The Cybersource payment gateway is an authorized payment gateway for the E-Commerce app on your platform.
Requirements & Limitations
- Some currencies supported by Docebo may not be accepted by Cybersource, so remember to check if your currency is supported by both systems before proceeding. Check out the complete list of the currencies supported by Docebo.
- When working with the Extended Enterprise, configure the settings of Cybersource in the root domain. If some domains require a different configuration, apply the configuration locally, in the E-Commerce tab of the Extended Enterprise app.
Configuring a Docebo Profile in Cybersource
To configure the integration between Docebo and Cybersource, first, you have to create a Docebo Profile in Cybersource. To do so, login to Cybersource, click on Payment Configuration in the left menu, then select Secure Acceptance Settings. The Secure Acceptance Settings page lists all of the profiles already available. Click on New Profile to proceed.
In the Create Profile right panel, set the profile name and description, and set the Integration Methods as Hosted Checkout. Fill in the rest of the information, then make sure that the Payment Tokenization and Decision Manager options are not checked. Click Submit to start the creation process. You will automatically access the profile configuration area.
You now need to generate a security key for your profile. Move to the Security tab and click on the plus button in the Security Key area to create a new security key. Define a name for your key, then set the signature version to 1, and the signature method to HMAC_SHA256. Press Confirm to confirm the key creation.
At the end of the creation procedure, Cybersource will show you the Secret Key and the Access Key needed to configure the integration between Docebo and Cybersource. At any time, you can access these keys by selecting the key with the corresponding checkboxes and clicking on the eye icon. Keys have a 2-year validity period.
To completely configure the payment gateway, you need to configure the mandatory Payment Settings. You’re able to define which payment methods you prefer and which information you’ll require from the payer.
Move now to the Customer Response tab, set both the Transaction Response Page and the Custom Cancel Response Page options as Hosted by You, and configure them as follows:
Standard Domain
- Transaction Response Page = https://[platform_name]
- Custom Cancel Response Page = https://[platform_name]
Extended Enterprise Domain
- Transaction Response Page = https://[platform_name][domain_name]/ecommerce/v1/cybersource/validate
- Custom Cancel Response Page = https://[platform_name][domain_name]/ecommerce/v1/cybersource/decline
Custom Domain
- Transaction Response Page = https://[custom_domain][domain_name]/ecommerce/v1/cybersource/validate
- Custom Cancel Response Page = https://[custom_domain][domain_name]/ecommerce/v1/cybersource/decline
Activating Cybersource in Docebo
Activate the Payment Method - Cybersource app as described in the Managing Apps & Features article of the Knowledge Base. The app is listed in the Third Party Integrations tab.
Configuring Cybersource
To configure Cybersource, log into your platform as the Superadmin, then access the Admin Menu from the gear icon in the top right corner and select the Manage option in the Payment Method - Cybersource section. Activate the Enable Cybersource payment gateway toggle to enable this payment gateway in your platform.
Then, type in your Access Key, Secret Key, and Profile ID from Cybersource in the corresponding text boxes (see above how to retrieve this info from Cybersource). You can also flag the option to use Sandbox Mode instead of the real environment to test this payment gateway on your platform. Press Save Changes when finished.
Please Note! At this time, when you are in sandbox mode, the Cybersource payment gateway only accepts U.S. Dollars. When you are in live mode, all currencies are accepted.
Best Practices
- When using Cybersource as the payment gateway for e-commerce transactions, make sure that:
- your users know that the State/Province/Region field in the Billing Information panel when finalizing the payment must be a two-letter code
- the first name of the user finalizing the payment does not include double quotes ( " " )