When using your Go.Learn mobile app, you need to keep a few details in mind. This article provides you with the requirements and limitations of the Go.Learn mobile app relating to different areas of the platform.
Versions supported
Android and iOS minimum versions supported by Go.Learn are constantly updated. Refer to the System Requirements article to find all of the info you need on the versions of supported operating systems.
App stores
The Go.Learn mobile app is available for both iOS (including iPads) and Android devices. You can download the app by searching for “Go.Learn” in the Apple Store or in Google Play Store.
- If you are using an Android device for the Chinese market, the Go.Learn app is not available. For more information see the article Mobile app in China.
Phone settings
- For those using Android devices, the screen automatically rotates when you move your device between portrait and landscape even when the auto-rotate setting is not enabled on the device.
- You can continue to play your audio or video files even when the app is sent to the background, when you lock or turn off the screen or when you switch to another app, creating a podcast-like experience on your mobile app. Playback controls are integrated into the notification area of your device.
Language of the app
- The Go.Learn mobile app is shown in the language set in the language settings of the device on which the Go.Learn app is used, regardless of the language configured as Default language by the Superadmin in the Localization Tool from the desktop platform. Also note that the language does not need to be activated in the Localization Tool.
- Almost all of the languages supported in the desktop version of the platform are available for the Go.Learn mobile app (see few exceptions in the list of languages available for Android and iOS)
Check out the list of all of the supported languages
- If your device language is not available among the supported languages for Go.Learn, the app language will be English by default.
- Pay attention to which language variant you have set in the language settings of your device, as Android and iOS offer a considerable number of variants for English, Spanish and Chinese. If you want to customize some translations shown in the app via the Localization Tool, first of all make sure that the language variant that you are editing in the tool is the same as the one you configured on your mobile phone – for example, American English (called English in the Localization Tool) or instead British English (called English UK in the tool).
- When customizing translations shown in your mobile app via the Localization Tool, please note that in order for your changes to be applied, you need to close and then reopen the app.
- Amharic, Khmer, Nepali, Punjabi, Somali and Tigrinya are supported on iOS only as per-app languages (opens in a new tab). This means that these languages aren’t available as the system language (the language of the device), but, starting from iOS 13, you can set them as the preferred language for a specific app, in our case Go.Learn (or your branded app). To set a per-app preferred language on iOS, open your device Settings, then scroll down until you see the app name in the list of apps installed on your device. Navigate to the Go.Learn app (or your branded app), then reach the Preferred Language section, where you can set one of the languages listed as per-app language. Your app will render in the preferred language you chose, while the rest of the device continues to display the system language.
Course management
- The only external course catalogs available for the mobile app are Docebo Content Classic and LinkedIn Learning.
- You can view the price of courses or learning plans that are for sale in catalogs, but you cannot purchase them directly in your app. In order to finalize your purchase, you need to access your learning platform via desktop.
- Enrollment links are not supported.
Training materials and assets
- The mobile app does not yet support LTI 1.3 training materials.
- Descriptions of training materials are not displayed in the mobile app, except for test and survey training material types, where the description is displayed as formatted HTML with support for images and links. This applies to any type of course, e-learning and ILT.
- Survey training materials that include formatted HTML and images will be loaded as plain text. Only the survey description can have formatted HTML and images.
- Files must be responsive HTML to be playable on the mobile app. Docebo is not able to tell you in advance whether a file will or will not be playable on the app.
- Training material or assets containing pop-ups or links to be opened in a pop-up window are not supported, the pop-up won’t be opened.
- Training material imported from Skilla is not supported.
Video playhead options:
- The mobile app supports the following settings for how users can move through a video training material: Learners can move backwards and forwards, Don’t allow learners to move through the video, and Learners can move backward and forward only after completing the course or lesson.
- The mobile app does not support the setting Learners can only move backwards. If this option is set, learners will still be able to move both backwards and forwards through the video.
SCORM and TinCan
- Some SCORM and TinCan training material cannot be played on the mobile app, depending on the content within the package. Even if the training material plays on the desktop learning platform, it is not guaranteed that it will work on the mobile app. The content should be HTML5 with a responsive design.
- When playing a SCORM or TinCan training material, in order to exit from the training material view, always use the X button in the top left corner of the training material's player in the app, and do not use the X button (nor any Close or Exit buttons) inside of the SCORM or TinCan. This ensures that the user progress is properly tracked when closing the training material.
- If the Next button isn’t automatically enabled after having played a SCORM or TinCan training material, you need to exit from the training material view with the X button in the player, then move to the following training material by opening it from the list of training material in the course.
- Videos inside a SCORM training material that autoplay in full screen are not supported by the mobile app.
- The mobile app supports domain-restricted Vimeo videos when they are part of a course and they are video training material. On the other hand, domain-restricted Vimeo videos are not supported when the video is embedded within training material other than videos — for example SCORM, xAPI or HTML. If you need to embed a Vimeo video in a SCORM, xAPI or HTML training material, make sure that the video is publicly available and not restricted by Vimeo privacy settings.
- Subtitles added to video training material are available in the mobile app, and they must be written in VTT format (opens in a new tab). When converting in this format, a cue identifier (opens in a new tab) must be added.
- The mobile app does not support selection of the language for subtitles, and the menu for setting the subtitle language is not available.
- Subtitles are shown in the user’s preferred language as set in the desktop platform. If subtitles in this language are not available, they will instead be shown in the fallback language that was configured when uploading the subtitle files for the video training material.
- In test questions, images and text are displayed and formatting is supported, however other multimedia content such as videos, audio files, tables are not displayed.
- Test answers (such as those listed for single choice or multiple choice questions) are displayed in plain text, without images or HTML formatting.
- If a course includes a training material whose duration is longer than the value configured for Session lifetime (in the platform Advanced Settings, Advanced Options tab) and the learner plays that training material, the progress tracking may not be correctly saved.
- The maximum suggested resolution for training material and assets on mobile is Full HD (1080 × 1920 pixels or 1920 × 1080 pixels). Images that exceed this resolution may be shown, but they slow down performances and may cause malfunctioning.
- Google Drive integration: If your course training materials or learning assets include Google files, you can open these using the native Google app on your device. These Google files may be non-public, in which case you need to have permission to access them. However, if you need to submit an assignment uploading a document you stored in your Google Drive, remember that you need to upload it as a link.
- Uploading screencasts: If you want to upload a screencast as an assignment, please note that ScreenPal is not supported by the app. For all iOS mobile devices and for Android starting from version 11, you can use the native screen recorder tool (open it from the Control Center panel for iOS or from the Quick Actions panel for Android). For Android devices with a version older than Android 11, you may need to install a screen recording app from the store.
- App users located in China may not be able to access training material and assets coming from social video platforms (YouTube, Vimeo and Wistia). As a consequence, if the completion of the training material they cannot access is a prerequisite for the completion of the course, the latter cannot be completed.
Offline mode
- If you have a SCORM training material in which you have embedded a video training material coming from a social video platform, you can access your training material while you are offline, but you cannot play the video inside of the package. If you want to make the video available also while offline, the video must be included in the SCORM package, but it cannot be embedded in the package as a social video.
- The Offline courses page is kept aligned with your enrollment status, so that it only shows courses in which you are currently enrolled, and only training materials from your enrolled courses. If you have downloaded courses and/or training materials for offline viewing, when the app comes online again your enrollment status is checked: any course or training materials from courses that are expired, or in which you are no longer enrolled, will be removed from the Offline Courses page and deleted from local storage. For more info, refer to the article Navigating and Using Your Go.Learn App.
- SCORM or HTML page training materials will play smoothly in offline mode only if they are completely encapsulated, meaning that they do not reference any external websites.
- Multi-SCO and multi-chapter SCORM training materials are not supported in offline mode.
- Surveys, tests, xAPI (TinCan), LTI and AICC training materials are not supported in offline mode.
- Youtube/Vimeo/Wistia video assets, and links asset type are not supported in offline mode.
- Youtube/Vimeo/Wistia videos are not playable in offline mode regardless of whether they are training materials or assets.
- The Allow users to download an asset's source file option that the Superadmin finds in the Discover, Coach & Share settings needs to be enabled so that assets can be downloaded on the mobile app.
- When downloading an entire course from the mobile app, please consider that there is a 60-second time-out. This means that if you are downloading a heavy course with a huge number of training materials and the download takes more than 60 seconds, you will receive an error message and you will not be able to complete the download. To overcome this limitation, we suggest you create more than one course so that you split the training materials into different courses.
- PDFs and other files incorporated as BLOBs (binary large objects) into xAPI, SCORM or LTI training materials cannot be downloaded on the mobile app. Files to be downloaded must be integrated as direct links, rather than as links to a BLOB.
- The download of files within a SCORM training material is supported only for the following file types: PDF, ZIP, DOC, DOCX, CSV, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX.
Comments and Questions & Answers
Emoji are not supported in the text of questions, answers and comments (this applies both to courses and informal learning assets)
Discover Coach & Share settings
- The mobile app does not yet follow the Sharing permissions configured for Discover Coach & Share in the platform. Even if this permission is set to Share content with channels only, the mobile app always allows users to share assets with both channels and people.
- The same enrollment policies you set for the desktop version are used for the mobile app.
- The iframe enrollment additional field isn’t compatible with the Go.Learn mobile app at the moment. Thus, if the iframe field is a mandatory field for learners, then they will not be able to enroll into those courses from a mobile device. Find out more about the enrollment additional fields.
Date and Iframe filters are not supported.
Branding & Look
- You cannot use custom CSS.
- When managing the theme settings for your platform, if you've flagged the option to display square tile thumbnails in your platform, note that at this time, the mobile app can only display rectangular tile thumbnails.
Badges, points and coins, leaderboards and contests are shown in the mobile app on the My Gamification page in your profile panel (you can reach it from the app menu) and via the Gamification widget.
- Badges: the automatic assignment of a badge to a user when a certain event occurs is not supported on the mobile app. However, if badges are automatically assigned to users on the desktop platform, those users can see the badges assigned to them on the app as well.
- Contests: you can only view your position in the related leaderboard, but the top 3 of the contest and the full leaderboard for the contest are not available on the app. In order to enable this feature, you as the Superadmin need to contact Docebo via the Help Center or through your Account Manager if your plan includes this option.
If your company uses an external Talent Management platform or Human Resources Information System (HRIS), then you can avoid the manual configuration of skills, since the selection of skills and their mapping takes place within this platform.
Please note that when integrating an external system, the My skills section will still be visible in the users’ My profile area in the app, but it will no longer be editable in the users’ My Profile area. This means that you cannot edit your job, update the rating for your skills or add new skills.
- The mobile app supports the following SSO integrations: SAML, OKTA, Google Apps, Gmail, Auth0 and OpenID Connect. Any other SSO integration is not supported. Keep in mind that when using these SSO credentials, they are not supported in offline mode, meaning that you cannot use an SSO login in offline mode. The user must be in online mode to log in via SSO. Remember that you should not log out of the app when in offline mode.
- When configuring the SSO Behavior for SAML, OKTA, Google Apps, Gmail, Auth0 or OpenID Connect, please note that the Show standard login page option is supported by Docebo's Go.Learn mobile app. If you set this option on your mobile app and you use the Single Sign On integration you have configured (among those listed above), remember that it is necessary to set also the Show SSO button on login page. The Automatic redirect to identity provider setting (and as a consequence the possibility to add a specific logout landing page) is supported by the Go.Learn mobile app only for SAML, OpenID Connect and Auth0.
- When logging into Go.Learn via SSO and using the same SSO service in LinkedIn Learning, your credentials are not automatically transferred to the LinkedIn Learning portal.
- If you're experiencing issues with SSO login using Apple iOS 12 or earlier, you should update your device to Apple iOS 13.
Widgets for custom widget pages:
- The widget title configured by the Superadmin in the desktop platform can be set in any language using the multi-language selector. On the mobile app, the widget title is shown in the language configured in the settings of the device where the app is installed if a title has been configured on desktop for that language. Otherwise, if on desktop no translation has been set for the device language, the widget title will be hidden instead of being displayed in a language other than the one set in the device.
- On mobile, we guarantee that HTML/WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) widget layout is maintained only if it is composed with a WYSIWYG editor. This doesn’t mean that HTML composition isn’t supported, but it means that only some of the HTML tags are supported. Refer to the HTML Tags Supported by WISIWYG table (PDF, 41KB) to know which tags are supported. Please note that the list in the table is not meant to be completely exhaustive. It includes all of the main tags and styles, but remember that the best way to know for sure which tags and styles are supported is doing a test directly on your device, and then see what is shown.
- On mobile, HTML/WYSIWYG widget is considered to be a dynamic widget and it does not support custom CSS defined at platform level.
- Dynamic widgets are only allowed among the first 10 widgets of the page on mobile, then, starting from the 11th widget, the type of widget must be static.
- GIF format in Image widget is not supported. If you insert a GIF file in Image widget, iOS will show it because it supports GIF format by default, but the same file will not be visible in the Android app instead.
- When configuring a Courses and learning plans widget, please note that the options in the Display Mode section are not supported on mobile. On the Go.Learn mobile app, the Load More button at the bottom of the widget is the only option that allows you to display extra results.
Course widgets:
Among course widgets, the Comments widget, the Questions & Answers widget and the File repository area widget are supported by the mobile app.
With respect to the File repository area widget:
- The File visibility options to make files visible only to specified sessions are not supported on the mobile app. All the files will be visible irrespective of the user’s enrolled session.
- If you have a file viewer app installed on your device, you can open files directly from the File repository area widget without having to download them.