By creating a course summary report on your platform, you can track all of the information related to a particular course. You can also download and print the report as necessary. Begin by logging into your platform as the Superadmin. Then, access the Admin menu from the gears icon in the top right corner. In the E-Learning section, press the Reports item.
Viewing the report
On the main Reports page, find the Course Summary section. In the search text box, type in a course for which you want to generate a report. It should appear in a list below the search bar. Press the course's title, then press the Generate button next to the search bar. The report will then appear. Each course summary report will display:
- The E-Signature label under the course title if it is an E-Signature course
- Percentage of users that have completed the course within 30 days from enrollment
- Total number of enrolled users
- Number of days since the course's launch
- Number of training materials in the course
- Percentage of users that have yet to begin the course, are in progress or have completed the course.
- A chart of activity within the last 12 months
- A list of all of the users enrolled in the course, with their individual course statistics.
In the list of users, you can press the title of the columns (Subscription date, First access date, Course completion or User status) to order your list according to that column. At the top of the report, you can press the corresponding buttons to Download the report as a PDF or Print the report.
Please note that only the users enrolled in the course as learners will be listed here. Instructors and tutors enrolled in e-learning courses and Instructors assigned to Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses will not appear here.
If you press the username in the user's row, you will be redirected to the user's summary report for the course. The summary report will display a graph and a timeline for the user's course access. Below, there's a list of training materials for the course. Each training material's row will display the title as well as the learner's first and last attempt, first and last completion date, training material version, status, reset, and score.
Please note you can reach this report also from the course report by selecting the User statistics tab.
Tips & tricks
If you experience some misalignments with the score value displayed in the report, you can manually trigger the score recalculation by changing the score calculation method for the course in the course Properties area, saving your changes, then moving back to the original calculation method and saving again.