The Go.Learn mobile app gives you the opportunity to actively contribute to the learning experience of your company by uploading your content to channels and sharing it with your colleagues. In turn, you can take advantage of the contributions (assets) posted by other people to extend your knowledge, and organize content into playlists. Please note that the term “asset” is used to refer to the content published as a contribution in the platform.
Based on your app configuration, you might also be able to receive comments and questions on your assets, or comment and ask questions to other people on the content they uploaded. Let’s outline how channels are used to organize content in your platform.
More information on how to manage channels and their content on the desktop platform
Viewing Channels
Channels are streams of topics including the assets uploaded by experts and users. They can also include courses and learning plans created by the Administrator. With channels, you can easily and quickly access content divided by categories or topics. Channels are visible by accessing the main menu of your app, then selecting All Channels.
The All Channels page lists all the channels available on your platform.
While you may have specific channels created by the Admin in your platform, three channels are always available in your platform:
- Continue To Watch and Learn. This channel includes all of the items, either courses or content, that you still need to complete.
- New Invitations and Subscriptions. This channel includes all of the content that has been shared with you and the courses or learning plans in which you are enrolled.
- My Learning Activity History. This channel includes all of the items, either courses or content, that you have already completed.
Additionally, you may see the My Skills channel. When this channel appears in your app, you’ll be asked to fill out your skills when you log into your app. Learn more on the My Skills channel.
Both on the All Channels page and on the individual page of every channel, you can filter content using the Filters button.
Tap on the Follow button to start following a channel. You will find the channels you follow on the Followed Channels page that you can reach from the main menu of your app. If your Administrator has configured them on the desktop platform, you will also be able to set notifications related to new content published in followed channels. Refer to the chapter Following Channels of this article for more details.
Please note: only the specific channels created by your Admin can be followed, while the channels always available in your platform (Continue To Watch and Learn, New Invitations and Subscriptions and My Learning Activity History) and those populated by the Artificial Intelligence (such as My Skills) cannot be followed.
As a learner, you can only view channels and content that your Admin has given you permission to view. This means that when you’re viewing another user’s personal channel, you may not see all of the content uploaded by that user if the user published the content in a channel that you don’t have permission to view.
Also, note that the number of views of an asset shown in the asset card in the channel page refers to the number of different users who viewed that asset. Therefore, if the same user viewed that asset twice, the number of views is incremented only by one unit, not two.
Following Channels
From your All Channels page, you can follow the channels you are interested in and then find them on the Followed Channels page.
Click the Follow button to start following a channel. If your Administrator has configured the notifications related to followed channels on the desktop platform, a bell icon will appear. By tapping on the bell icon, you will be able to choose which type of notifications to receive on your desktop platform or via email, according to how your Administrator configured them. Please note that your Administrator may have set only some of these options:
- All Notifications: you will receive a notification every time new content is added to the channel
- Digest: you will receive a single notification with a summary of the new content added to the channels you follow. Note that the frequency of your digest notifications is determined by your platform’s Administrator (hourly, daily, weekly or monthly).
- None: you will not receive any notification.
If your Administrator has not set any notifications, the bell icon will not be visible.
Please note: You will only receive notifications related to the moment a piece of content is added to a channel. If a course that is not visible to you is assigned to a channel that you follow, and the visibility of the course is subsequently changed, you will not receive any notification.
To stop following a channel, tap Following to see the notification options at the bottom of the page, then tap on Unfollow. Confirm your action by selecting the Unfollow button in the window that appears.
Viewing My Channel
Depending on how the Admin set up your platform, you may have a personal channel, named My Channel. You can reach it by opening the main menu of the app and selecting My Channel.
This channel collects all of the content that you have uploaded to the platform (your assets) and any playlists that you’ve created. When you upload a piece of content, if you choose the Only Me option when deciding who you want to share it with, it will only be visible to you and the people that you specifically invite to view the content. When viewing your channel, other users will only see the content you uploaded in channels that they have permission to view.
Click on the Filters button to filter your content and use the dropdown menu to sort your content: alphabetically (A to Z or Z to A) or by date (newest to oldest or vice versa).