In your platform, you may have a lot of learning content, thus the time it takes to organize, view and update all of it may seem daunting. It can be useful to enable learners to curate content in the platform, by hiding the content in which they are not interested in any given moment, and marking content as outdated if it is no longer up-to-date or valid.
Moreover, you can take advantage of your platform’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) to automatically apply tags to your content. It may also be useful to manage the content of tags associated with formal and informal learning content in order to avoid words that you consider inappropriate or irrelevant for your learners and content. Using the deny list of tags functionality, you as the Superadmin can add a deny list of words that you don’t want to appear in the tags automatically generated by Docebo’s AI. As a result, any tags containing the words of the deny list in them will be deleted from any training material and assets. Let’s go through the content curation functionalities available on your platform.
Hiding and unhiding content
The Hide/Unhide functionality enables your users to free their pages from unwanted content and to view only the content that is most valuable to them. In this way, they can easily customize the platform by removing the content they don’t want to see and controlling what appears on certain pages.
This functionality gives the user the possibility to hide content from All channels, My channel, and My courses and learning plans pages, although content can’t be hidden from catalogs. Both formal and informal training content can be hidden. Depending on how you as the Superadmin configured the platform, users may not be able to hide formal content such as courses and learning plans, whereas the hide functionality is always enabled for informal training content such as assets and playlists.
In order to configure the Hide/Unhide functionality, access the Admin menu from the gear icon in the top right corner of your platform. Then, select the Advanced settings option in the Settings section. Choose the E-learning tab on the left side of the page and then scroll down to the Courses & learning plans content curation section.
Here, you can flag the first checkbox, allowing learners to hide courses and/or learning plans. Users can always hide formal content they completed or into which they self-enrolled, whereas this functionality isn’t active for widgets having the Show filters selector toggle off (and thus filters are not shown). By switching this feature off (unflagging the first checkbox), the learning content hidden by the learner will be visible.
If you flag both the first and the second checkbox, users can also hide courses and/or learning plans into which they have been enrolled by a Superadmin or Power User. If you don’t flag the second checkbox, users cannot hide formal content into which they have been enrolled by a Superadmin or Power User.
Please note: The first checkbox always allows users to hide every completed course and/or learning plan (even if users have been enrolled by a Superadmin or Power User).
Find out more about how users can hide/unhide learning content.
Marking content as outdated
Thanks to this feature, users can mark content as outdated if they consider it old and no longer valuable to their learning experience. They can mark both formal learning content (such as courses) and informal learning content (such as assets) as outdated in the All channels and My courses and learning plans pages. This feature is active by default in the platform, so you as the Superadmin cannot deactivate it and you don’t need to configure any settings.
The assets identified as outdated display the Outdated label on the asset's card.
In order to check the number of users marking a course as outdated, make the Outdated column visible in the course management table. To do so, click on the Columns management icon on top of the table and select the Outdated option in the list (remember that you can select up to 9 columns to display at once).
The Outdated attribute cannot be removed from courses and assets, consider it as a counter informing you about how updated the content is.
When learners mark content as outdated, you will receive a notification. Refer to the Notifications for your outdated content section in this article for further information about notifications. Find out more about how learners can mark content as outdated on their platforms.
Notifications for your outdated content
When content is marked as outdated by a user, you will receive a notification listing the number and the names of courses that have been marked as outdated (if more than one course has been marked as outdated).
As the Superadmin, you can set the frequency of this notification (hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly). The default frequency is weekly. Make sure that the Notifications feature is active in your platform, and that you have correctly created and configured the Digest: courses marked as outdated and Digest: assets marked as outdated notifications.
To view these notifications, select the bell icon in the status bar at the top of your platform. Select the Go to course management (for courses) or the Go to my channel (for assets) button at the bottom of the notification.
From the Outdated column of the course table in the Course management page, you can see how many users marked that course as outdated. In this way, you’ll be able to easily recognize and then update or delete that content, thus keeping your platform always up-to-date. Learn more on the course management.
Auto tagging
You can use your platform’s AI to automatically generate tags and associate skills to your content, which will improve search features and suggestions. Learn more about AI in your platform. You can also define a deny list of tags that you do not want to appear in your platform.
Refer to the article Managing artificial intelligence settings to learn how to manage the auto tagging feature and the deny list.