Disclaimer: This article explains how to use Docebo Content. Depending on your contract, or if you adopted Docebo Content prior to July 5, 2023, you might have access to the Docebo Content Classic experience in your platform instead. In that case, please refer to the article Managing Docebo Content Classic.
Docebo Content streamlines your learning initiatives by delivering fresh training content to your learners without the need for external licenses or complex integrations. It provides a seamless way to ensure a continuous learning experience with up-to-date materials.
The Docebo Content library, powered by OpenSesame, includes more than 28,000 courses and over 100 high-quality, pre-curated lists of the most in demand content on various topics, with new courses added every month and the possibility to contact your Content consultant to purchase a plan built on your needs. If you have already purchased a curation plan or an unlimited plan, your Content consultant will be at your disposal to create custom curated lists based on your needs.
This article explains how to import and manage content from Docebo Content's library after you have purchased a plan as the platform Superadmin. Learn how to access and explore Docebo Content and how to purchase a plan.
Importing content into your platform
You can import courses from Docebo Content as training material into your Central repository. From the Library page, open a course by clicking on its card, then press Deliver course.
As an alternative, you can select one or more courses to import from a list. After opening a list, select the checkboxes next to the desired courses’ names or select all the courses by using the checkbox at the top of the table, then press Deliver courses. The duration of the import will depend on the number of courses being processed, as well as any concurrent background tasks.
Please note! In order to import content into your platform, you need to have an active plan. If you don’t you will receive an error message while importing content.
In the slideout panel that opens, you will see a summary of the courses and/or languages being imported. Press Deliver courses to proceed.
When you launch the import, the process will run in the background, allowing you to continue using your platform and PC without any restrictions. You will see a counter showing the amount of imported content at the top of any page of Docebo Content, next to your active plan, and you will find the list of the imported content in the My courses tab. You can find the corresponding training material in your Central repository. Refer to the next chapters for more information on managing imported content.
Please note! After importing content, you will need to manually refresh your My courses page and your Central repository page in order for the import to result as completed. The import counter will also display the updated amount after the refresh.
Managing content from Docebo Content in your platform
When content from Docebo Content is imported into your Central repository, it can be managed like any regular SCORM training material, with the same advanced settings options, and assigned to courses. Learn more about assigning training material to courses from the Central repository.
When editing the title of the content you imported from Docebo Content, remember that the new title will be used in the platform instead of the one of the original content title for all purposes, including the search functionality, thus causing a mismatch between the content title in the platform and the one displayed in the Docebo Content library.
Once you find the training material from Docebo Content in the list of training materials in the Central repository, press the edit icon in the training material’s row to edit its details as desired.
Please note! We recommend not deleting from the Central repository training material imported from Docebo Content. If you need to replace decommissioning or decommissioned content, or if you wish to swap your content, refer to the related sections in the Managing my courses chapter.
If you have associated courses containing training material from Docebo Content with certifications, please contact Docebo using your platform's Help center in order to enable the tracking reset for training material from Docebo Content.
Managing lists
In Docebo Content, you can organize courses in lists. Lists are groups of courses usually related to the same topic, but you can create your own custom lists according to your preferred criteria. Click on Lists in the action bar to access the list management page. Here you will find a number of tabs:
- In the All tab, you will see all of your created, received, and followed lists.
- The Created tab displays all the lists you have created.
- In the Received tab, you will find the custom curated lists created for you by Docebo Content.
- In the Following tab, you will see all of the lists that you follow.
- In the Curated lists tab, you will find the public curated lists already selected by your Content consultant. These lists will be updated as new content is added to the offering.
In the list table you will see each list’s title, creator name, date of the last update, and number of courses included in the list. Click on a column header to sort the table according to that data. Public curated lists will display a globe icon, and searchable lists will display a magnifier icon.
Click on a list name to open the list management page. Here you will see the list description and details, and a table with all of the courses included in the list. In the top right corner of the list detail page, in the case of public curated lists, you can click on Follow to start following that list and find it in your Following tab.
To duplicate a list, click on the gear icon and select Duplicate. Optionally edit the title and description of the duplicate list, and press Duplicate list to confirm.
To delete a list or download it as a CSV file, click on the gear icon and select the corresponding option. You can delete more than one list at a time by flagging the checkboxes next to their names in the list management page and clicking on Delete. Please note that you cannot delete custom curated lists, and you can neither delete nor download public curated lists.
Creating lists and adding courses
To create a new list, click on the New list button in the top right corner of the list management page. Enter a title and optionally a description for your list, then click on Create list.
Next, click on the list name to enter the list page, and click on Browse catalog to start adding courses to the list. You will be redirected to the Library page. Hover your mouse over a course card, and select Add to list. You can do the same from the course detail page by clicking on the plus button in the middle of the page.
In the right panel, select one or more languages for the course, and choose whether you want to create a new list or add the course to an existing one. Finally, click on Add to list.
If you need to separate the courses included in a list, you can take advantage of groups. Either select the desired courses by flagging the checkboxes next to their names and select New group, or directly select New group and then drag and drop the desired courses by pressing the drag icon at the end of the courses’ rows into the newly created group.
After creating a group, you can also click on Add courses at the end of the group’s row to be presented with a selection of courses from the library based on the group title. Refer to the next chapter to learn more about the smart functionality suggesting courses.
To delete one or more groups, select the checkboxes next to their names and press Remove. By default, the courses included in the group will be selected too. After clicking on Remove, you can choose whether you want to only remove the group and keep the courses in the list, only remove the courses from that group from the list but keep the group, or remove both the group and the courses.
Smart lists
Through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, smart lists offer personalized course suggestions by taking into account your preferences, along with your organization's prior course selections, completions, and learner ratings (if available).
To create a smart list, click on the New smart list button in the top right corner of the list management page. Enter the desired topics, language, and seat time. You can insert multiple topics by separating them with commas. Optionally, click on Advanced options to select course publishers and features, then click on Create your list.
Docebo Content will generate the suggestions and populate your list. You will be redirected to the list detail page, where you can see the courses included in it. Courses will be grouped by topic, and each topic will be assigned a maximum of 5 courses by default. Find more information about groups in the previous chapter.
By default, the list will be named “Recommended on” followed by date and time of creation, but you can rename it by clicking on its title.
You can include more courses by clicking on Add courses at the top of each group, and you will be presented with more suggestions. Optionally, click on Show filters to change the keywords for the search or use other filters. Hover your mouse over a suggested course card and click on Add to list. To add multiple courses at a time, click on Select courses and then on the courses’ cards to select them.
To remove one or more courses from the list, flag the checkboxes next to the courses’ names and press Remove.
Managing my courses
The My Courses dashboard groups all activities related to the courses you have already imported into your platform. Click on My courses in the action bar to access this page.
In the Delivered vertical tab, you will find a list of all of the courses you have imported into your platform. In the top bar, you can search for content imported into your Central repository by using the text box, or export a CSV list of the delivered content by clicking on the corresponding icon.
In the Title column, you will see the title of the content as well as its thumbnail, publisher, duration, and the number of languages.
In the Date added column, you will see how long ago the content was imported into your platform, and in the Status column you will see if it has been delivered or is pending. Content recently added may be displayed as pending until the whole queue of imported content has been delivered.
By default, the most recently imported content will be displayed at the top, but you can sort it differently by clicking on column names. At the bottom of the page, you will see the total number of courses imported.
If you wish to remove a course because you no longer want to use it in your platform, click on the ellipsis button at the end of the course row and select Remove. You can also remove one or more courses by flagging the corresponding checkboxes and then clicking on the Remove button at the top of the page. Removed courses will be moved to the Archived vertical tab of the My courses page. To retrieve them, move to the Archived vertical tab, flag their checkboxes, and press the Put back button at the top of the page.
Please note! Removing courses from your My courses page in Docebo Content will not automatically remove them from the platform. If you no longer want to use a course, after removing it in Docebo Content, you will have to manually delete the corresponding training material from your Central repository. Refer to the chapter Managing content from Docebo Content in your platform to learn more about deleting content from Docebo Content in your platform.
Managing content planned for decommissioning
In the Needs attention vertical tab, you will find all of the imported content that has been or will soon be decommissioned. In the top bar, you can search for content by using the text box, or export a CSV list of all content planned for decommissioning by clicking on the corresponding icon.
Content may be decommissioned because it is out of date, for example, and you have the possibility to replace it with a newer version, or a different piece of content. Decommissioned content is automatically deducted from your content import counter.
In the Status column, you will see two possible values:
- Retiring soon means that the course will soon be decommissioned (on the date reported in the Retire Date column). This stage usually lasts 30 days, and the imported training material can still be accessed by learners.
- Retired means that the course has been decommissioned (on the date reported in the Retire Date column).
Please note! We recommend periodically checking the Needs attention page in order to stay updated on which of your imported courses will be decommissioned soon.
When content is decommissioned, learners and Superadmins can no longer access the corresponding training material, but this is not automatically removed from the platform, in order not to lose the users’ tracking. You can either remove it from every course it is assigned to, or remove it from all of the courses in one action from the Central repository. Please note that decommissioned training materials are not considered in the courses’ prerequisites configuration.
To replace a decommissioned course or a course planned for decommissioning, while in the Needs attention vertical tab of the My courses page, click on the ellipsis button at the end of the course row and select View replacements. A list of recommended courses will appear below the original course. Click on More courses to view more suggestions. Click on any course card to access its detail page and, once you have chosen the replacement course, click on Deliver on the course detail page.
The new course will be imported to replace the decommissioned or decommissioning one, and you will see it in the Delivered vertical tab in the same row of the old course. You will then have to replace the corresponding training material in the relevant courses from your Central repository. Note that it is not possible to transfer the tracking of the replaced training material for the users who had already completed it, but you can manually change the users’ status in the course to completed, if needed.
After a year of decommissioning, the course’s status will be updated to Archived, and it will be moved to the Archived tab. You can also manually move courses from the Needs attention to the Archived tab by selecting it in the Needs attention tab and pressing Move to archive. To undo this action, select the course in the Archived tab and press Put back.
Content swaps
Customers using Docebo Content on a Premium plan can freely swap their courses for the duration of their contract without any limits. Customers on Curation 30 or 100 plans can optionally swap courses on the anniversary of their Docebo Learn contract date. Get in touch with a customer success representative to request a content swap.
Docebo Content allows you to create reports in addition to the ones already available in your Learn platform. Learn more about reports on the Learn platform.
Move to the Reporting tab and click on the calendar icon in the top bar of the tab, select the date range for which you want to generate a report, then press Close. In the table below, you will see the report of the learners who attended courses from Docebo Content in the selected period, including learners’ and courses’ details, start and completion dates, completion status, related score if present, and duration of course attendance.
Please note! You can ignore the Student ID and Certificate parameters at this time because they do not refer to Docebo Learn data but to Docebo Content internal data.
Click on column headers to sort data according to your needs. You can search the report by using the corresponding search bar or download the report as a CSV by clicking on the CSV button in the top bar of the tab.
Attending a Docebo Content course as a learner
You can attend courses from Docebo Content as any other course in the platform. Learn more on attending courses as a learner. However, please be aware of the following notes on cookies.
Notes on cookies
Some content requires third-party and session cookies in order to run correctly. Below are the steps to enable cookies in your browser. If you don't wish to allow all cookies going forward, be sure to change this setting back once you've completed your course. Please be aware that, while all content hosted by Docebo Content is safe, these changes can affect your browser security settings for other websites as well.
Chrome (referenced version: 119.0)
- At the top right of your browser window, click the ellipsis icon and then Settings
- In the lefthand column, select Privacy and security, then click Site settings
- Scroll down and click Third-party cookies
- Click Allow third-party cookies.
Edge (referenced version: 119.0)
- At the top right of your browser window, click the ellipsis icon and then Settings
- In the lefthand column, select Cookies and site permissions
- Under Cookies and data stored, click Manage and delete cookies and site data
- Activate the Allow sites to save and read cookie data option, so its color is blue
- Deactivate the Block third-party cookies option, so its color is no longer blue.
Firefox (referenced version: 120.0)
- At the top right of your browser window, click the gear icon and then Settings
- In the lefthand column, select Privacy & security
- In the "Browser privacy" section, select Custom
- Uncheck the boxes next to Cookies, Tracking content, and Fingerprinters.
Safari (referenced version: 17.0) - A Mac-only browser
- In the top left of your screen, click Safari and select Settings
- Click the Privacy icon in the top row
- Next to Website Tracking, uncheck Prevent cross-site tracking
- Click the Advanced icon in the top row
- In the Privacy section, uncheck Block all cookies.