Your main menu enables you to reach important areas of the platform, such as your profile or all of your courses and learning plans. To access the main menu, press the menu icon in the top left corner of your platform.
A slideout panel will appear. From here, you can navigate all of the available pages on your platform, and access your personal area.
Accessing the My profile area
To access your personal area, click on the pen icon at the top of the main menu, next to your photo and name. From this page, you can change your profile information, email, and other personal details. The tabs available on the My profile page may change depending on administrator settings, so you may not be able to see all of the sections described in this article.
Personal info
The Personal info tab collects your personal details, such as your username and user level (that you cannot change), first and last name, email address and additional fields. The additional fields are extra details on your user, that may help your administrator to provide you with better training. Some additional details are mandatory fields, some are optional, depending on your administrator.
Change password
If you wish to change your password, move to the Change password section, insert your current password and your new password, then confirm the new password. When performing this operation, remember that your administrator may have set certain password rules and limitations, such as character count or a dictionary check for common words, so any error messages may be a result of these rules.
In the Preferences section, set your language and timezone preferences using the corresponding dropdown menus. When you change the language of your user, the platform will reload to update it. Remember that changing the language of the platform does not change the language of the learning content of your courses and learning plans.
If you are allowed to customize your time zone, when you move to a location having a different time zone, the platform will prompt you to adjust your time zone according to the one detected by the browser. Click on Update in the pop-up to let the platform update the time zone on your behalf. You can still manually change your time zone in the My profile page, or dismiss the prompt permanently by checking the Don’t ask me again button, or temporarily with the Remind me later button.
Authenticator app
Depending on the administrator configuration of courses, you may be required to electronically sign the courses that you complete. To do so, you need to pair your platform account with an authenticator app from this area. If needed, your administrator will provide you with all of the necessary information.
Content partners affiliation
Use this tab to affiliate yourself with one or more content partners, using dedicated codes. To do so, click on the Add code button in the top right corner, and enter your affiliate code in the pop-up that will open, then press Confirm. You can affiliate with multiple content partners. If your administrator already affiliated you with one or more content partners, you’ll find those associations listed in this area. To unaffiliate yourself from a content partner, thus losing the possibility of using the affiliate discount or viewing the content partner’s marketing banner, click on the red trash can icon at the end of the partner row and select the Delete option. Please note that you cannot unaffiliate yourself from a content partner if you belong to a group that has been affiliated with the partner by the administrator.
Conditions of use
Move to this tab to manage your preferences on the platform's Privacy policy and Terms and conditions.
In the Privacy policy section, you can view the policies and sub-policies to which you have agreed on the login page in order to access and use your platform. You can flag or unflag any previously selected agreement statements, then press Save changes. Please note that by unchecking the mandatory privacy policy settings (marked with an asterisk), you will not be able to access and use your platform again. The agreement to the mandatory privacy policy is required to complete your registration and use your platform. To view the privacy policy again, press the View privacy policy link.
In the Terms and conditions section, you can view the conditions to which you have agreed on the login page in order to access and use your platform. You can flag or unflag any previously selected agreement statements, then press Save changes. Please note that by unchecking the mandatory terms and conditions settings (marked with an asterisk), you will not be able to access and use your platform again. The agreement to the mandatory terms and conditions is required to complete your registration and use your platform. To view the terms and conditions statement again, press the View terms and conditions link.
My skills
In the My skills tab, you can identify your skills and self-assess them to get content to upskill yourself. Learn more on My skills.
My permissions
The My permissions tab lists all of the permissions granted to you, organized in management areas. This area is only visible for Power Users.
Signing out of your platform
To sign out of your platform, press the Sign out button, or the icon next to it, at the top of the main menu.
Main menu items
Below your personal area, you will find a list of all of the available pages in your platform, click on the menu entries to access the corresponding areas on your platform. The main menu structure may change depending on administrator settings, but here are some possible menu entries that you may find (please note that item names may vary):
- My activities. This item directs you to a page with various graphs, information, to-do lists, and activity reports related to your learning experience.
- My courses and learning plans. This item directs you to a page displaying all of the courses and the learning plans in which you are enrolled.
- All channels. This item directs you to a page displaying all of the channels that you’re able to view.
- Share content. This item directs you to a page where you can upload informal learning content and share it with other users.
- My calendar. This item directs you to a calendar displaying your upcoming learning activities.
- Questions and answers. This item directs you to the Questions and answers area of the platform.
- Course catalog. This item directs you to a page proposing to you a catalog of courses and learning plans that you can purchase or in which you can enroll.
- My channel. This item directs you to your personal channel on the platform.
- My checklists. From this page, you can quickly access the checklists you still need to complete. Learn more about observation checklists.
- Cookie policy. Click on this menu item to access the cookie policy text regulating your platform. Please note that, depending on the administrator settings, you may be able to edit your preferences on statistic cookies.