Docebo has created Insights to allow you to collect data and useful information on the activities of your platform. With the Insights dashboards, you can instantly get an overview of how learners are using your platform and understand the effectiveness of your training programs.
In this article, you will find the answers to the frequently asked questions about the use of Insights.
Questions and answers
Use of dashboards
How do I create a custom dashboard?
To create a custom dashboard, click on the corresponding button in the top right corner of the main Insights page. Enter the name and description and click on Create and edit. More information on the creation of custom dashboards.
What can I customize in the dashboards I create?
When creating a custom dashboard, the following options can be used according to your needs:
- Edit the description of the dashboard
- Add visuals
- Apply filters to the selected visuals
- Add text to your dashboard
- Edit and customize the title of each visual
- Resize and move each visual
More information on dashboards customization.
Why do I see different data in the Time spent on learning Insights dashboard and a custom report including the same field?
The date filters of the Insights dashboard are based on session times while your custom report filters are based on enrollment dates.
In the Instructor-Led Training (ILT) dashboard, what is the difference between the visual Number of ILT delivered hours and the visual Number of ILT consumed hours?
The visual Number of ILT delivered hours includes the number of hours that a particular ILT event lasts. The visual Number of ILT consumed hours includes the number of hours that all the learners enrolled in the event have followed.
For example: An ILT event with 10 enrolled learners lasted 8 hours. At the end of the event, 8 hours have been delivered while 8x10=80 hours have been consumed.
Will additional dashboards be added in the future?
Yes, Insights will regularly be enhanced with the addition of new dashboards. Eventually, all the topics included in your platform will also be covered by a dashboard.
Use of visuals
Can I include visuals from different topics in a single dashboard?
Yes, when adding visuals to a custom dashboard, you can select visuals from the different topics:
- Course enrollments and completions
- Learning plans
- Users
- Time spent on learning
- Certifications
- Communiries (if available to me)
However keep in mind that some filters may not apply to all visuals in such a dashboard.
Why do I see different data for the same learner in the Time spent on learning Insights dashboard and the User summary report regarding time spent on learning per user?
While the User summary report only includes data related to the last 12 months, the Time spent on learning Insights dashboard can cover any time frame depending on your needs.
What data can I export for each visual?
You can click on the ellipsis icon found in the top right corner of each visual to either view or export the data displayed in the visual but not the underlying raw data.
However, raw data can be obtained for the pre-built Training areas dashboards. Click on one of the Training areas dashboards to access the visuals. Scroll down to the end of the page. You will find a tabular report with all the underlying data of the dashboard. Click on the ellipsis icon in the top right corner of this report card to export the raw data to a CSV or Excel file.
When I add a visual that spits data by branch, I see that the total number of users is lower than another visual on the same topic that does not split data by branch, why is this?
Users that are not assigned to any branch are not counted in a visual that splits data by branch.
In the Course enrollments and completions dashboard, the total count of courses shown in the First access to completions visual is different from the total count shown in the Enrollments status and Self-enrollments visuals, why?
The first access to completion visual only takes into account the completed courses that had an actual first access. Some completed courses may not be taken into account in this visual if, for example, the course was manually marked as Complete by the administrator.
Can I customize the colors of a visual?
Yes for your customized dashboards only, by right clicking on a visual. It is possible for all visual types except the tabular reports and the treemaps (eg split by groups). Please be aware that we might discontinue this capability after the beta period is over as it depends on changes done by AWS QuickSight.
Use of filters
Will Insights remember my filter selection?
Yes, your filter selection is saved. This means that you will find the same filter selection next time you access the dashboard even if you close your navigator. This only applies for a single dashboard and for your user only. Remember to click on Save filters before leaving the page.
Can I filter a dashboard by clicking directly on a visual?
Yes, this is possible for some visuals but not all of them.
You can perform this for the following visuals:
Course enrollments & completions
- Enrollments status
- First access to completion breakdown
- Overdue by status
Learning plans
- Learning plans enrollments by status
- Courses enrollment by status
- Certification by status
- Valid certifications to date by user
- Issued certifications by user
- Expiring certifications
Can I drill-down the results along the branch hierarchy?
Yes, filters allow you to select branches at all levels, but you can also directly perform this drill-down in the related visuals by clicking on a branch in the donut chart.
Can I modify the time period in a time visual?
Yes, by right clicking on the visual, you can drill down or up and change the time period.
Technology and data
What are the technologies used?
Insights uses Snowflake as a data warehouse and AWS QuickSight for the front-end analytics solution embedded in your Learn platform.
How often is data refreshed?
The data in your Insights dashboards are refreshed once a day. So, dashboards might not fully cover the data of the previous 24 hours. Similarly, when selecting a filter for your dashboard, the filter will not show any data until the following data refresh.
Can I know the time of the data refresh?
No, the data refresh normally happens at the same approximate hour but it will differ for every customer. Thus, we cannot give the exact hour at which the data will be refreshed for you.
Can we manually trigger this data refresh?
No, data refresh cannot be manually triggered. It will automatically happen every 24 hours.
Why do I see different data in the different platform’s reports and the Insights dashboards?
The reports you can reach from the New reports section of the platform include data up to the last two previous hours. On the contrary, the Insights dashboards are refreshed every 24 hours. Thus, the data of the last 24 hours might not be fully included.
Another reason that can explain differences between the two is the use of filters. Make sure you have selected the same filters in both cases.
Why can I not see the Tutorials button at the top of the Insights main page?
At the top of the Insights main page, you should see a Tutorials button giving you access to videos that help you navigate through Insights. These tutorials are added via an external tool called Pendo and it might not be enabled on your platform. If you need any help, contact your account manager (if your plan includes this option) or reach out to Docebo using your platform's Help center.
Please note that the tutorial videos can also be reached from Docebo University.
Why is my dashboard not loading and freezing on the loading screen?
If your dashboard is not loading anymore, try to clear the cache of your browser. The issue might be related to your internet browser.