session containing more than 50 events
- Power Users can archive enrollments as long as they are assigned to the Enrollment / Archive, Course / View, and Enrollment / View permissions, as well as to the courses and the users involved in the enrollment archiving.
- The data relating to archived enrollment are frozen at the time of the archive. If, for example, you change the course title after archiving the enrollment, the title of the course related to the archived enrollment will remain the one set at archive time. For this reason, if the archiving process requires a long time to be completed, do not make changes to the course data, as they will affect the data of the archived enrollments.
- When you duplicate a course, the archived enrollments are not duplicated.
- When you archive the enrollments for a course with mutual equivalency, the target course's enrollments are not archived.
- When the profiles of two or more users are merged, the archived enrollments are not part of the merged data.
- You cannot archive enrollments having their starting date set in the future.
- Only first-level managers can view archived enrollment data, while it remains hidden from second-level and higher managers.
Use case scenarios
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), is a US law on data privacy and security aimed at protecting medical information. A hospital or health system can determine that their medical team needs to take the HIPAA compliance training course annually to ensure protocols are followed correctly.
In aviation, annual airframe maintenance training must be done to ensure that aviation mechanics are consistently updated and trained on maintenance processes to minimize the risk of aircraft incidents.
Please Note! Check whether the archived enrollment data include all the data required for your compliance needs in the Archived Enrollment Data chapter of this article.
Archiving an enrollment
In order to archive the enrollment of a user in a course, log in to your platform as the Superadmin or Power User. Then, access the Admin Menu from the gear icon in the top right corner of your platform and access the Course Management by clicking on the corresponding menu entry in the E-Learning section. Click on the title of the course, and move to the Enrollments tab.
Click on the ellipsis menu at the end of the row of the user for whom you wish to archive the enrollment and select Archive Enrollment. Please note that this option is not available for the users on the course waiting list or when the enrollment status is not among the ones listed in the Requirements & Limitations chapter of this article.
In the pop-up that opens, set whether you want to archive the active enrollment and re-enroll the user in the same course or unenroll the user after archiving the enrollment. If you select the second option, remember that learners will no longer be able to access the course once their enrollment is archived, but you can possibly re-enroll them manually, or they can self-enroll if the course enrollment policy allows them to do so.
Independently of whether the user will be re-enrolled or unenrolled from the course after the enrollment is archived, the tracking of the training material taken by the user is reset by default. If you want to keep the tracking, unselect the Reset the tracking of the course training material checkbox in the pop-up. If this option is unselected, and the user is re-enrolled in the course, they will have to take only the training material they have not completed before the enrollment was archived. This option is useful when you want your learners to take only the training material you recently added to the course.
Click on Archive Enrollment to finalize your action. When enrollments are archived, they are removed from the table in the Enrollments tab, but you can still view them as described in the Viewing Archived Enrollments chapter of this article.
Please Note! Remember that only enrollments are archived, the course, and the course training material are not archived.
Archiving multiple enrollments
You can archive multiple enrollments by taking advantage of the same features described in the Archiving an Enrollment chapter of this article on a number of enrollments. From the course Enrollments tab, select the checkboxes at the beginning of the rows of the users for whom you wish to archive the enrollments, then click on the Choose Action button in the bottom right corner of the table, and select Archive Enrollments.
Starting from two enrollments, the archiving happens in the background, as a background job.
Please Note!If you manually select the enrollments one by one, you can archive up to 200 enrollments at a time, whereas if you select all enrollments with the Select all button, you can archive up to 10,000 enrollments at a time.
Viewing archived enrollments
The enrollments shown in the Enrollments tab are active enrollments. Click on Enrollment Type at the top of the list of enrollments and then on Archived Enrollments to see the list of the course archived enrollments.
Click on the Filters tab to refine the search by using the available filters, such as the archive period, the person who archived the enrollment, or the user status. Use the User filter option to view the archived enrollments of the selected course for other users.
Click on the ellipsis menu at the end of the row of any archived enrollment and select the Details option for more information on the archived enrollment. A right panel will open to display the following data:
- for e-learning courses, the details about the course for which the enrollment was archived
- for ILT courses, the details about the course for which the enrollment was archived as well as the list of every session the user was enrolled in, including events
If a certificate was present at the time of archival, it will be saved and will be available for download.
Archived enrollment data
The following data is archived for every enrollment. The data marked with * are saved but not returned via API.
Archiving data
- Date and time when the enrollment was archived in UTC format
- The user who archived the enrollment
User data
- Enrolled user
- Preferred user language
- User ID
- Username
- First name
- Last name
- Timestamp of the last login *
- User expiration date *
- Whether the user is an active user *
- Whether the user has been suspended *
- User level *
Course data
Data of the course for which the enrollment was archived
- ID
- Title
- Code
- Unique ID
- Type (e-Learning, ILT)
- Status (Possible values are: 0=Enrolled, 1=In Progress, 2=Completed) *
- Language in ISO 639-1 format *
- Category *
- Creation date *
- Publication date *
- Last update (the last time the course was updated) *
- Time from the course first access or enrollment date, only for e-learning courses *
- Days of validity *
- Start date *
- End date *
- Credits (CEUs)
- Average duration
- Enrollment policy (Admin only, Pending approval, Free) *
- Content provider (for the courses coming from the Content Marketplace) *
- Certificate template ID *
- Link to the certificate obtained by the user
- Date when the certification was assigned
Training material data
- Number of archived training materials *
- For every training material:
- ID *
- ID of the training material coming from the Central Repository and imported into the course *
- Type *
- Resource ID (i.e. for HTML training material it is the ID of the HTML content, for SCORM * packages it is the package ID, etc.) *
- Title *
- Score (if any) *
- Status *
- Whether the training material has been completed *
E-signature data
- E-signature (enabled or disabled) *
- Status of the e-signature signing process for the user
- Timestamp of the creation of the e-signature signing process *
- Timestamp of the update of the e-signature signing process *
- E-tracking of the course for the user *
- Timestamp when the e-signature status was recorded as “signed” in UTC format *
- The One-Time Password (OTP) method used by the user to perform the e-signature *
Enrollment data
- Enrollment date
- The user who enrolled the learner in the course
- Enrollment last update *
- Enrollment start of validity
- Enrollment end of validity
- Enrollment level
- Enrollment status
- Enrollment completion date
- ID of the equivalent courses triggering the enrollment completion (if any)
- Initial score
- Final score
- Manual final score *
- Date of the first access to the course
- Date of the last access to the course
- Time spent on training materials
- Number of archived session enrollments
- Enrollment attribute
- List of session enrollments
- Session ID
- Session name
- Session code
- Session UUID
- Session start date
- Session end date
- Session created by
- Session instructors IDs
- Session enrollment date
- Session completion date
- Session enrollment status
- Session evaluation values
- Evaluation status (between -1 and 1)
- Evaluation score
- Evaluation comments
- Evaluation file
- Evaluation date
- User who performed the evaluation *
- Hours of attendance
- Session events
- Event ID
- Event Name
- Event start date
- Event end date
- Event timezone
- Event type (online, onsite, flexible)
- Event attendance status (Not Set, Not Present, Present)
- Event attendance effective duration
- Whether the user attended the event in live mode (if true it does not imply that the user is marked as Present) *
- Whether the user watched the event recording (if any) *
- The number of minutes the user attended the event with external attendance tracking (such as Adobe) *
Enrollment additional fields
- ID of the enrollment additional field
- Value of the enrollment additional field
- Type of enrollment additional field
- For dropdown enrollment additional fields, the translation of the values
- Whether the enrollment additional field is visible to users
- Whether the enrollment additional field is mandatory
Platform data
Default platform language
Events triggered when archiving course enrollments
The archival of course enrollment triggers the following events that may in turn trigger the notifications you have configured. Consider temporarily disabling them when archiving large numbers of enrollments.
When you select the Archive and Unenroll option:
- Users are unenrolled from the course
- The training material tracking is reset (a reset for every training material)
- Course enrollments are archived
When you select the Archive and Re-enroll option:
- Users are unenrolled from the course
- The training material tracking is reset (a reset for every training material)
- Users are re-enrolled in the course
- Course enrollments are archived