The main purpose of the integration between Docebo and Training Orchestra (opens in a new tab) is to help Superadmins in the setup of ILT (Instructor-Led Training) courses by identifying the best available resources (such as trainers and classrooms) and optimizing the sessions’ scheduling thanks to powerful calendaring and cost management systems.
Thanks to the integration, Superadmins will save time and effort in the definition of ILT sessions, updating them according to the plan and the resources they need while tracking costs.
If you are working in extended enterprise mode, please note that the integration is available for the main domain only. It is not available for the sub-domains of the main domain.
Activating Training Orchestra in Docebo
Activate the Training Orchestra app as described in the Managing apps & features article of the knowledge base. The app is listed in the Third party integrations tab.
Configuring Training Orchestra in Docebo
In order to configure Training Orchestra in Docebo, reach out to Training Orchestra (opens in a new tab) to obtain your credentials.
Once you have the credentials, log in as the Superadmin, access the Admin menu from the gear icon in the top right corner, move to the Training Orchestra section, and click on Manage.
On the Training Orchestra main page, click on Activate Training Orchestra and fill in the fields listed in the Training Orchestra setup right panel with the data provided by Training Orchestra. Click Confirm to finalize the integration setup.
Once the integration is finalized, you will be redirected to the Training Orchestra main page in Docebo.
At any time, you can access the Training Orchestra page in Docebo by logging in as the Superadmin, then accessing the Admin menu from the gear icon in the top right corner, and clicking on Manage in the Training Orchestra section.
Uploading video conferencing accounts in Training Orchestra
Before proceeding with the synchronization between Docebo and Training Orchestra, you need to upload the video conferencing accounts configured in Docebo in Training Orchestra. This step is necessary to provide Training Orchestra with the details on the video conference tools used in your platform, together with the related accounts.
Once uploaded, the Docebo video conference accounts will be managed as rooms in Training Orchestra.
In order to download the list of video conference accounts, from the Training Orchestra page in Docebo, click on the ellipsis menu in the top right corner, and select Download webinar account list. Contact Training Orchestra to upload the file.
This operation must be performed as the first step of the integration and must be repeated every time you integrate with a new video conferencing tool or create a new account.
Please note: Training Orchestra is not supported by the Docebo VILT for Zoom version 3 integration.
Synchronizing Docebo and Training Orchestra
After configuring the integration between Docebo and Training Orchestra, you have to launch the first synchronization between the two systems.
To do so, from the Training Orchestra page in Docebo, click on the ellipsis menu in the top right corner, and select Synchronize. The synchronization will be launched as a background job, so that you can keep using the platform while it is executed.
After this first manual synchronization, the two systems will synchronize automatically every time an Instructor-Led Training (ILT) or a Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) course is created in Docebo. You can still launch the manual synchronization whenever you need it.
The synchronization status is shown in the Synchronize column of the Courses tab of the Training Orchestra page. If the synchronization fails (for example, because a mandatory course detail is missing, such as the course code), the error will be displayed in this column.
When a course is synchronized, the following details are automatically filled for the course in the Course management area:
ILT courses (onsite courses)
- Session name
- Maximum enrollments
- Minimum enrollments
- Session date and time
- Instructor
- Location
- Classroom
VILT courses (online courses)
- Session name
- Maximum enrollments
- Session date and time
- Duration
- Instructor
- Webinar tool
- Webinar account
- Session completion mode
In addition, when locations and classrooms are created or updated in Training Orchestra for the management of onsite courses, they will also be created or updated in Docebo, in the Classroom location menu of the E-Learning section of the Admin menu.
Managing courses
The courses listed in the Courses tab of the Training Orchestra page are the ILT (Instructor-Led Training) courses defined in the Course management area of your platform. Docebo is the master data for courses and automatically populates the Courses tab of the Training Orchestra page, you cannot add or remove courses manually from here.
In order to edit the details of a course, hover your mouse at the end of the course row, click on the ellipsis menu, and select Jump to Course management. You will be redirected to the course page in the Course management area.
While Docebo is the master data for courses, Training Orchestra is the master data for events. Events are created in Training Orchestra and synchronized in Docebo where they are displayed in View only mode. You cannot edit the events created in Training Orchestra from Docebo.
Please note: Although you can create and manage events directly in Docebo, we strongly advise against doing so when this integration is configured, since sessions and events are not synchronized from Docebo to Training Orchestra.
Managing training providers
Move to the Training providers tab to manage training providers. These entities are defined in the Training Orchestra and are automatically synchronized in Docebo. Training Orchestra is the master data for training providers.
Training Orchestra has a two-entity structure for the management of training providers:
- the site ID is the main entity and tracks the name, the address and other details of the training provider's physical location
- the training provider is used to manage the trainers and other details linked to the training activity
For Docebo, each site ID has one training provider associated in a 1:1 relationship. This means that when a new training provider is created, a new site ID is generated and associated with the new training provider.
You cannot delete the training provider listed in the table, but you can deactivate them by clicking on the radio button in the Status column, removing the checkmark.
When a training provider is deactivated, it is deactivated on both systems and it will no longer be available for the scheduling of new sessions. The sessions already scheduled with the deactivated training provider will remain unchanged until a new schedule is synchronized in Docebo. You can re-activate the status of the training provider by clicking on the corresponding radio button in the Status column in the table.
In order to add a new training provider, click on the plus button in the top right corner, and select New training provider. Define the training provider name, and click on Confirm.
The training provider will be automatically synchronized in Training Orchestra.
Managing trainers
Trainers are responsible for leading courses in the platform, they are identified as instructors in Docebo. Docebo is the data master for trainers (instructors). The Trainers tab lists all of the users identified as instructors in your platform and associated as trainers in the integration. From here, they are synchronized in Training Orchestra where the information will be used for scheduling courses.
In order to add one or more trainers, click on the plus button in the top right corner, and select New trainers. In the right panel, select the training provider that will be associated to the trainers, then click Next to proceed. The Trainers tab lists all of the users available in your Docebo platform. Select those you want to identify as trainers by clicking on the checkboxes next to their thumbnails. Use the search bar to look for users according to their names and the Select all and the Unselect all options to either select all of the listed users or to deselect the users you have already selected. Click on Next to proceed to the Training Orchestra additional fields.
Use this tab to complete the trainers' profile by adding their first and last name, as well as their email address. Please note that these details will be synchronized with the user details in the User management area. Press Confirm to complete the creation procedure. The newly created trainers are now listed in the Trainers tab
You can edit the details of a trainer at any time by clicking on the ellipsis menu at the end of the trainer row and selecting Edit. Use the Remove option to remove a trainer from the integration.
In order to remove several trainers at a time, click on the checkboxes next to their names, click on Choose action in the bottom right corner of the table and then select Remove. When doing so, remember that you are removing the trainer from the integration, turning the instructor into a learner. You are not deleting the user from the platform. The sessions already scheduled for that trainer will need to be reconfigured with another trainer.
You can take advantage of mass actions also to assign several trainers to a training provider. Select the trainers by selecting the checkboxes next to their names, then click on Choose action in the bottom right corner of the table and select Assign training provider.
Editing your Training Orchestra credentials
You can edit your Training Orchestra credentials at any time from the main Training Orchestra page. Move to the Credentials tab and make your changes.
Click Save changes to complete the operation.
Checking the synchronization logs
All the activities related to the synchronization between Docebo and Training Orchestra are logged in the platform. In order to check the synchronization logs, from the main Training Orchestra page, move to the Event logs tab.
By default, events are ordered chronologically according to the Last update column (logged action timestamp), but you can sort them differently by Action.
The ID user column shows the name of the user performing the action and the type of action is identified in the Action column. The ID target column is populated only when the action involves a user, such as the user creation with the Just in time provisioning. The IP address column shows the IP address executing the update.
You can filter logs by date by clicking on the filter icon and selecting a timeframe for your search.
Accessing Training Orchestra from Docebo
When the integration is complete, you can access your Training Orchestra account directly from the Training Orchestra page in Docebo, by clicking on the ellipsis menu in the top right corner, and selecting Access your Training Orchestra platform.
You will be redirected to your Training Orchestra account, in a new tab or window.