Other than using your learning platform for E-Learning courses, you can also take advantage of the Instructor-Led Training (ILT) management in the platform for instructor-led training in classrooms. While the training is physically carried out, you can set up the same course in the platform to provide your learners with information on the course sessions, agenda and location, to monitor the course attendance and manage the course waitlist.
In addition, you can upload training material in the course area (such as the slides used during the training, a video of the most important or key moments in the classroom) that learners will be able to access before, during and after the training, depending on your configuration.
Organizing a classroom course includes the management of the locations and the classrooms needed to host the course. You can plan, for example, a course that will be delivered in different sessions and locations.
This article outlines how to create and manage locations and classrooms for your courses. More information on how to manage ILT courses and users in classroom courses.
Creating a New Location
In order to assign a session to a specific classroom, you need to first create a location. Access the Admin Menu, then click on the Classroom Locations in the E-Learning section. On the main Locations page, you will see an action bar at the top, where you can add locations. You will also see a list of locations below the action bar. To add a new location, Select the New Location button.
Input details and information relevant to the location. Provide as much information as possible so that your learners know exactly where to attend the course. Assign the Address and Contacts info to the location using the corresponding tabs. The Location name and Country fields are mandatory.
Complete the Address info in the following format: Street name, 10 – 12345 City. This way, the address will be tracked on Google Maps, thus viewable on the Map Preview. The location's phone number and e-mail address may also be useful information if you need to get in touch with the location’s supervisor.
Then, move to the Details tab and insert additional details such as suggested accommodations, advice on the best route to reach the location, along with other useful information. Finally, move to the Location Photos tab to add pictures of the location. Press the Upload file(s) button and choose the pictures from your device. Please note that you can upload a maximum of 10 photos.
Press Confirm to complete the process. You’ve now created your new location. It will appear in the list of locations on the main Locations page. You can also import a set of locations using a CSV file. In order to do so, select the Import from CVS file button.
Insert the following columns into your CSV file: Location name, Address, Country, Telephone, E-mail, Contact info, Accommodations, and Other info. You can download a sample of the CSV file, if necessary. Select the Upload File button, then choose your file. Select the Separator and File Charset, then press Next.
Once uploaded, you can proceed with the association of each column to the related field. Then select the Next button. Once created, you can manage the location through the corresponding icons: add a classroom, view map location, edit location information, or delete the location. Please note that locations can only be deleted if they are not associated to a future classroom course.
Creating a Classroom
Once the new location has been created, you can start adding new classrooms. Select the Add Classroom(s) item in the location’s row. You will then be redirected to the classrooms page for the specific location. At the top of the page, press the New Classroom button to add a new classroom.
In the pop up box, add the classroom name, details, available seats, and equipment into the corresponding text fields. Please note that classroom name and number of available seats are mandatory to complete.
When you’re finished, press Confirm. The classroom will now show up in the list of classrooms, and you can edit or delete it as necessary. You can add as many classrooms as needed to the same location. You can also import a set of classrooms via a CSV file. To do so, select the Import from CSV file button in the action bar at the top of the classrooms page.
You need to insert the following columns into your CSV file: classroom name, details, available seats, and equipment. You can download a sample of the CSV file via the related link, as shown in the picture below.
When you’re ready, select the Upload File button and choose your file. Select the separator and file charset, then press Next.
Once uploaded, you can proceed with the association of each column to the related field. Then select the Next button. The system will give you feedback regarding changes that you may need to make, if necessary. Once classrooms are successfully uploaded, they will appear in the list of classrooms for the location.