Docebo’s Go.Learn mobile app allows your users to access their platforms directly from their mobile devices. The mobile app is for end-users and has no admin functionality, but there are some settings related to the mobile app that you, as a Superadmin, can configure in the desktop platform. Let’s go through these settings.
Configuring Mobile App Pages and the App Menu Structure
As a Superadmin, you can configure and organize the layout of the pages and the menus used both by the desktop and the mobile platform. Depending on your needs, you can keep the desktop menu structure and page layout aligned with the Go.Learn app, or keep different versions.
Here are some articles that may be useful for you, where you can find more information:
- Create widget pages. More info on how to create pages from scratch using widgets, or using predefined templates to speed up the creation process.
- Use the right widgets. Complete list of available widgets, both for mobile and for desktop.
- Create external link pages. More info on creating pages linking to external websites.
- Organize pages into menus. More info on how to organize pages in menus, and how to synchronize desktop and mobile menus.
- Learn about mobile pages and menus. Q&A document on everything you need to know about the transition to mobile pages.
Configuring the Mobile App Settings
As a platform Superadmin, you can manage the settings related to your mobile app directly in the desktop platform. This feature is also available for individual Extended Enterprise clients (each subdomain can have its own different settings for the Go.Learn app).
Begin by accessing the Admin Menu from the gear icon in the top right corner of your platform. Then, select the Configure Branding and Look option in the Settings section and switch to the Mobile App tab.
General Settings
Start in the General Settings section. Begin by setting your company’s logo. The maximum image size is 380x73 pixels and 2 MB. You can change the logo at any time by pressing the red trash can icon in the corresponding section, then uploading a new image.
Redirect Window
Then, in the Redirect Window subsection, you can decide to flag or unflag the option to show (or hide) the redirect window on mobile browser. The redirect window is the dialog that opens when you or one of your learners insert your platform’s URL into mobile browsers (or click on a link that you received via email, for example). This dialog asks you if you want to open the Go.Learn app or the branded version of the Go.Learn app — depending on which one you use — instead of using the browser version of the platform on a mobile device. The redirect dialog opens when the link you are using corresponds to an existing page of the mobile app. Instead, if you insert into a mobile browser an URL that does not correspond to a page in the mobile app, the redirect dialog is not shown. List of all of the pages that are available in the Go.Learn mobile app.
Please note that the checkbox setting to show the redirect window is flagged by default, and that the default option is to show the window both on smartphone and tablet browsers, but you can also choose to show it only on smartphone browsers or only on tablet browsers by selecting the corresponding option under the checkbox. Remember that when you unflag the setting the redirect window won’t open under no circumstances (the dialog won’t appear even if you insert into a mobile browser a link which corresponds to a page in the mobile app).
In the redirect window, you will see your app name and logo — Go.Learn or the name and logo of the branded app associated with your domain.
Open your app by tapping on its icon. If you have a branded app, when you tap on the icon, the app associated with your domain will open. If you tap on the app logo, the app opens only if you have already installed it, otherwise (if the app isn’t installed on your device), you need to tap on the app store’s icon to download it from the stores.
Important note for those using a branded app: as a Superadmin, you need to properly configure the app’s name, icon and store link in the Branded Mobile App Publisher menu. Further info on how to perform the configuration.
In addition to deciding whether or not you want to show the window, you as a Superadmin will also be able to edit the text of the message in the redirect window, by using your platform’s Localization Tool. Search for the “Do you want to have an amazing learning experience on mobile?” message in the Localization Tool, then edit it according to your needs.
For those using iOS devices (iPhones and iPads), also make sure that the Request Desktop Website toggle is not enabled, otherwise the device would ask for the desktop version of the website and thereby it would prevent the redirect window from showing. You find the Request Desktop Website option in Settings > Safari tab.
For those using Android devices (smartphones and tablets), check in the device settings or in the browser app settings – according to the device that you are using – that the browser that you are using is rendering the mobile version of the website and not the desktop one.
App Colors
Next, move to the App Colors area and select the colors for each part of your top navigation, buttons, links, text and borders of your app. You can use the Copy from Desktop button to copy the color palette that you selected for your desktop app, or Reset General Colors to return to the default colors. In each box, enter the HEX code of your preferred color or use the color picker to select a color from the wheel.
Sign In Page
Sign In Page Background
Finally, in the Sign In Page section, flag whether you want the background of your sign-in page to be a solid color or an image. If you select the color option, return to the App Colors area and select a color using the corresponding box. If you select the image option, upload a background image.
At the top of the App Colors area and the Sign In Page area, you will see a preview of how the settings you just selected look like on your mobile app. Remember to select Expand Preview on the right side of the area to see all of the settings.
Please note that the minimum dimensions should be at least 720×1280 pixels. To avoid a blurry looking image on HD displays, we recommend uploading an image that is at least twice the size of the current image display size. We also recommend using images in JPEG format, because PNG images have slower loading time.
Move to the Options subsection to configure how mobile learners will log in to the mobile app. Activate the Enable login to the mobile app only through an external login service option so that your mobile users will log in through an external service. The login page will not display the buttons for the single sign on allowing users to log into their learning platforms using credentials from other active sessions of other web platforms, if you configured any of this integration. When activating this login option, we strongly recommend enabling the Show a redirect button option too and defining a redirect URL where users will log in before accessing the mobile app. Further details on how to configure the mobile login procedure using an external single sign on system (PDF, 280KB).
When enabling the external login service and the redirect button options, your company’s logo won’t be visible on the sign in page. In order to display your brand, upload a background image in the Upload background image field (Sign In Page Background section, Image option) with your logo in the center of the image.
Remember that you can also hide the sign-in form (username and password) on the login page by enabling the Show only SSO buttons and hide login form option on the Sign In Page section, Login Form area of the Desktop tab of the Configure Branding and Look menu.
Please note that if the Show only SSO buttons and hide login form option is enabled, the Prevent users from changing their password setting in the platform Advanced Settings, Users tab, is enabled by default, and cannot be disabled unless the Show only SSO buttons and hide login form is disabled too. This configuration prevents users from changing their password in the platform (both on desktop and on mobile), losing the synchronization with the password set in the Identity Provider.
When finished, press Save Changes. Your configured settings will now be applied to your mobile app after you restart it, closing and then reopening your app. You can return to this page at any time to modify any of these settings, or you can check who configured the last settings and when by looking at the publishing bar at the bottom of the page.
Configuring the Remember Me Option for Your Users Login
When logging in their Go.Learn app, your users can flag the Remember Me option on the login page of the app so that they don’t have to provide login details again every time they launch the app. This option isn’t active by default, so if you want your users to be able to use the Remember Me option (in your app as well as in the desktop version of your platform), as a Superadmin you have to enable it in the Advanced Settings of your Admin Menu. To do so, reach the Advanced Settings and open the Users tab on the left side of the page. In the Login section, enable the Remember Me functionality by flagging the corresponding option, then define the number of days the system will remember the user.
Activating & Configuring Catalogs for Go.Learn
The Course Catalogs feature in Docebo allows you to have a customized syllabus of your courses. You can activate either an internal catalog or a public one in the learning platform’s desktop version, while only internal catalogs are available in Go.Learn mobile app.
Catalogs are not shown in the mobile app by default. To do so, access the Admin Menu from the gear icon in the top right corner of your platform’s desktop version. In the Settings section, select the Manage Menus option. On the main Manage Menus page, either enter the menu in which you are interested by selecting the corresponding table row or click the icon in the Mobile Menu Items column, then move to the Mobile App Main Menu tab on the menu page. For each of your menus, there will be a desktop version and a mobile version. These will be identical and synchronized until you manually customize the mobile one. In order to customize your mobile menu, making it different from your desktop menu, enable the toggle in the Customize Mobile App Menu section and start building the mobile version of your menu.
To add the catalogs page to your mobile app menu, in the Available Pages for Mobile left panel, select the Course Catalog built-in page by checking the corresponding checkbox, then click the Add Pages button. The menu preview in the page’s right panel will then refresh.
An alternative way to add the catalogs page to your mobile app menu is adding a widget page that contains the catalog widget. Learn more about widget pages.
Please Note: If you add an unpublished page to the menu, it will not be visible to users until you publish it. More details about the publishing option for menus and about how to manage mobile menus.
When finished, press the Save Changes button to go back to the Manage Menus page. The Menu Items column shows the number of pages linked to the menu. To publish the menu and make it visible to users, use the publishing bar at the bottom of the menu page, or press the corresponding checkmark icon in the Published column on the Manage Menus page. Please Note: empty menus cannot be published.
More info on catalogs creation and management.
Configuring Extended Enterprise Login Restrictions for Your Users
According to how you as the platform Superadmin configured the Extended Enterprise login restriction setting (Extended Enterprise section in the Admin Menu, Settings subitem), if your users are associated to a specific domain of the extended enterprise and try to access a domain they don’t belong to, two different error messages appears on their Go.Learn app.
Remember that the Extended Enterprise app must be activated in your platform
When, on the Settings page of the Extended Enterprise section, you flag the option to enable login restrictions for the users of your extended enterprise, users will be able to log in only to the domain they belong to. Please note that this option can only be flagged globally (for all of the Extended Enterprise clients), it is not possible to set this restriction at domain level.
When this option is not flagged, if users attempt to access a domain of the extended enterprise to which they are not assigned, a domain selection page will be displayed on the Go.Learn app for the selection of a domain to which they have access. The page lists all of the platforms that the user has permission to access. He or she simply needs to tap the platform’s name and log into that platform.
Please remember that the domain selection page only appears when the Enable Extended Enterprise Login Restriction option is not flagged on the Settings page for the Extended Enterprise app. Otherwise, when this option is enabled, if a user attempts to access an extended enterprise platform to which he or she is not assigned, he or she will receive the login failed error message and will not be allowed to log in to the app.
Please note that as a Superadmin, you are always allowed to access any extended enterprise platform, so the domain selection page will not be displayed when logging into the platform as a Superadmin.
In addition, every user is always allowed to access the main domain, as every user is associated with the root branch.
Reporting Usage for the Mobile App
If you are seeking to report usage for your mobile app, you can use the view options available in the Courses - Users and Users - Courses custom reports showing the following usage statistics:
Courses - Users report
- Training Material Access from Mobile App - This field shows the number of users enrolled in the course who accessed the training material from the mobile app
- Training Material Access % from Mobile App - This field shows the percentage of users enrolled in the course who accessed the training material from the mobile app
Users - Courses report
- Training Material Access from Mobile App - This field provides a yes or no answer showing if a user accessed the training material for a course from the mobile app
- % of Training Material from Mobile App - This field shows the percentage of the total time that the training material of a course was consumed from within the mobile app
- Time in Training Material from Mobile App - This field shows the time (in seconds) of the session spent by the user consuming training material in the mobile app
Courses - Users report
Managing User Account Deletion Requests
If you allow your users to self-register from their mobile app (having set the Free self registration or the Moderated self registration option in the Self Registration tab in the Advanced Settings), they are able to request to delete their own account within their mobile app from their profile page in their Go.Learn app (Delete Account section). You as the platform Superadmin will then receive an email where you are notified of the request — don’t worry, no account will be deleted automatically. You will be able to manage the account deletion request in accordance with the regulations in force in your country.
Please note that the email will be sent to the email address configured in the Registrations, lost passwords and background jobs email sender field in the Self Registration tab in the Advanced Settings.
This feature makes Go.Learn and the branded app compliant with Apple’s App Store Review Guidelines 5.1.1 (V) (opens in a new tab) and with the Google Play Store requirement for an option to initiate app account deletion from within the app. However, note that Google Play also requires you to provide an account deletion path external to the app. For more information see the article on Google Play account deletion requirements (opens in a new tab).