The Community hub area of your platform allows you to engage your learners by fostering the sharing of ideas and knowledge. Community users are called members in your platform and in this article.
As a Superadmin or Power User with granted permissions, you can moderate the content added by the community members. This allows you to keep control of the content shared in the community and ensure that it complies with the community guidelines. Superadmins and Power Users with granted permissions are referred to as administrators in this article.
You can also assign a moderator role to some members of the community. The moderator role is detailed in the next chapter.
Please note! This article is a guide for community administrators. If you are a community moderator, please refer to the Moderator guide.
Creating and managing moderators
Moderators are members who are assigned specific capabilities in the community allowing them to moderate content. Moderators do not benefit from the same permissions as community administrators and cannot access the Admin shortcuts. Any content restriction set up by a community administrator will also apply to them.
Assigning moderators to the community
To assign moderators to a community, follow these steps:
- Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of your platform.
- Find the Communities section and click on the Community hub sub-menu. If you are working with several communities on multiple domains, access a community by clicking on its name. Otherwise, you will directly land on the page allowing you to configure your community.
- From the community configuration page, go to the Moderation tab.
- In the Community moderators section, assign moderators by typing their name in the corresponding field.
If you are working with several communities, please note that the moderators will be assigned to the community you are configuring only, even if they can access other communities. Moderators can only manage content that is published in spaces they have access to.
From the same section, you can manage specific permissions by enabling the corresponding checkboxes. Choose if moderators can:
- Pin and unpin posts to the community home page
- Pin and unpin posts to spaces
The chosen settings will apply to all the assigned moderators in the community.
Press Save changes once your selection is complete.
The moderator role
The moderators can perform the following actions. They are all detailed in the next chapters:
- Pre-moderate content
- Pin and unpin posts. You can enable or disable this permission from the Moderation tab of the community configuration area.
- Manage reported content
- Remove and hide posts
- Block members and manage the Deny list
Post pre-moderation
As a community administrator, you can enable post pre-moderation in your admin settings. When a post is set to be pre-moderated, it will be queued before going live to other members’ feeds and email digests. Until the post is approved, it will only be visible to its author and the approvers (community administrators and moderators). The post author will see in their feed that the post is pending approval.
Pre-moderation rules
To manage pre-moderation, access a community in the Community hub sub-menu, and go to the Moderation tab. From the Pre-moderation rules section, you can manage the type of content requiring moderation choosing to:
- Deactivate pre-moderation. All the posts will go live without pre-moderation. This option is selected by default.
- Apply pre-moderation to all posts. All the posts added by members will be subject to pre-moderation
Make a custom selection. By choosing this option, you can set a number of rules that will determine if a post should be subject to pre-moderation. Make your selection among the following settings:
- Posts from members who have published less posts than the required minimum: When you choose this option and set a minimum number of posts, posts from members who have published less than the minimum will be subject to pre-moderation
- Posts from members who have been in the community for less than the minimum number of days: When you choose this option and set a minimum number of days, posts from members who have been in the community for less time will be subject to pre-moderation
- Posts including words listed in the profanity filter
- Posts including a custom selection of keywords: Choose this option and enter keywords. All posts including the selected keywords will be subject to pre-moderation.
- Posts including links
Notifications for reported content and new posts to approve
Reported content and posts pending approval can be managed by both moderators and community administrators. While moderators will always receive the notifications for reported content and new posts to approve, you can deactivate notifications for Superadmins and/or Power Users.
When a post goes into the pre-moderation queue, community administrators and moderators will be notified in the following ways:
- An email notification is sent
- Posts pending approval will appear at the top of the community home page for administrators and moderators. They will need to review them one by one and approve or reject them.
- Posts pending approval will be included in the email digests of administrators and moderators.
Once a post has been approved, it will go live and be visible to other members. If an approver decides to reject a post, they need to provide the author with a rejection reason. In both cases, the post author will receive an email notification informing them if their post was approved or rejected. If the post has been rejected, they can use the rejection reason to improve their post and submit it again.
Reporting content
All members have the possibility to report a post, a comment or a private message using the ellipsis menu. Once a post or comment has been reported, an email notification is sent to the community administrators and the moderators who have access to the content. They can then choose one of the following options:
- Ignore the reporting of the content. The content will stay visible to all members.
- Remove the reported content. The content will be removed and will no longer be visible to members.
- Remove the content and block the member who added the content
Removing and hiding posts
Beyond reported posts, platform administrators and moderators can remove or hide posts that they do not want to make visible to members. From the community, click on the ellipsis menu on the top right corner of a post and choose Remove or Hide.
- Removing a post will make it unavailable to all community members including their author. When removing a post, you will also be prompted to block the author from the community.
- Hiding a post will also make it unavailable to community members but the author will continue to see it.
Tip: Hiding posts is a useful option when you don’t want a post author to know that their post has been hidden. Community administrators and moderators will also keep seeing the post with a hidden flag and an indication of who hid it.
Blocking members and managing the Deny list
Community administrators and moderators can choose to block a member if they feel that they do not comply with the community guidelines
There are two ways to block a member:
- From a member’s profile: Click on the ellipsis menu in the top right corner of the member’s profile and select Block member.
- From the Deny list tab found in the Community hub sub-menu: Click on Add member to the Deny list. In the right panel, choose the members you want to block by selecting the checkbox next to their name and clicking on Confirm.
All members that have been blocked are listed on the Deny list tab. Administrators can unblock a member at any time by hovering their mouse at the end of the member’s row and choosing Unblock member. Moderators cannot unblock members even if the members have been blocked by themselves.
Please note! You cannot block yourself or other administrators.