Docebo Connect is a Docebo module acting as a connector between your platform and third-party SaaS systems, helping you to integrate your platform with more than 400 third-party external systems, reducing the integration effort.
Docebo Connect offers a large catalog of connectors for the most popular SaaS systems, to manage automated workflows (called recipes) shared among systems in order to exchange and share data on the basis of triggers.
Please note that Docebo Connect takes advantage of the APIs and business logic already existing in the integrating systems and does not create new ones. In addition, Docebo Connect does not manage SSO flows with Identity Providers (such as SAML, OpenID Connect, etc), JavaScript integrations (such as Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager) or iframe integrations (such as Docebo OEM or Salesforce Canvas).
The purpose of these recipes is to allow for the automatic anonymization of user details in the Docebo Learn platform once a user has expired.
For more information on the definition of terms and concepts used throughout this article, please read Docebo Connect Glossary of Terms.
Activating Docebo Connect
To activate Docebo Connect on your platform or sandbox, please reach out to your Docebo account manager. Please note that depending on the integration requirements, there may be associated costs.
Before you start
All the recipes for this integration can be found in the project's folder. This folder should be considered a “special folder” as all the recipes contained within are subject to automatic updates. As such, any customizations you make to recipes located within the folder can be overwritten by Docebo. In order to prevent such an occurrence, it is strongly advised to create a new project folder for any recipes you wish to use in production and copy or clone the recipes from the project's folder inside.
Prior to configuring and using the integration, you need to make clones of all the recipes used in this integration. For more information on how to clone and edit a cloned recipe, please see Docebo Connect Usage: Copying Recipes. The list of recipes that need to be cloned can be found in the Recipes sub-chapters of the appropriate methods chosen in this article. All recipes that call a sub-recipe will require editing, the called sub-recipes can be found in a list inside the recipe description.
Please note: For this integration it is imperative to also copy the folder structure of the recipes as they are in the example folder and place the copied recipes within the same copied folders as the original was found in.
These recipes call for a specific branch to be created in your Docebo platform where the anonymized users will be moved to. This branch must be created manually and is then referenced by Branch ID in the child recipes which must be edited prior to running them. In order to retrieve this Branch ID, you will need to contact your Account Manager as this information is not available via the platform. If you run these recipes without editing the child recipe, your anonymized users will be placed into the wrong branch.
Recipe variants
The user anonymization is performed based on a configured number of retention days. You have the choice of two different recipes to perform this action:
- By fixed retention period
- This method uses a uniform retention period for all users, regardless of their location and requires just a simple edit of values in the Integration Settings Lookup Table to configure. For instructions on how to configure this option, visit the User anonymization using fixed retention period method chapter.
- By additional field
- This method uses a User Additional Field in the Docebo platform to specify a country for your users, each country can then be defined in the GDPR Retention Periods lookup table in Docebo Connect, allowing you to set different anonymization times by each country. For instructions on how to configure this option, visit the User anonymization using additional field method chapter.
User anonymization using fixed retention period method
Lookup table
Click on the gear icon and locate Docebo Connect, then click on Manage. Next, click on the Lookup Table tab and then click on the integration-settings table.
Please make sure that the table in the platform matches the table presented here, if any of the following rows are missing, please add them by typing the values in the relevant text boxes and then pressing the green check mark icon to save the row.
Add the following rows if not exist:
Integration | Key | Value |
(The number of the days after expiration when the user details have to be anonymized) |
(The email address of the user to receive notification if any error occurs in a job) |
(Suffix to be added to the email id of user when anonymizing the user details, for example ) |
The populated table will look as follows:
You will only need your default Docebo Connect connectors for these recipes which will already be located inside your project folder and not require any further configuration.
Please note: In order for this integration to work properly, the following recipes, after all the necessary configuration steps have been taken, need to be started first:For more information about starting and editing recipes, please see Docebo Connect usage: Common recipe actions.
- Parent: Anonymise users with fixed retention period
- Child 1 page: Anonymise users with fixed retention period
Parent: Anonymise users with fixed retention period
This recipe runs daily at the time set in the recipe (by default this is set to 02:00 GMT-8 / Pacific Time US & Canada). It scans the deactivated users in the Docebo Platform for any users that match the FIXED_RETENTION_PERIOD_DAYS
value in the integration-settings Lookup Table.
- Trigger
- Triggered automatically daily at 02:00 GMT-8 / Pacific Time US & Canada
- Calls to other recipes
Adjusting the run-time of the recipe
To adjust the run-time of the recipe, enter the recipe editor and click on the first element in the recipe, marked Trigger. In the resulting side-panel, scroll down until you locate the Trigger at field. There you can change the value to whichever time you desire.
Once you have entered the desired time, press the Save button located in the top right corner of the recipe to commit your changes.
Adjusting the timezone of the recipe
To adjust the timezone of the recipe, enter the recipe editor and click on the first element in the recipe, marked Trigger. In the resulting side-panel, scroll down and press the + 2 optional fields available button.
In the resulting modal window, select the checkbox next to Timezone and press the Apply changes button.
Returning to the previous sidebar, you can now press the down arrow in the Timezone box and locate the timezone of your choice in the resulting list by scrolling up or down.
Next press the Save button in the top right corner of the recipe editor to commit your changes. Your recipe will now trigger at the specified time in the timezone you have assigned to it.
Child 1 page: Anonymise users with fixed retention period
This recipe performs the actions that anonymize users that have reached the maximum retention period defined in the lookup table and moves them to a branch in the platform which must be created manually. You can request the Branch ID needed to configure this recipe from your account manager.
- Trigger
- Triggered via function call
- Calls to other recipes
- None
Adjusting the Branch ID where anonymized users will be placed
Click on the Child 1 page: Anonymise users with fixed retention period recipe. Next, locate and click on the element called Update user in Docebo, where you will also find the following note:
PII is anonymized and user is moved to a fixed branch (Anonymized users). The branch is identified by id which is unique for each platform. So it needs to be updated as an id in the platform where this recipe is being used.
In the resulting slide-out window, press the Edit button to edit the branch ID value.
Next, scroll down to the Select orgchart text box and change the value to the actual value of the Branch ID you were given. Then, press the Save button.
Next, start the recipe.
User anonymization using additional field method
These recipes allow for variable anonymization time periods following a user's expiration date, set by country. If you do not need variable times and prefer to use the same amount of time for all your users, visit the chapter titled User anonymization using fixed retention period method for instructions.
Docebo platform
The first step needed with this method is to prepare your Docebo platform by adding an Additional User Field to your users.
First, press the gears icon in the top right corner of your screen to access the admin menu, then locate and press Users in the left side menu. Next, press the ellipsis button in the top right corner of the screen to reveal a dropdown menu and choose Additional Fields to access the Additional Fields section.
Next press the plus button in the top right corner of the screen to add a new additional field. In the resulting slide out window set the field type to Dropdown field, add a meaningful name (note this name down as you will need to add it to the Docebo Connect Lookup Table later), and add the elements you wish to include in the dropdown menu, such as country or region names. Press the New Element button to add a new text entry field for more elements, as needed. Then,when you are done adding elements to your dropdown menu, press the Confirm button to save your additional field. For more information on adding elements, please see the Creating and Managing User Additional Fields article.
Lookup Table
Click on the gear icon and locate Docebo Connect, then click on Manage. Next, click on the Lookup Table tab and then click on the integration-settings table. This table is necessary if you use the set of recipes found in the Retention Period Management - Fixed Retention Period folder.
Please make sure that the table in the platform matches the table presented here, if any of the following rows are missing, please add them by typing the values in the relevant text boxes and then pressing the green check mark icon to save the row.
Add the following rows if not exist:
Integration | Key | Value |
(The number of the days after expiration when the user details have to be anonymized) |
(The email address of the user to receive notification if any error occurs in a job) |
(The name of the User Additional Field you created in the Docebo Learn Platform section) |
(Suffix to be added to the email id of user when anonymizing the user details, for example ) |
The populated table will look as follows:
Next, check to make sure that in your list of Lookup Tables, you have a table named GDPR retention periods. If you do, press it and make sure it contains the following columns:
- Country or legal entity ID
- Country or legal entity
- Retention period in days
Your table should look like this:
If this table already exists, you may move on to the Recipes section. Otherwise continue with the Adding the GDPR retention periods table manually section.
Adding the GDPR retention periods table manually
If you do not have this table, you will need to create it. To do so, in the Lookup Tables screen, press the + New Table button. In the following screen, press the Add entries manually button to create the table.
In the following screen, click on the pencil next to the title of the table, called Untitled lookup table and enter the name GDPR retention periods. Then, in the list of columns press the green checkmark to accept the columns as they are for now, we will edit those in the next step.
Next, press the ellipsis button in the row of columns next to Untitled column 2. In the resulting dropdown field, first press the checkbox next to Untitled column 3, then press Edit column names.
You will then be able to edit the column names, use the TAB key to move from one column to the next. Replace Untitled column 1 with Country or legal entity ID, Untitled column 2 should be renamed Country or legal entity and Untitled column 3 will become Retention period in days. When you have renamed the columns, press the check mark to accept your new Lookup table structure.
Your finished table should now look like this:
Please note: In order for this integration to work properly, the following recipes, after all the necessary configuration steps have been taken, need to be started first:
- Syncronize Local Entity values from Docebo to the Connect lookup table
- Parent: Anonymise users with retention period management
- Child 1 page: Anonymise users with retention period management
For more information about starting and editing recipes, please see Docebo Connect usage: Common recipe actions.
Syncronize Local Entity values from Docebo to the Connect lookup table
This recipe can be found in the Utilities folder of the Retention Period Management - User Additional Field project. The purpose of this recipe is to synchronize the elements in the User Additional Field with the GDPR retention periods lookup table. It is scheduled to run fifteen minutes ahead of the other recipes so that the recipes that perform the anonymization task are using the correct field information.
- Trigger
- Runs daily at the time set in the recipe (by default this is set to 01:45 GMT-8 / Pacific Time US & Canada)
- Calls to other recipes
- None
Recipe Test Run
In order to be able to properly configure the retention periods by country or region, this recipe should be test-run in order to populate the GDPR retention periods lookup table before starting the recipes that perform the anonymization process.
To initially populate the GDPR retention periods lookup table, enter the recipe editor.
Next, in the recipe editor, press the Test button located to the right of the screen. The recipe will then automatically and temporarily, just for the test run, replace the initial trigger to run immediately instead of at the scheduled time.
Once the recipe has run, you will receive a notification that it has successfully completed.
Next, check the GDPR retention periods lookup table. You should now see the data from your User Additional Field that you created.
Pressing the pencil button at the end of each entry's row in the lookup table will allow you to edit that row's values. This is where you can adjust the retention period for each region or country. When done, press the checkmark at the end of the row to commit your changes. You can now start the recipe.
Adjusting the run-time of the recipe
To adjust the run-time of the recipe, locate the recipe in the project folder and enter the recipe editor.
Next, click on the first element in the recipe, marked Trigger. In the resulting side-panel, scroll down until you locate the Trigger at field. There you can change the value to whichever time you desire.
Once you have entered the desired time, press the Save button located in the top right corner of the recipe to commit your changes.
Adjusting the timezone of the recipe
To adjust the run-time of the recipe, locate the recipe in the project folder and enter the recipe editor.
Next, click on the first element in the recipe, marked Trigger. In the resulting side-panel, scroll down and press the + 2 optional fields available button.
In the resulting modal window, select the checkbox next to Timezone and press the Apply changes button.
Returning to the previous sidebar, you can now press the down arrow in the Timezone box and locate the timezone of your choice in the resulting list by scrolling up or down.
Next press the Save button in the top right corner of the recipe editor to commit your changes. Your recipe will now trigger at the specified time in the timezone you have assigned to it.
Parent: Anonymise users with retention period management
Once you start the recipe, it runs daily at the time set in the recipe. It scans the deactivated users in the Docebo Platform for any users that match the Retention Period in Days value for each associated country in the GDPR retention periods Lookup Table.
- Trigger
- Runs daily at the time set in the recipe (by default this is set to 02:00 GMT-8 / Pacific Time US & Canada)
- Calls to other recipes
Adjusting the run-time of the recipe
To adjust the run-time of the recipe, locate the recipe in the project folder and enter the recipe editor.
Next, click on the first element in the recipe, marked Trigger. In the resulting side-panel, scroll down until you locate the Trigger at field. There you can change the value to whichever time you desire.
Once you have entered the desired time, press the Save button located in the top right corner of the recipe to commit your changes.
Adjusting the timezone of the recipe
To adjust the run-time of the recipe, locate the recipe in the project folder and enter the recipe editor.
Next, click on the first element in the recipe, marked Trigger. In the resulting side-panel, scroll down and press the + 2 optional fields available button.
In the resulting modal window, select the checkbox next to Timezone and press the Apply changes button.
Returning to the previous sidebar, you can now press the down arrow in the Timezone box and locate the timezone of your choice in the resulting list by scrolling up or down.
Next press the Save button in the top right corner of the recipe editor to commit your changes. Your recipe will now trigger at the specified time in the timezone you have assigned to it.
Child 1 page: Anonymise users with retention period management
This recipe performs the actions that anonymize users that have reached the maximum retention period defined in the lookup table and moves them to a branch in the platform which must be created manually. You can request the Branch ID needed to configure this recipe from your account manager.
- Trigger
- Triggered via function call
- Calls to other recipes
- None
Adjusting the Branch ID where anonymized users will be placed
Click on the Child 1 page: Anonymise users with fixed retention period recipe. Next, locate and click on the element called Update user in Docebo, where you will also find the following note:
PII is anonymized and user is moved to a fixed branch (Anonymized users). The branch is identified by ID which is unique for each platform. So it needs to be updated as an id in the platform where this recipe is being used.
In the resulting slide-out window, press the Edit button to edit the branch ID value.
Next, scroll down to the Select orgchart text box and change the value to the actual value of the Branch ID you were given. Then, press the Save button.
You can now start the recipe.