Your platform allows you to measure the effectiveness and prove the impact of learning through the use of smart questionnaires.
This article explains how you can enable learning evaluation at course level and set the evaluation properties.
Enabling the learning evaluation for courses
To enable evaluation for one or more courses, click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the platform, look for Learning evaluation in the Apps & features area, and click on the Manage sub-menu.
While on the Courses tab, click on the plus button in the top right corner of the page.
In the Enable learning evaluation on courses right panel, select the courses you would like to enable learning evaluation for. Use the filters and the text search to drill down the courses by type and language.
Press Next to proceed.
Set the evaluation properties of the evaluation process. Superadmins can pre-configure the default evaluation properties in the Evaluation designer, establishing the evaluation options proposed by default when activating the learning evaluation for a course in the Manage menu, where these default settings can be applied or adjusted on a course-by-course basis.
Evaluation process structure: Configure the evaluation process by enabling or disabling the proposed questionnaire types. Select a questionnaire for every questionnaire type you selected from the dropdown menus. Click on Preview questionnaire to see the respondent's view of the questionnaire. The available questionnaire types are:
- Learner initial questionnaire: This questionnaire cannot be disabled; it is always part of the evaluation process, for all courses. Select which questionnaire to use for the evaluation process of the selected courses.
- Instructor initial questionnaire (for Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses only)
- Learner follow-up questionnaire
- Manager follow-up questionnaire (for ILT courses only)
Confidential data: Set whether the data collected from questionnaires is confidential or nominative. This setting is available only when enabling Learning Evaluation for a single course in the right panel. When you select more than one course, this setting is hidden and the confidentiality configuration is inherited from the evaluation process properties for the chosen methodology (ILT or e-learning).
- Confidential: Nobody can identify which respondent has provided a particular answer.
- Nominative: Superadmins can identify which respondent has provided a particular answer. Power Users with permissions for learning evaluations (Learning impact) can identify which respondents have provided a particular answer for the users assigned to them.
Click Confirm to finalize the enablement of the learning evaluation for the selected courses, which are now listed in the Courses tab of the Learning evaluation main page.
Notes on the evaluation enablement
- When learning evaluation is enabled for a course, all enrolled learners, except those with a Completed status, are included in the evaluation process. To exclude specific learners, such as those who did not attend the training, you must unenroll them from the course. More about enrolling users into courses.
- Only the learners enrolled in a course for which the learning evaluation is enabled (excluding those with a Completed status) will receive email notifications prompting them to complete the questionnaires. The learners enrolled in a course prior to the enablement will not receive any email notification to answer evaluation questionnaires. However, they will be able to access the evaluation questionnaire through in-platform notifications as long as the learning evaluation questionnaire is not embedded in the course as training material. They will also be able to access the learning evaluation questionnaire at the end of the course if you embed it as training material.
Please note. The number of enrollments displayed on the Courses tab of the Learning evaluation main page reflects the total number of users enrolled in the course and can include learners enrolled before learning evaluation was enabled for the course.
- The ILT standard questionnaire is only available for ILT courses and the e-learning standard questionnaire is only available for e-learning courses. All the custom questionnaires you have created are available for both e-learning and ILT courses. You can manage the questionnaires from the Questionnaires tab of the Evaluation designer.
Managing the evaluation properties of a course
When enabling learning evaluation, you can configure the properties as outlined in the previous chapter, Enabling the learning evaluation for courses. However, after the learning evaluation is enabled, the only properties that can be adjusted are the enablement or disablement of questionnaires. This means that:
- Once a questionnaire is selected for a course, it cannot be replaced with a different questionnaire but you still have the option to modify the questionnaire's content directly through the Evaluation designer. If you do so, the changes will apply to all new enrollments across any course where this questionnaire is selected, and not to existing enrollments.
- You cannot change the confidential or nominative status of the evaluation.
To enable or disable the evaluation questionnaires for a course, from the Courses tab of the Learning evaluation main page click on the ellipsis menu at the end of the course row and select Change properties.
Remember that:
- the learner's initial questionnaire cannot be disabled.
- the changes will apply to all new enrollments across any course where this questionnaire is selected, and not to existing enrollments.
- Evaluation properties can also be modified at the process level using the Evaluation Designer. However, changes made there will not apply to users who were already enrolled before the change and for which a course evaluation is enabled. For adjustments to take effect, properties must be changed directly via the Learning evaluation > Manage submenu and they will only apply to users being enrolled after that change.
Managing multiple courses
You can change the properties of multiple courses with a single action by selecting the checkboxes next to the courses’ names from the main table and clicking on Choose action in the bottom right corner of the page. From the menu that opens, select Change properties.
If you select both e-learning and ILT courses, you will see two different steps in the right panel:
- Properties ILT: Manage the properties of the selected ILT courses.
- Properties e-learning: Manage the properties of the selected e-learning courses.
Best practice. If you need to change the questionnaire for only certain courses that originally used Questionnaire A—while retaining Questionnaire A for other courses that also use it—you will need to create a new questionnaire specifically for the courses requiring the update. This approach allows you to implement changes selectively without affecting other courses that continue to use the original Questionnaire A.
Disabling the learning evaluation
At any time, you can disable learning evaluation from the Courses tab of the Learning evaluation main page by clicking on the ellipsis menu at the end of the course row and by selecting the Disable learning evaluation option.
As an option, you can disable the learning evaluation for multiple courses with a single action by selecting the checkboxes next to the courses’ names from the main table and clicking on Choose action in the bottom right corner of the page. From the menu that opens, select Disable learning evaluation.
When you disable the learning evaluation for a course, that course is removed from the table in the Courses tab.
Please note that:
- When you disable evaluation for a course, the data collected up to the moment you disable it are kept in the platform.
- You can reactivate learning evaluation for a course where it was previously disabled, which will automatically reinstate the originally selected questionnaires. This means that you will only be able to enable or disable questionnaires but you will not be able to change the selected questionnaire nor can you alter the evaluation's confidential or nominative status.