Observation checklists are an easy-to-use tool enabling you to check your own learning progress or the progress of other users (your peers) in the platform and to monitor compliance requirements while doing a specific task. If configured by the administrator, you can also find observation checklists to complete among the lessons of a course.
This article outlines how to manage and complete observation checklists on your desktop platform. Checklists can also be completed on the Go.Learn mobile app.
Filling in observation checklists from the My checklists page
If the administrator has created a checklist for you, you can fill it in from the My checklists page, accessible from the main menu.
When required to fill in a checklist, you may receive the New self observation checklists to complete notification if you have to complete the checklist for yourself, or the New peer observation checklists to complete notification if you need to fill in a checklist for other users in the platform. Click on the bell icon in the status bar at the top of the platform in order to read it. Open the notification, then click on the Go to my vhecklists button to open the My checklists page.
If the Task list widget is available on one of the pages composing the user menu, you may be able to check the status of your due checklists directly from the widget. If so, move to the Checklists tab of the widget and click on the checklist title to access it.
This tab shows up to five checklists. If you have more than five due checklists, click on the View all button to access the My checklists page.
The My checklists page lists all of the checklists that you have to fill in for yourself (self-observation checklist) or for your peers (peer observation of another user). In each row of the list, when you see two icons, a bigger icon and a smaller one in its corner, the big icon shows the profile avatar (user image or name initials) of the person who is observed (checked), while the small icon shows your profile avatar (user image or name initials) as the checklist observer who completes the checklist. In the case of a self-observation checklist, only your profile avatar is displayed.
Under each checklist’s title, you’ll see the type of checklist (self or peer) and then info about the completion or expiration date. If you don’t fill in a checklist within its due date, your administrator is notified about the delay, but you still have the possibility to complete it.
If you need to approve one or more checklists completed by other users, under the checklist’s title, you’ll also find the name of the user who completed the checklist that you have to approve (the checklist observer) and details about the approval step. For any further information about the approval process, refer to the Approving or rejecting a checklist chapter of this article.
You can see the status on the right side of each checklist (To do, In progress, To approve, or Completed).
In the bar at the top of the My checklists page, click on Filters to filter the checklists by type, view, or status. In the View section, the option to show only the checklists that currently need your action is selected by default, meaning that when you enter the My checklists page, you will see only the checklists in To do, In progress, or To approve statuses.
As an option, you can filter only the checklists that are assigned to a course. Once you make your selection, filters are applied in real time.
Use the free text search area near the filters area in the top bar to look for a specific checklist.
In order to fill in a checklist, select it from the list and respond to the items that compose it.
If the checklist has been added by the administrator to a course as a lesson, the title of the course the checklist belongs to is under the checklist description, at the top of the checklist’s page.
If configured by your platform administrator, you may find an Acceptance review section at the end of the checklist. Click on Thumbs up if you accept the checklist responses, or click on Thumbs down if you don’t accept them. Once finished, click on Send checklist.
Approving or rejecting a checklist
The administrator may require that it is approved by a specific user or a manager. If you are the user in charge of the checklist review, once the checklist is sent, you’ll receive a notification in your platform’s Notifications area. In order to review the checklist, open it by clicking on the button in the notification. You’ll also find the checklists that need your approval on the My checklists page.
Open the checklist, go through all of the responses given by the user who completed it, and decide to approve or reject it by using the corresponding button at the bottom of the checklist’s page.
If the checklist is a lesson of a course, the title of the course is displayed under the checklist description, at the top of the checklist’s page.
Before the confirmation, you can add a note to explain your choice. If you approve the checklist, the user who completed it can view the responses he/she gave and the notes that you added during the approval step. If you reject the checklist, it is left available to the user who completed it, so that he/she can update his/her responses and read the notes you added. Once updated, the user can re-submit the checklist for your approval.
After you approve or reject a checklist, a platform notification is sent to the observer to inform him/her about it.
Please note! A checklist requiring approval is considered completed only after the approval has been done.
Filling in observation checklists as lessons of a course
Observation checklists can also be lessons in courses. If so, they are listed in the course syllabus.
Select the checklist and complete it as described in the Filling In observation checklists from the My checklists page chapter of this article.
If the checklist requires approval, and the approver rejects it, the lesson is considered as not passed and may have an impact on the course completion. Remember that if a checklist is rejected, you can re-submit it for approval, and that a checklist is considered completed only when it is approved.