- The integration with Zoom V1 reached its end of life and end of support on July 21, 2020.
- The integration with Zoom V2 reached the end of support on December 20, 2023, and will reach the end of life on July 17, 2024.
For those using Zoom Meeting and Zoom Webinar for web training, your Docebo platform can integrate with Zoom, so your users can access live VILT (Virtual Instructor-Led Training) training sessions in their Docebo platforms.
You must have an active Zoom account and remain in agreement with the terms and conditions in your contract in order to successfully configure this integration. Also, note that your Zoom license must include the possibility to manage meetings and webinars. Docebo shares with Zoom the platform users' first names, last names, and emails during the webinar sessions.
Important notes:
- The integration is available for Zoom SaaS and does not support on-premise deployments.
Zoom for Government is not currently supported.- For more information about webinar tools for ILT (Instructor-Led Training) and VILT (Virtual Instructor-Led Training) courses on mobile devices please see Managing Webinar Tools for VILT Courses on Mobile.
- When a Zoom event is updated in Docebo, the event is deleted and recreated with the same name and updated information within Zoom. This causes the meeting URL for the event to change. If you have sent the meeting URL to any participants prior to making a change to the event, you will need to resend the new URL or participants will not be able to join the event.
- Docebo VILT for Zoom Version 3 supports polls and breakout rooms.
- Docebo VILT for Zoom Version 3 is only supported when used with Zoom Pro or higher pricing plans. It is not supported for the Basic plan.
Activating Zoom in Docebo
Activate the Zoom app as described in the Managing Apps & Features article of the Knowledge Base. The app is listed in the Web Conferencing tab.
- Account pairing
- In order to pair accounts, you will need to make sure that you are logged into Zoom with administrator access.
Please note: The account you use to pair with Zoom must have persistent administrator rights and can not have its administrator rights removed after the pairing process is completed or the integration will stop working as intended. Docebo recommends using a service account for this purpose. If you have removed the administrator rights from the account you used to pair with Zoom, you will need to re-add the privileges.
- Host pairing
- Users who are assigned as hosts must have a valid Zoom license and exist in both Docebo and Zoom with identical email addresses. For more information please see the section on Zoom Hosts tab.
- Licenses
- All users in Zoom that you pair to be a host must have a valid Meeting license. If you wish to use the Webinar feature, you will need to make sure the Zoom account is also licensed for that functionality.
Pairing a Zoom account with Docebo
Please note: You can not pair a Zoom account, an example account would be
, in more than one LMS. If you do, the previous pairing will be overwritten and it will stop working, invalidating all the events created. You also can not pair a Zoom account with more than one Zoom user in the same LMS or in a different LMS. Should this situation arise, you will need to re-pair the Docebo account with the same Zoom account.Examples of unsupported scenarios:
- Case 1: Pairing a Zoom account with more than one LMS:
- Scenario:
- The Zoom account is paired with the following platforms:
- Outcome:
- Only the last paired platform will work with Zoom as well as all the VILT events associated with that Zoom account
- The previously paired platform integrations will be invalidated
- All the VILT events on the previously paired platform associated with that Zoom account will stop working
- Case 2: Pairing a Zoom account with more than one Zoom user in the same LMS or in a different LMS:
- Scenario:
- The following pairings are created:
is paired with John Doe's Docebo Zoom accountproduction.docebosaas.com
is paired with Bill Learn's Docebo Zoom accountsandbox.docebosaas.com
is paired with John Doe's Docebo Zoom accountsandbox.docebosaas.com
is paired with Bill Learn's Docebo Zoom account- Outcome:
- Only the last paired platform will work with the webhook coming from Zoom
- Previous pairings and related VILT events with that account paired, will stop receiving updates from Zoom
- Zoom uses webhooks to inform Docebo about attendances and the Zoom host status in Docebo
Tip: If you need to use more than one Zoom account, pair just one of the accounts. Make sure this account has the proper permissions to the Zoom Marketplace. The non-paired accounts can then be made hosts under the first company account. Each host account must have a valid license and the email address in Docebo must match the email address in Zoom.
In Docebo, access the Zoom administrative panel by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen. Next, locate Zoom V3 and press Manage.
You will then be presented with the screen where you can manage your Zoom accounts. Press the plus button in the top right corner of the screen to add a new account. Next, in the resulting slide-in window, add the account name you wish to pair and an optional description, then press Create and Edit.
In the next screen, verify that the information you have entered is correct and then press the Pair Account button in the Pairing required notification bar.
In the resulting confirmation window, press the Pair The Account button to proceed with the pairing process.
It is possible that, at this point, you will receive a notification stating You cannot authorize Docebo in which case you need to activate the Approve for all users toggle to proceed.
You will then receive a notification in Zoom asking you to confirm the pairing. Press Allow to proceed with pairing the account. For a list of permissions required by the app, please see the Permissions section of the Docebo App listing on the Zoom Marketplace (opens in a new tab).
Your account will now be shown in the Account Management screen. If the account exists in Zoom then the status will show Paired, otherwise it will show Not Paired.
Next, configure the account by pressing on the account name in the list bringing you to the screen where you can manage your account properties. It is broken down into the Properties and Zoom Hosts tabs across the top of the screen. The Properties tab has a sidebar where you can choose between General and Advanced Settings of the account properties.
Properties tab
The Properties tab contains all the configuration options relevant to the pairing of the account.
General screen
The General screen contains basic properties relevant to the paired account.
General Information section
- Account Name
- This field allows you to change the account name.
- Description
- This text-input field allows you to add an optional description of the account name.
- Account Status
- This read-only field shows whether or not the account is paired or unpaired.
Options section
- Set session limits per course
- This checkbox, when active, displays an input field that allows you to set the maximum number of sessions per course. This number can be a value between 1 and 999.
- Set session limits per account
- This checkbox, when active, displays an input field that allows you to set the maximum number of sessions per account. This number can be a value between 1 and 999.
- Set limits for concurrent rooms
- This checkbox, when active, displays an input field that allows you to set the maximum number of concurrent rooms per account. This number can be a value between 1 and 999.
Settings Template section
Please note: Zoom meeting templates are defined in Zoom by the paired account and are enabled for use by the users of the integration using the Manage Templates screen and checking the boxes in the Enable for Account column. Only templates that have been made available at the Zoom account level by the user paired with Zoom are available for use with this integration. For more information please see Configuring admin meeting templates in the Zoom Knowledgebase (opens in a new tab).
- Zoom Meeting Template
- If you have created a meeting template in Zoom under the paired account, you can assign it here and your presets will automatically be used for every meeting created using this account.
Advanced Settings screen
The Advanced Settings screen contains settings activating certain types of authentication or registration when a user joins your meetings.
Registration section
- Enable mandatory registration for all users
- If this checkbox is activated then a user who wishes to join your meeting, or webinar, must be logged into Zoom in order to do so. If the user is not logged in to Zoom then the user is registered in Zoom using the email address, first name and last name used in Docebo. This should be enabled if you want to ensure that the learner will be using the same email address in Zoom as they are using in Docebo. If they do not use the same email address and if their Zoom user account is not paired with Docebo, their attendance will not be registered.
Please note: Docebo is only able to track a learner's progress and attendance if they are logged into Zoom while attending a meeting. If a learner is not logged into Zoom, checking this box will force them to register with Zoom in the event they don't have an account.
Authentication section
- Enable mandatory authentication for all users
- If this checkbox is activated you will require all users wishing to join your meeting to have to be logged in via a specified authentication method. This will effectively allow you to control the origin of users joining your meeting or webinar if they are, for example, required to log in via your corporate SSO option.
Zoom Hosts tab
The Zoom Hosts tab allows you to assign users to be Zoom hosts. To assign a Zoom host, press the button in the top right corner of the screen and choose Assign Zoom Hosts. Next, in the slide-out list, select all the users you wish to become Zoom hosts and, when you have finished making your selections, press the Confirm button.
If you attempt to pair a host and the user does not have an account in Zoom, you will be advised in the list of hosts that the account was not paired. In that case, double-check and, if necessary, create the account in Zoom and press the circular arrow icon in the list of users next to the name to retry the pairing process.
To delete a user as a host, simply locate and press the trashcan icon in the row where the user is listed.
In order to check the list of accounts in Zoom for verification purposes, log in to your Zoom account as an administrator and visit https://zoom.us/account/user#/ (link opens in a new tab).
Please note: The URL provided by Zoom for the host to join a meeting is a special URL and not the same one that the learner will receive. Whoever opens that URL will become the host. Please note that if the alternate host opens this link first, the host will become blocked from the meeting. The proper order of joining the meeting for hosts is host first followed by the alternate host.
Creating an event using the Zoom version 3 integration
Once you have paired your account and assigned at least one Zoom host, you can create ILT sessions' events.
In Course Management, select the course and open the session you wish to add your Zoom event to. Next, press the button in the top right corner of the screen and select New Event.
In the slide-out window, enter a name, select a date and a description of the event, then move to the Event Time section. Here, you set the event start and end times and, optionally, the event's break start and end times, as well as the time zone. The Duration field is read-only and is automatically calculated based on the times you have entered.
Next, move to the Event Type section. In the Venue and Video Conference Tool section, activate the Video Conference Tool checkbox and in the drop-down menu, select Zoom Meeting (or Zoom Webinar). Next, you will be able to choose which paired Zoom account you wish to use for this event, followed by the Zoom Host, the settings template, and the Zoom alternative hosts.
Look for the Zoom host and the alternative hosts by starting to type their names and selecting one of the available options from the search results. You can select one host and up to 200 alternative hosts. The host cannot also be selected as an alternative host. Remember that the hosts must be defined as such in Zoom.
When configuring alternative hosts for an event, they will receive an email with the meeting or webinar URL that will entitle them to open the meeting or the webinar on behalf of the host by logging in to Zoom with the host credentials and inheriting the same permissions as the main host.
In the Attendance Options section choose which options you would like to activate in order to mark the event as attended. Then, choose at which point you would like to have the Join button displayed to the learners.
Please note: In order to be able to track attendance in meetings, the Attendance Options must be set prior to the meeting or event being started.
Tip: In order to track the learner's attendance by percentage of the total time spent in the webinar, first place a checkmark in the Mark the event as attended when the user joins the webinar checkbox, then select the radio button Mark the event as attended if the user spends at least % of the total time of the webinar in the webinar tool and, finally, set the percentage of time the learner needs to spend in the webinar to count as attended. For more information please see the chapter Tracking attendance in meetings.
Next, in the Registration section, select the various options for registration and authentication, select a collaboration tool, and the meeting or webinar passcode satisfying the passcode policy set in Zoom (the Auto Generate Passcode button is set to generate passcodes according to the Zoom passcode policy too).
If needed and type in the names of the instructor(s). Once you are satisfied with your choices, you can press the Confirm button to create the event.
Notes about creating an event using the Zoom version 3 integration:
- Unlike other VILT offerings, with Zoom version 3 you can set the session as attended if the learner is present for a predefined percentage of the actual duration of the session. If a learner has to disconnect and reconnect to the session then the times spent in the session is accumulated toward the total.
- Since May 30, 2020, Zoom has required that all new and already scheduled ILT sessions must be secured with a passcode. You are required to set a passcode for every new Zoom webinar session and to update all of the already scheduled Zoom webinar sessions by adding a passcode in the dedicated field in the Session date(s) management area. The passcode is required for the session configuration only, learners will not be required to enter it when connecting. Do not enable any option in the Passcode Requirements section in Zoom (Admin Menu → Account Management → Account Settings tab).
- ZoomV3 does not support Zoom recurrent meetings.
- The Zoom setting Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting must be disabled to prevent errors occurring when a participant attempts to join an event.
- The meeting host must be configured as an event instructor in the ILT session. If the host is configured as a learner, then Zoom will not recognize the host.
Tracking attendance in meetings
Please note:
Attendance tracking is not available when:
- an event has only one host and one participant
- the user is not associated, using their email address, with the Zoom account paired in Docebo
Furthermore, time tracking is not available if the option Mark the event as attended if the user spends at least % of the time of the webinar in the webinar tool is not activated.
Tip: Attendance tracking is based on the actual duration of the Zoom meeting, not the time scheduled in the Docebo platform. For example, if in Docebo a meeting is scheduled to last 1 hour and the minimum required attendance is set at 80% but in Zoom the meeting ends in 10 minutes then anyone who was present in the meeting for 8 minutes or more will be marked as present in the reports, even if the report in Docebo says they attended just 8 minutes of a 1 hour event.
Using New Custom Reports
Attendance tracking is displayed under Session Time in the VILT Report. For more information about reports, please see Creating and Managing New Custom Reports. In order for your attendance to be tracked, you must be logged in to Zoom when attending a session.
Using Course Management
Session statistics
You can find attendance tracking information also in Course Management by opening the course you wish to view tracking information for and pressing on the Session Statistics tab. The list of attendees will be displayed along with the session they attended as well as the duration of attendance, evaluation status and score, if applicable. For more information about the Session Statistics tab please see the Session Statistics chapter in the article Creating and Managing ILT and VILT Courses.
A more detailed view is provided by pressing on the Reports tab of the course in the Course Management section. You will be able to view detailed information about access dates, enrollment and completion dates (if applicable), the percentage of progress, time spent in the training material, time spent in the session as well as the status and score of the session. For more information about the Reports tab please see the Reports chapter in the article Creating and Managing ILT and VILT Courses.
Using the Attendance tab in the event details
By accessing the event itself in Course Management, you can find a summary of the attendees for that particular event listed with their contact information, as well as attendance status and the time spent attending the event. For more information about managing events please see Creating and Managing ILT and VILT Sessions.
Removing the app
Log in to your Zoom Account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace. Next, click Manage followed by Added Apps or search for the Docebo app. Then, click the Docebo app followed by Remove.
Go to the Docebo Learn platform and you will see that the selected account has been unpaired successfully.
Please note: Removing the app will not remove all the data associated with the app. Certain data, such as user name, last name, email address and time spent by the user in Zoom webinars is retained by the Docebo platform for reporting purposes. This data will be retained as long as the user exists in Docebo or as long as the user is enrolled in the course where the webinar has been hosted.
Migrating to Zoom version 3
If you’re still using Zoom version 1, please note that the end of life date for this version of the integration passed on July 21, 2020. The integration with Zoom V2 reached the end of support on December 20, 2023, and will reach the end of life on July 17, 2024. The following steps show how to migrate to Zoom version 3:
- Configure the integration with Zoom version 3, by following the instructions provided by this article. Zoom version 1, Zoom version 2 and Zoom version 3 can be simultaneously installed on your platform.
- Use the new version of the integration for the ILT courses you are scheduling. Remember that the Zoom version 3 integration is identified as Zoom Meeting in the drop-down list when scheduling ILT courses.
- If you have Zoom version 1 or Zoom version 2 ILT sessions already scheduled, you have to delete them and create them from scratch with Zoom version 3.
- Remove the integration with Zoom version 1 and/or Zoom version 2.
Please note: You must delete the sessions associated with Zoom version 1 and Zoom version 2 before removing the integration as you will not be able to delete them afterward.
- Since the Zoom version 1 integration reached its End of Life date on July 21, 2020, the ILT sessions scheduled with Zoom version 1 are no longer accessible or usable by Superadmins, Power Users, or Learners.
- The Training Orchestra integration is not supported by Zoom version 3.
Account configuration
- My Zoom account had a paired status in Docebo and now it reports itself as unpaired
- Login to the Zoom account you paired, in the admin section, go to Advanced → App Marketplace → Manage → Added Apps and check if in the list there is an app named Docebo.
Try to pair the account again in Docebo for more information see the chapter titled Pairing a Zoom account with Docebo. - I receive an error when any of the following are true: I set the passcode in the advanced properties, I set the passcode in the VILT event or the user is prompted to insert a password to join the meeting.
- Check if in the Zoom navigation panel → Account Management → Account Settings then under Security:
- The option Passcode Requirement has specific criteria to meet. If so, insert a passcode that fits with those criteria.
- The toggle Embed passcode in invite link for one-click join is off. If so, the user will be prompted to insert a password. Docebo recommends keeping this toggle on.
- I don’t know the email address used by my learner in Zoom in advance
- At the moment we support only learners with a Zoom email that matches with the one present in the Docebo platform and that are part of the Zoom account paired in Docebo.
If the learner is a user present in the Zoom account you paired you can set one of those options in the Advanced settings of the account in Docebo or in the VILT event:- Enable mandatory registration for all users
- This will force the user to complete a form with the missing credentials.
- Enable mandatory authentication for all users
- If you configured an authentication method in Zoom, you can force the user to authenticate with the method you selected.
Host configuration
- My Zoom host had a paired status in Docebo and now it is not paired
- Check if the corresponding user in Zoom:
- has been deactivated
- doesn’t exist in Zoom anymore
- the Zoom license is not valid anymore
- Has been unlinked from your account
Please note: The integration will automatically pair a host in Docebo if it is reactivated.
In other cases, it will be necessary to synchronize the host in the Docebo for Zoom Version 3 Integration again. - When I set an host in the vILT with Zoom Webinar, I receive an error
- The user in Zoom is not associated with a Webinar license.
- When I try to add a host in the Zoom integration in Docebo, it gives me an error
- Check if:
- the user is present in the Zoom account. If not, please add the user in Zoom with the same email used in Docebo Learn
- the email of the user in Docebo is the same one used in Zoom
- the user is still active in Zoom
- the Zoom user you used to pair the account in Docebo has visibility on all the users in Zoom. If not, pair the Zoom account with one with the right visibility
VILT event configuration
- I receive an error message when I create or edit a VILT event in Docebo
- You may have reached the API limit available in your Zoom plan. For more information on the API rate limit in Zoom read the Rate Limits article (link opens in a new tab) on the Zoom website.
- The Zoom link of the VILT event I created in Docebo is not valid
- Docebo will cancel the Zoom event, if you edit one of the following fields in an existing VILT event:
- Conference tool
- Account
- Zoom host
This limitation is related to the way Zoom generates event URLs and it can not be avoided. - When I request a Zoom recording I receive an error message
- Check if:
- the recording has been processed on Zoom side and it is ready
- the webinar has been recorded in Zoom
- the recording is still present in Zoom and is not canceled or expired the Zoom account paired in Docebo has the right permissions to access recordings in Zoom
- the recording file goes over the Docebo limit for videos of 800MB
Learner errors
- The VILT event in Docebo was scheduled for 8 hours but some learners who attended for less time now have the attendance status present
- If you set the automatic completion based on the % of attendance of the user, please check if the % fits with the time spent by the user in the webinar
- The automatic completion is based on the real length of the Zoom webinar, starting when the instructor begins the Zoom session until the instructor closes the Zoom session, and not on the hypothetical one set in the VILT event in Docebo.
Example: If the time set in the VILT event was 8 hours but the Zoom webinar lasts 1 hour, the % of user completion will be based on the Zoom webinar time of 1 hour.
- The learner joined the event but the attendance was not tracked
- Check if:
- the option Mark the event as attended if the user spends at least % of the total time of the webinar in the webinar tool was configured
- the option has a reasonable %. The best practice is to set a value around 70-80%
- the user belongs to the Zoom account you paired. We are unable to track the attendance of users outside the Zoom account
- the user logged in Zoom with the email set in Docebo. The email is the unique identifier for both the systems and it is the only way to recognize that a user who logged in Zoom is the same one who attended the event
- A learner completed the event even if they didn’t attend the webinar.
- We track the attendance of a learner by matching the user’s email in Docebo and Zoom.
If you have learners with the same email address in Docebo (for example, using a shared agency email) and they are all enrolled in the VILT event but only one of those learners accessed the webinar, the attendance for the event will be granted to all those learners.
- I have received an error stating "Your recording hasn't been uploaded"
- You need to enable the Cloud recording downloads setting in Zoom. To do so, in your Zoom settings, navigate to the Account Settings page and enable Cloud recording downloads. Anyone with a link to the recording will be able to download it unless you check the Only the host can download cloud recordings option.