In your community, you can benefit from gamification functionality. Gamification is a great way to enhance the learning experience and increase learner engagement. To take advantage of gamification, start by activating the Gamification app as described in the Managing Apps & Features article of the Knowledge Base. The app is listed in the Docebo Additional Features tab.
This article describes how you can take advantage of gamification in the community through the use of badges and collections of badges.
Badges and collections of badges
A badge is like a medal your users gain every time they complete a particular action in the platform. You can organize your badges in collections. With collections, you can define which users can earn a badge. Learn more about badges and collections of badges.
Adding the community collection of badges
A collection of community badges is already available for you to use. To add this collection, access the Settings tab of the Community hub area. In the Gamification badges section of the page, find the Create community badges option.
This option allows you to automatically create a collection of community badges. It includes the badges that we recommend using. This action can only be done once. After the creation of the collection, you will no longer see the Create community badges option. The created badges will only be assigned to the branches that are assigned to the community.
The community collection of badges will be added to the list found on the Badge management page with the Built-in type.
Please note! In order to create the community collection of badges, the Gamification app should be activated on your platform.
Properties of the community collection of badges
From the Badge management page of the platform, click on the name of the community collection and go to the Properties tab. The properties of the collection can be found in the two vertical tabs, General and Availability.
- Check out the name of the collection: The name of the collection that is created is Community collection [name of your community). If you change the name of your community, this change will automatically be reflected in the name of the collection of badges. You cannot modify the name of the badge collection from this section.
- Check out the description of the collection and edit it if needed.
Availability tab
Check out the branches that have visibility over the community collection of badges. The visibility of the collection matches the visibility of the community. This means that only the branches that have visibility over the community have the badges from the collection visible in their profiles. You cannot change this setting from the Badge management area. However, if you update the visibility of the community itself, the visibility of the community collection of badges will then be automatically updated.
Associating badges to the collection
From the Badge management page of the platform, click on the name of the community collection and go to the Badges tab. On this page, you can see all the badges that have automatically been created. You can associate any other badge to the collection:
Click on the plus button in the top right corner of the page
In the right panel, select the badges that you want to add and click on Associate. You can also perform the same action from the Properties tab, following the same steps.
Please note! The community collection of badges automatically created cannot be deleted. However, it can be unpublished from the Collection of badges tab. Click on the check mark in the Status column to turn it from green to gray.
Creating and managing badges
From the Badge management page, you can create new badges that can be assigned to the community collection of badges or any other collection.
To create a new badge, click on the plus button in the top right corner of the Badge management page and select New badge.
Enter the badge details and click on Create and edit.
Properties tab
On the following page, you can set the badge properties from the General, Availability and Automatic assignment vertical tabs.
Set the details of the badge as described in the article Creating and managing badges.
Don’t forget to select the community visibility of the badge. You can choose to show the badge in the community profile of a member or hide it. Please note that the community visibility needs to be set for any given badge that you create.
Associate the badge to a collection of badges. You can associate the badge to any collection of badges, not just the automatically created community collection of badges.
Automatic assignment
You can decide to automatically assign a badge to a user when certain events occur. Some events in the community can trigger the awarding of a badge. This applies for any badge you create or edit and not only the ones found in the automatically created community collection of badges.
From the Automatic assignment vertical tab, select the option Enable automatic assignment for this badge using the corresponding checkbox. Then, proceed as follow:
- From the Platform area drop-down menu, select Community.
Select an event. You can choose between the following events:
- User added a post: Set the number of posts
- User added a comment: Set the number of comments
- User upvoted a post or a comment: Set the number of upvotes given
- User received an upvote: Set the number of upvotes received
- User’s answer was marked as best answer: Set the number of best answers
- User’s article was featured: Set the number of featured articles
- Set the criteria for the automatic assignment of the badge.
Setting the criteria for the automatic assignment of the badge means deciding how many times a user needs to perform a specific action in order to earn the badge.
For example, for the event User added a post, you can decide that a user needs to add 10 posts to earn the badge. A user can earn multiple badges for the same event. In the example above, another badge will be awarded when the user adds 20 posts. This will be shown in the member’s community profile with an icon on the badge indicating the number of times the member has earned the badge.
On top of automatic assignment you can also assign the badge manually from the Assigned users tab. Read the article Creating and managing badges for more details.
Earning community badges as a user
Platform users earn badges when they meet the rules set for their automatic assignment or when an administrator manually assigns the badges to them.
To see the badges they have earned, users should click on the Trophy icon in the header of their platform and go to the Badges and points page. The My badges tab displays all the badges that the user has earned, including the community badges.
Badges can also be seen in the community profile of a member if the administrator has chosen this setting. Learn more about the use of gamification for platform users.