Configuring the view options for a custom report is essential to designing a custom report that highlights the data most relevant to your specific needs.
This article walks you through the process of setting up view options for your custom reports and provides a detailed overview of the available options.
For a comprehensive list of all report types, please take a look at the article Available custom reports types in the new custom reports.
Configuring view options
Start creating your report as described in the article Creating and managing new custom reports.
When you get to the View options tab, you can select the fields that you want to display in your report and choose the order in which data are shown.
Reports fields
In the Report fields section of the tab, the fields are grouped according to their area. The areas differ from report to report, and are determined by which type of report you selected to generate. Use the option in this area t select the fields you want to display in the custom report.
Some fields are selected by default (they are grayed out) and you cannot deselect them. As an example, in the Users - Courses reports, the default fields are Username and Course title.
Sorting options
In the Sorting options section of the tab, Order by area, set the order of the data in the report according to the available options proposed (they vary depending on the report).
As an option, you can choose a custom field for the report sorting from the dropdown menu among those you selected in the Report fields section above. Once selected the field, you can choose if you want to apply the ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order.
Remember that selecting a custom field for the report sorting could affect the report generation speed.
Move to the Columns sorting area to configure a custom sorting for the columns in your report (that correspond to the fields you selected in the Report fields section).
When you enable the Configure your custom columns sorting option, the Configure sorting button appears below. Click on it and configure the columns sorting by dragging and dropping the report fields in the right panel that opens. When ready, click Confirm to apply the order you chose.
Please note: If the custom field you select is an additional field with numeric values, the numbers will not be sorted in numerical order. Instead, they will follow lexicographic order. Numbers will be sorted based on the order of their components (digits) and each digit is ordered separately: the first digit is considered first and numbers are ordered based on the first digit, then the second digit, finally the third digit. For example, when sorting in ascending order, 80 will appear before 9 because the first digit of 80 (8) is less than the first and only digit of 9 (9).
The following chapters of this article list the available view options divided by area. Note that not all view options apply to every report.
User fields
The view options available in this section specifically relate to the users’ data.
In addition to the view options listed in the following table, this section also displays the additional fields configured for users as available view options.
Tip: If you need to protect sensitive data in your report, as a Superadmin, you can configure the view options to include user additional fields that are invisible to users but remain visible to you and to Power Users with the Users / Can see invisible fields permission.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Authenticator app paired |
This field displays whether the user’s profile is paired with an authentication app for courses with e-signature or not. If so, the value is Yes, otherwise No. |
Bamboohr_id |
If you have integrated your platform with BambooHR, this field shows the user's unique identifier in BambooHR. |
Branch name |
The branch the user belongs to. If the user belongs to a sub-branch, the report shows the sub-branch in this field. For example, if a user Jane Doe is assigned to the Human Resources/Talent/Communication, the Communication branch is the one displayed. If you activated your platform before October 21, 2019, you can assign the same user to multiple branches. If so, the report shows all the branches the user belongs to, separated by a comma. This view option does not return data in the Users custom report for the users who belong exclusively to the root branch. |
Branch path |
This field provides information on the hierarchical structure of branches and sub-branches, showing the user's position within this hierarchy and their final branch destination. This view option does not return data in the Users custom report for the users who belong exclusively to the root branch. |
Branches codes |
The code of the branch the user belongs to. If the user belongs to a sub-branch, the report shows the code of the sub-branch in this field. For example, if a user Jane Doe is assigned to the Human Resources/Talent/Communication, the code of the Communication branch is the one displayed. If you activated your platform before October 21, 2019, you can assign the same user to multiple branches. If so, the report shows all the branches the user belongs to, separated by a comma. This view option does not return data in the Users custom report for the users who belong exclusively to the root branch. |
Deactivated |
This field helps identify the active platform users from inactive ones. This option is particularly helpful if the Hide deactivated users option is not selected in the report Filters tab, User options section, and deactivated users are not excluded from the report. Deactivated users are identified with Yes, and active users with No. If the user has expired and the Hide expired users option is not selected in the report Filters tab, User options section, you will see a Yes as well. |
Direct manager |
The name of the user's direct manager (the default manager field). Other manager types are not taken into consideration. |
The email address associated with the user profile. |
Email validation status |
The email validation status shows if the user’s email has been validated. In some cases, validation is set as a requirement in the platform's advanced setting (the Send verification email at first login option is enabled in the Users tab) to allow some platform functions to run smoothly. Validation is not mandatory. |
First name |
The user’s first name. |
Full name |
The user’s full name. |
Language |
The user’s profile preferred language. |
Last name |
The user’s last name. |
Manager permissions |
Whether the user has manager permissions. |
sfdc_ID |
If you have activated the user provisioning from Salesforce, this field shows the user's unique identifier in Salesforce. |
sfdc_user_type |
If you have activated the user provisioning from Salesforce, this field shows the type of user on Salesforce. |
Time zone |
The user's time zone. It can be assigned by default, set through a CSV import, or selected by the user. |
User creation date |
The date when the user was created. |
User expiration date |
An expiration date can be set for the user to prevent access to the platform after a given date. Although it achieves the same outcome as deactivation, it has a different status. |
User last access date |
The last date and time the user accessed the platform. |
User level |
The user level in the platform. Possible values are user, Power User, and Superadmin. |
User suspension date |
This field provides no data and will be deprecated. |
User unique ID |
The platform automatically assigns a unique ID to each user. This ID cannot be customized or deleted and is used to provide a unique identity for all users on the platform. |
Username |
The username is assigned to or chosen by every user accessing the platform. This field is selected by default and you cannot unselect it. |
Groups and branches fields
The view options available in this section relate to data of groups and branches of the organizational chart.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Group/branch name |
The name of the branches and the groups whose data is retrieved. |
Members |
The number of members in each group and branch. |
Best practice: It is recommended that separate reports be created for branches and groups to enhance the efficiency of identifying membership in each.
Course fields
The view options available in this section relate to course data.
In addition to the view options listed in the following table, this section also displays the additional fields configured for courses as available view options.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Course title |
The title of the course. This field is selected by default and you cannot unselect it. |
Course category |
The category to which the course is assigned. If the course is not associated with any category, no information will be displayed. |
Course category code |
The code of the category to which the course is assigned. |
Course code |
The code is assigned to the course by the course creator upon creation. |
Course creation date |
The date when the course was created. |
Course duration |
The course average time for completion set in the course properties. |
Course end date |
The course expiration date set in the course properties, Time options tab. |
Course has expired |
This field shows whether the course expiration date has been reached or not. If expired, the value is set to Yes, otherwise to No. Note for Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses: This field is not populated for ILT courses, since they do not have an expiration date. You can apply enrollment validity periods to all enrollments but no data will be retrieved anyways. |
Course internal ID |
The platform automatically assigns an internal ID to each course. This ID cannot be customized or deleted and is used to provide a unique identity for all courses on the platform. It is also used when leveraging API endpoints. It usually is visible in the platform URL when editing a course, as a number. Examples:;tab=properties https://your-custom-domain/course/edit/95;tab=properties |
Course language |
The language for the course within the learning plan. |
Course start date |
Populates if a starting date has been set to grant access to the course or as part of a validity period. |
Course status |
The status of the course: Published or Under maintenance. |
Course type |
The type of course: E-learning or ILT (Instructor-Led Training). |
Course unique ID |
The platform automatically assigns a unique ID to each course. This ID cannot be customized or deleted and is used to provide a unique identity for all courses on the platform. For example, if course titles and codes are identical, the unique identifier helps distinguish them. |
Credits (CEUs) |
The number of credits assigned to the course in the course properties area. |
E-signature |
Shows if e-signature is required for the course. If required the value is set to Yes, otherwise to No. |
Language |
The language selected for the course. |
Skills in course |
The skills assigned to the course. |
Learning plan fields
The view options available in this section relate to learning plans’ data.
In addition to the view options listed in the following table, this section also displays the additional fields configured for learning plans as available view options.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Credits (CEUs) | The number of credits assigned to the learning plan in the plan properties area. |
Learning plan code |
The code is assigned to the learning plan by the learning plan creator upon creation. |
Learning plan creation date |
The date when the learning plan was created. |
Learning plan description |
The learning plan description. |
Learning plan language |
The language selected for the learning plan in the plan properties area. |
Learning plan last edit |
The date of the last update to the learning plan. Updates only refer to changes to the plan properties. Adding or removing courses from the learning plan, as well as assigning or unassigning the learning plan to channels and catalogs, is not considered an update. |
Learning plan title |
The title of the learning plan. This field is selected by default and you cannot unselect it. |
Learning plan status |
The status of the learning plan: Published or Under maintenance. |
Learning plan UUID |
The platform automatically assigns a unique ID to each learning plan. This ID cannot be customized or deleted and is used to provide a unique identity for all learning plans on the platform. For example, if learning plan titles and codes are identical, the unique identifier helps distinguish them. |
Number of associated courses |
The number of courses included in the learning plan. |
Number of mandatory associated courses |
The number of mandatory courses included in the learning plan. |
Training material fields
The view options available in this section specifically relate to the various training materials provided within courses.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Attempt date |
The date when the user last interacted with the training material. |
Bookmark |
Provides information on training materials that contribute to either an initial score or a final score for the course. If a training material is set to generate the course's initial score, then the Bookmark field in the report shows Start. If a training material is set for the course final score calculation (Bookmark), then the Bookmark field in the report shows End. This field is selected by default and you cannot unselect it. |
First attempt |
The date when the user first accessed the training material. |
Training material last completion date |
The date when the user last completed the training material. |
Training material score |
If the training material produces a score, this field displays the score obtained by the user after completing it. |
Training material status |
The user's progress status in completing the training material. Possible values are Not started, In progress, or Completed. |
Training material title |
The training material title. This field is selected by default and you cannot unselect it. |
Training material type |
The type of training material being reported. The report provides information on the following types of training materials:
Training material version |
The version of the training material the user interacted with. This version matches those stored in the central repository. |
Session fields
The view options available in this section relate to the sessions of Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses.
In addition to the view options listed in the following table, this section also displays the additional fields configured for sessions as available view options.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Evaluation score base |
When the session completion is set to Evaluation based, this field displays the score obtained by the user upon evaluation. |
Session attendance type |
It provides information on the attendance type of all sessions, as set up for each event. Possible options are:
Session code |
The code assigned to the session in the session properties area. |
Session completion rate % |
The percentage of users enrolled in the session who have completed it. |
Session end date |
The date of the session’s last event. |
Session hours |
The session's overall duration calculated as the sum of the duration of hours of all the events composing it. |
Session instructor full name |
The name of the session’s instructor, who in turn will be the instructor of all events. |
Session instructor username |
The username of the session’s instructor, who in turn will be the instructor of all events. |
Session instructors list |
The names of all instructors assigned to the session, excluding those assigned to individual events. Tip: If the session has more than one instructor, when you download the report, all the instructors’ names are listed in the same cell. To separate them, use a formula that splits text into columns, usually available in Excel and Google Sheets. |
Session internal ID |
The platform automatically assigns an internal ID to each session. This ID cannot be customized or deleted and is used to provide a unique identity for all sessions on the platform. It is also used when leveraging API endpoints. It usually is visible in the platform URL when editing a session, as a number. |
Session maximum enrollments |
The maximum number of enrollments allowed for the session. Once this limit is reached, no self-enrollments are permitted, and Superadmin enrollments are placed on the waiting list. |
Session minimum enrollments |
The minimum enrollments set for the session. This value is provided for informational purposes only and does not prevent learners from accessing the session they are enrolled in. |
Session name |
The session name. |
Session start date |
The date of the session’s first event. |
Session unique ID |
The platform automatically assigns a unique ID to each session. This ID cannot be customized or deleted and is used to provide a unique identity for all sessions on the platform. For example, if session titles and codes are identical, the unique identifier helps distinguish them. Retrieve the session unique ID in the course Instructor-Led Training (ILT) Sessions tab, by enabling the Session unique ID column. |
Time in session |
The total time the user has been marked as present in sessions (both online and onsite) by a Superadmin, a Power User with granted permission, or an instructor.
Webinar tool |
The videoconference tool used for online events. |
Webinar tool time in session |
This view option does not return data. |
Event fields
The view options available in this section relate to the events composing the sessions of Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Attendance status (absent) % |
Percentage of users enrolled in the session with attendance status recorded as Absent. |
Attendance status (not set) |
Number of users enrolled in a session who do not yet have an attendance status recorded. This field is expressed in absolute numbers, while the absent and the present attendance statuses are expressed as a percentage. |
Attendance status (present) % |
Percentage of users enrolled in the session with attendance status recorded as Present. |
Average score |
Average score for all sessions whose completion is set to Evaluation based. If learners have not yet received an evaluation, the field will appear blank.
Event date |
The date when the event is scheduled. |
Event duration |
The event's duration, calculated as the number of hours between its start and end date and time. |
Event Id |
The platform automatically assigns an internal ID to each event. This ID cannot be customized or deleted and is used to provide a unique identity for all events on the platform. It is also used when leveraging API endpoints. It usually is visible in the platform URL when editing an event, as a number. |
Event instructor full name |
The name of the event’s instructor, it may differ from the session's instructor. |
Event instructor user name |
The username of the event’s instructor. |
Event instructors list |
The list of instructors assigned to individual events. |
Event name |
The event name. |
Event start date |
The event date is also the start date. |
Event time zone |
The time zone of the event, it helps clarify the event time if it is in a different time zone. |
Event type |
The type of event. Possible options are:
Enrollment fields
The view options available in this section relate to enrollment data.
In addition to the view options listed in the following table, this section also displays the additional fields configured for enrollments as available view options.
Please note: The Enrollment fields view options are split in two areas, namely Learning plan enrollment fields and Course Enrollment Fields the following reports:
- Users - Learning Plans
- Learning Plans - Users Statistics
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Archive date | The date when the user’s enrollment was archived. If the user has more archived enrollments for the course, all of them are listed. |
Archived enrollment (Yes / No) |
Indicates if the course enrollment is an active one (No) or archived one (Yes). Please note: This option excludes enrollment additional fields. If enrollment additional fields are included in your report, their values will appear blank for archived enrollments. |
Attendance |
The number of hours attended by the learner in every session. If the user attended several events, this field shows the sum of the hours. For example “9h / 9h”. The attendance time can be registered manually, or automatically, depending on the configuration to record it. |
Completion date |
The date when the user’s course enrollment status changed to Completed. For the Users - Learning Plans custom report, the date when the user’s learning plan enrollment status changed to Completed. |
Course completion date | The date when the user’s course enrollment status changed to Completed. |
Course enrollment date |
The date when the user enrolled or was enrolled in the course within the learning plan. |
Course enrollment end date |
If the user enrollment has a validity period for the course within the learning plan, this column shows the date when this validity period ends. |
Course enrollment start date |
If the user enrollment has a validity period for the course within the learning plan, this column shows the date when this validity period starts. |
Course enrollment status |
Provides information about the user enrollment status. |
Course first access date |
The date when the user first accessed the course after their enrollment. |
Course last access date | The date when the user last accessed the course. |
Days left |
The number of days before the enrollment expiration date, according to the enrollment validity period configured in the course properties. For ILT courses, even if a validity period is applied, no data of days left is computed since this is considered a soft deadline. |
E-signature hash |
If the e-signature is active for the course, this view option shows an alphanumeric code confirming that the user complied with the e-signature requirements set for the course. |
End of validity | If an enrollment validity period was set for the user, the date when this validity period ends. |
Enrollment date |
The date when the user enrolled or was enrolled in the course. For the Users - Learning Plans custom report, the date when the user enrolled or was enrolled in the learning plan. |
Enrollment end date |
If the user enrollment has a validity period, this column shows the date when this validity period ends. |
Enrollment expiration date |
The date when the enrollment expires according to the enrollment validity period.
Enrollment priority |
If the Show the Enrollment attributes option is enabled in the platform's advanced settings, this column shows if the content priority is mandatory, required, recommended, or optional. |
Enrollment start date |
If the user enrollment has a validity period, this column shows the date when this validity period starts. |
Enrollment status |
Provides information about the user enrollment status in the course. |
Learning plan enrollment status |
Provides information about the user enrollment status in the learning plan. |
Evaluation status |
User evaluation status when the session evaluation/ completion is set to Evaluation based. Possible values are: Passed, Not passed, and Not set. |
Event attendance (hours) |
The learner attendance at the event is expressed as the total amount of hours recorded for their participation. |
Event attendance (status) |
The attendance status for every session event. |
Final score |
If one or more training materials with a score were selected as the final score calculator for the course, this view option shows it. Tests, SCORMs, xAPIs, and AICC packages are the types of training materials capable of generating a score. |
Initial score |
The course initial score, if set. |
Instructor feedback |
The comment given by the instructor while evaluating the user’s performance in the session, if available. |
Learner evaluation |
The score given by the instructor as part of the session evaluation. |
Learning plan enrollment status |
Session completion date |
The date when the user completed the session, based on the session evaluation/ completion setting. |
Session enrollment date |
The date when the learner enrolled or was enrolled in the session. |
Session enrollment status |
The user enrollment status in the session. |
Start of validity |
If an enrollment validity period was set for the user, the date when this validity period starts. |
User course level |
The user level in the course. |
Statistics fields
These view options track user progress and activity within courses, providing a snapshot of learner engagement and outcomes.
Please note: The Statistics fields view options is referred to as Usage statistics in the Courses - Users custom report, as Course usage statistics in the Sessions - Users Statistics custom report and as Learning plan usage statistics fields in th Learning plans - Users Statistics report.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
"Completed" user status |
Number of enrolled users who have completed the course or the learning plan. Only active enrollments will be considered; archived enrollments are excluded. |
"Completed" user status % |
Percentage of enrolled users who have completed the course or the learning plan. Only active enrollments will be considered; archived enrollments are excluded. |
"In progress" user status |
Number of enrolled users who have accessed or interacted with the course training materials. Only active enrollments will be considered; archived enrollments are excluded. |
"In progress" user status % |
Percentage of enrolled users who have accessed or interacted with the course training materials. Only active enrollments will be considered; archived enrollments are excluded. |
"Not started" user status |
Number of enrolled users who have not yet accessed or started interacting with the course training materials. |
"Not started" user status % |
Percentage of enrolled users who have not yet accessed or started interacting with the course training materials. |
Active |
The number of active certifications for each certification. |
Answer's dislikes |
The number of thumbs down (dislikes) that an answer to a question has received. |
Answer's likes |
The number of thumbs up (likes) that an answer to a question has received. |
Answers |
The number of answers that a question on an asset has received. Only the answers are counted, not the questions or comments. |
Archived |
The number of archived certifications for each certification. |
Asset rating | The average rating received by the asset. |
Average reaction time |
Average time it takes for the users invited via the Invite to watch functionality to access and view the asset after triggering the invitation. Please note: Only reactions after invitation are counted. Sharing assets with users or channels is not calculated in this field. |
Best answers |
The total number of best answers selected for questions linked to the asset. |
Course rating | When users can rate the course, the average rating, from 1 to 5 stars. |
Enrolled users Also referred to as Users enrolled in course |
The total number of users enrolled in the course. |
Expired |
The number of expired certifications for each certification. |
Global watch rate |
Percentage of invitations that successfully resulted in views for a specific asset. Please note: Only views occurring after the invitation are counted. Sharing assets with users or channels does not contribute to this field. |
Invited people (total) |
The number of users invited to watch an asset after its publication via the Invite to watch functionality. Please note: This field only tracks invitations sent using the Invite to watch functionality after an asset has been published. Users selected along with the channel during the asset upload process are not considered invited people for this metric, as the selection at upload represents sharing by the asset owner. Once the asset is published, both the owner and other users can share it with others, but only invitations sent through the Invite to watch button are included in this field. |
Issued |
The number of times a given certification has been issued. |
Not watched |
Shows if the asset has not been watched by other users:
Questions |
The number of questions and comments for the asset. |
Session time (min) |
The total time users spent on sessions of Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses. |
Total views |
The total number of views of the asset, calculated based on the distinct users who have accessed and viewed the asset. For example, the platform tracks when the asset's status changes from New to Watched. After the first view is logged, additional accesses or views of the asset are not counted. Please note: If the asset is updated, the platform treats it as the same asset with modifications, so the recorded view count remains unchanged after the update. |
Training material time (sec) |
The total time users spent on training materials, expressed in seconds. |
Users enrolled in learning plan | The total number of users enrolled in the learning plan. |
Watched |
Shows if the asset has been watched by other users:
Usage statistics fields
These view options provide detailed insights into user interaction with courses and training materials for a comprehensive view of their engagement and learning behaviors, aiding in performance analysis and course optimization.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Course progress (%) | The percentage of the user's progress through the course. |
Number of actions |
A numeric value representing the number of actions a user has performed in a given course. Actions include starting a course, accessing new training materials, or any activity triggering an API call related to that course. |
Number of sessions |
Sessions are counted every time a user accesses training material in a course. The number of sessions might be impacted if a user leaves a training material session idle without interacting. When a course or training material is opened in a browser tab but not actively engaged, the platform keeps that session alive. This behavior can impact the report accuracy. |
Session time (min) |
The total session time of users enrolled in an Instructor-Led Training (ILT) course, expressed in minutes. Note: Session times are not recorded for e-learning courses. Refer to the following articles for more details: |
Training material time (sec) |
The total time spent by the learner on the training materials composing the course (both on desktop and mobile) since the first time they accessed the course after their enrollment, expressed in seconds. The total time is recalculated every day at 0:00 UTC. Please note that the time is calculated on the actual time the user spends in the course, removing breaks caused by inactivity also due to pop-up blockers and tab closing. |
Session usage statistics fields
These view options offer additional statistical insights about the enrollment process and the session evaluation status.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Evaluation status "Not passed" % |
Percentage of users enrolled in the session who have not passed the evaluation. This field is available only for sessions whose completion is set to Evaluation based. |
Evaluation status "Not set" |
Number of users enrolled in the session with no evaluation yet provided. |
Evaluation status “Passed” % |
Percentage of users enrolled in the session who have passed the evaluation. This field is available only for sessions whose completion is set to Evaluation based. |
Session completion mode |
The completion criterion set for the session. |
Users completed session |
The number of users who have completed the session. |
Users enrolled in session |
The number of users enrolled in the session whose status is neither In progress nor Completed. |
Users in progress session |
Users who have started fulfilling the session requirements but have not yet completed them, such as attending one event in a session that includes multiple events. |
Users waiting list session |
Number of users who on the session waiting list. |
Mobile app statistics fields
These view options offer insights into how users interact with training materials through mobile devices. These metrics help administrators understand mobile learning trends and optimize content for mobile users.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
% of training material from mobile app Also referred to as: Training material access % from mobile app |
The percentage of total training material consumption time for a course that occurred via the mobile app. |
Time in training material from mobile app |
The duration (in seconds) of the session during which the user engaged with training material on the mobile app. |
Training material access from mobile app |
Whether a user accessed the course training material via the mobile app, with a Yes or No answer. |
Flow statistics fields
These view options offer insights into how users interact with training materials through embedded learning. These metrics help administrators understand embedded learning trends and optimize content for embedded learning users.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
% of training material from Flow Also referred to as: Training material access % from Flow |
The percentage of total training material consumption time for a course that occurred via embedded learning. |
Time in training material from Flow |
The duration (in seconds) of the session during which the user engaged with training material via embedded learning. |
Training material access from Flow |
Whether a user accessed the course training material via embedded learning, with a Yes or No answer. |
Microsoft Teams statistics fields
These view options offer insights into how users interact with training materials through Microsoft Teams. These metrics help administrators understand embedded learning trends and optimize content for Microsoft Teams users.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
% of training material for Microsoft Teams Also referred to as: Training material access % from Docebo for Microsoft Teams |
The percentage of total training material consumption time for a course that occurred via Microsoft Teams. |
Time in training material for Microsoft Teams | The duration (in seconds) of the session during which the user engaged with training material via Microsoft Teams. |
Training material access for Microsoft Teams Also referred to as: Training material access from Docebo for Microsoft Teams |
Whether a user accessed the course training material via Microsoft Teams, with a Yes or No answer. |
Survey fields
These view options relate to survey details and their respective answers while preserving the anonymity of the respondents.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Survey description |
The survey description shown to users. |
Survey ID |
A unique numeric identifier provided by the platform upon the survey creation. |
Survey title |
Title of the survey training material. |
Survey tracking type |
The type of tracking chosen for the survey when it is either created directly in the central repository or uploaded from the central repository in a course. |
Survey question and answer fields
These view options relate to survey questions and answers while preserving the anonymity of the respondents.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Mandatory Question (Yes / No) |
Indicates whether the question is mandatory or not:
Question |
Survey question. |
Question ID |
Survey question unique identifier. |
Question type |
Survey completion date |
The date when the survey was completed. |
Survey completion ID |
A unique identifier generated for each survey session completed by a user. It uniquely identifies that specific survey completion, encompassing all the responses given by the user. Please note! When you select the Group/Branch name field, you will receive a record for every group or branch a user belongs to. Therefore, even if the user has completed the survey only once, you will see multiple records corresponding to each group and branch to which the user belongs. |
User answers to question (text) |
The user's answer to the survey question. |
Certification fields
The view options available in this section relate to the user's certifications.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Certification code |
The code assigned to the certification. |
Certification description |
The description of the certification. |
Certification duration |
The period for which the certification remains valid. It can be set in days, weeks, months, or years. The report will display this information as configured in the certification. Best practice: Use the same time unit for all certifications to simplify data management in the report. |
Certification status |
The user’s certification status. Possible values are:
Certification title |
The name of the certification. |
Completed activity |
The course, learning plan, or external training item that the user completed to earn the certification. If the certification is awarded after completing external training, the information in this section will be displayed as follows:
Issued on |
The date when the certification was issued. |
To renew in |
The date when the certification needs to be renewed. |
Badge and badge assignment fields
These view options relate to information regarding the badges earned by users when the gamification is active on the platform.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Badge description |
The badge description. |
Badge name | The name that was given by platform administrators. |
Badge score |
The score value assigned to the badge. |
Issued on |
The date when the badge was issued, either earned after accomplishing the required activities or manually awarded. The method of issuance is not tracked. |
External training fields
These view options relate to information regarding training completed outside the platform and recorded in the user's platform records using the External training app.
In addition to the view options listed in the following table, this section also displays the external training additional fields configured in the platform as available view options.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Certificate |
The certificate name that verifies the completion of training outside the platform, submitted through the External Training app. Please note: This field is not linked to in-platform certificates or the Certification and retraining app, so no records connecting the two can be retrieved. |
Course completion date |
The date when the user completed the external course. |
Course title |
The title of the course that the user completed outside the platform, which may or may not be available on the platform. |
Course start date |
The date when the user started the course outside the platform. Please note: This field is populated only for Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses, e-learning courses do not pull data for this field. |
Course type |
This indicates whether the external training is equivalent to an e-learning course or an ILT course on the platform. |
Credits (CEUs) |
The number of credits earned by completing the external training. |
External training score |
If a score is assigned for completing the external training, it is displayed by this field. |
External training status |
The status of the external training activity. Possible values are:
Training institute |
The institution, organization, or association where the training was completed, if available. |
E-commerce transaction fields
These view options relate to information regarding the e-commerce transactions performed on the platform. These view options allow you to retrieve details of each individual transaction, including billing information such as address, payment method, and discount.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
The billing address entered by the user upon payment. The details of each item in the address are reported in a separate dedicated column. |
Coupon code |
The coupon code used in the transaction, if applicable. |
Coupon description |
The description of the coupon code used in the transaction, if applicable. |
External transaction ID |
Identification number generated by the payment gateway upon completing the transaction. |
Payment date |
The date when the payment was successfully processed. |
Payment method |
The payment method used to complete the transaction. |
Payment status |
Transaction payment status. Possible values are:
Quantity |
The number of items purchased in a single transaction. |
Transaction creation date |
The date when the transaction was started by the user. Please note: The transaction date and the payment date might differ. |
Transaction discount |
The amount of money deducted from the transaction total. |
Transaction ID |
A unique identifier given by the platform to every transaction. |
Transaction subtotal price |
The transaction total before taxes, fees, or discounts are applied. |
Transaction subtotal price currency |
Currency of the transaction subtotal. |
Transaction total price |
The total price of the transaction paid by the user. |
Transaction total price currency |
Currency of the transaction total. |
VAT number |
Sometimes also known as a VAT registration number, this is the unique number that identifies a taxable person (business) or non-taxable legal entity that is registered for VAT. In the US businesses receive a sales tax permit, or seller’s permit, along with a business tax ID. And since sales tax operates on a state level (not the national level), businesses have a different tax ID for each state where they are registered |
E-commerce transaction item fields
These view options relate to information regarding the items purchased in e-commerce transactions performed on the platform.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Code of course/learning plan/subscription plan/training credit pack |
The codes of the purchased items. |
End date |
ILT location | The location where the purchased Instruction-Led Training (ILT) course was held. |
ILT/webinar session name |
The name of the session purchased when buying an ILT course. |
Item price |
The price of the individual item. This data is particularly helpful when purchasing several items in a single transaction or to track purchases for specific items. |
Item price currency |
Currency used for prices. |
Name of course/learning plan/subscription plan/training credit pack |
The names of the purchased items. |
Start date |
Type |
The type of item purchased:
Content partner fields
These view options relate to information regarding content partner discounts when purchasing content, subscription plans, and training credit packs.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Affiliate |
Affiliate content partner. |
Referral link code |
Content partner referral link code. |
Referral link source |
Content partner referral link source. |
Asset fields
These view options relate to information regarding informal learning assets.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Asset description |
The description of the asset provided by the asset creator or curator. |
Asset name |
The name of the asset. |
Asset skills |
The skills associated with the asset. |
Asset tags |
The tags associated with the asset. |
Average review |
The average ranking of the asset. |
Channels |
The name of the channel or channels in which the asset has been published. |
Involved channels |
The list of the channels in which the user is an expert. |
Last edit by |
The last user who updated the asset, as visible when editing the asset. |
Private assets |
The number of assets uploaded by the user and set as private with the Only me option. |
Published assets |
The total number of assets uploaded by the user and published following approval by the expert's channel. Channels uploading permissions determine if the submitted assets are immediately published or require peer review. |
Published by |
The name of the user who uploaded the asset. If the publication requires approval by a channel expert, the name of the uploader will still appear here. |
Published on |
The date when the asset was published. |
Type |
The type of asset accessed by the user. Possible values are:
Unpublished assets |
The number of assets uploaded by the user that remain unpublished, pending action from the channel expert. Channels uploading permissions determine if the submitted assets are immediately published or require peer review. |
Uploaded assets |
The total number of assets uploaded by the user, regardless of their publishing status. Channels uploading permissions determine if the submitted assets are immediately published or require peer review. |
Asset status fields
These view options relate to information regarding the status of informal learning assets.
Field | Retrieved data | Custom reports |
Access count |
The number of times a user has accessed an asset. Only the first access is counted. |
First access date |
The date when the user accessed the asset for the first time. |
Last access date |
The last date when the customer accessed the asset. |