As an instructor or a Superadmin, you can manage test feedback thanks to the Feedback Management feature.
This article is a guide on how to configure this functionality. To learn more about tests, refer to the Knowledge Base section on tests.
Feedback Management
In order to configure feedback messages based on the test scores, log into your platform as the Superadmin, and access the Admin Menu by scrolling your mouse over the gear icon in the top right corner. In the Admin Menu, find the E-Learning section, then press the Course Management item.
On the main Course Management page, find the course including the test you want to set the feedback messages for and click on its description. Then, move to the Training Material tab.
As an instructor, access to the management of the course training material as described in the Instructor User Guide.
Access now the edit page of the test by clicking on the menu icon at the end of the test row and selecting Edit. Then access the Feedback Management page by clicking on the corresponding button in the action bar at the top of the edit page.
On this page, set a score range by typing the scores in the corresponding text boxes and the message you wish your learners to see once the test is completed when receiving a score included in the range. To complete your action, press Save changes.
Perform the same operation to set other ranges, with other feedback messages.
The feedback message will be listed at the top of the Feedback Management page. You can edit or delete your feedback at any time using the corresponding icons in each message’s row.
The feedback message will be displayed to learners when the test is completed and a score is assigned to it.
Please note: if you create multiple feedback messages with the same range, users will only see the feedback you created first.