Docebo's Enrollment Rules app allows you to register users to specific groups and branches of your organization chart in your platform to specific courses or learning plans. This article will go through activating the Enrollment Rules app, creating enrollment rules, and managing the enrollment rules logs.
Requirements and limitations
- Enrollment rules are available for courses and learning plans but are not available for the sessions of Instructor-Led Training (ILT) courses.
Learn More on DoceboU!
Want to learn more about enrollment rules? Have a look at the dedicated course, How to Use Enrollment Rules (opens in a new tab) on Docebo U!
Use case scenario
When new users are created in the platform, they can be added to a New Hire group based on the hire date user additional field. Use the Enrollment Rules app to set up an enrollment rule so that, once added to that group, the users will be automatically enrolled in the onboarding courses and learning plans. To do so:
- Create a group with no eligibility conditions
- Create an enrollment rule, and assign it to the newly created group, as well as to the onboarding courses or learning plans
- Configure the group eligibility based on the users' hire date (user additional field)
- Once the group is populated, its users will be automatically enrolled in the onboarding courses and learning plans.
Activating the Enrollment Rules app
Activate the Enrollment Rules app as described in the Managing Apps & Features article of the Knowledge Base. The app is listed in the Docebo Additional Features tab.
Creating enrollment rules
To create enrollment rules, once you have activated the Enrollment Rules app, access the Admin Menu by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of your platform. Find the Enrollment Rules section and press the Manage subitem.
You will land on the main page of the Enrollment Rules app, listing all of the rules you have already configured in the Rules tab. Add a new rule by clicking on the plus button in the top right corner.
In the right tab that opens, set a code and a name for your rule, then define whether the rule will automatically enroll users belonging to groups or branches in courses or learning plans by selecting the corresponding options. Click on Create and Edit to create the rule and to start configuring it.
Assigning and unassigning resources to rules
Once you have created a rule as described in the Creating Enrollment Rules chapter of this article, you can assign resources (users, courses, learning plans and notifications) to it either from the rule configuration area you access after creating the rule or from the main Enrollment Rules page by clicking on the ellipsis button at the end of the rule row and selecting the Edit option.
Once in the rule configuration area, click on the plus button in the top right corner to assign resources to the rule. As an option, you can quickly assign resources to the rule from the Assigned Resources tab, by clicking on the ellipsis button at the end of the resource type in the Resources area on the left and selecting Assign.
Independently from where you access the resource assignment functionality, a right panel will open. Depending on the settings you have selected when creating the rule, you will be able to select either groups or branches and either courses or learning plans. When working with branches, you can select sub-branches too, but when you select a sub-branch, its parent branch is not selected by default.
In addition, you can also configure notifications to be sent to the users associated in the rule upon enrollment. Refer to the Enrollment Notifications chapter of this article for more details on notifications.
Select the resource type by checking the checkboxes next to the resource names and click Assign. The assigned resources are listed in the Assigned Resources tab, divided by resource type.
In order to unassign a resource (including notifications), click on the ellipsis button at the end of the resource row and select Unassign.
Please Note! Enrollment rules do not trigger enrollments on deactivated users.
Notes on automatic enrollments
Enrollment rules are not retroactive. The users belonging to the groups or branches prior to the creation of the rule will not be enrolled in courses or learning plans when the rule activates. The rule will enroll only the users added to a group or a branch after the rule is created. This means that:
- If you assign a course or a learning plan to an existing enrollment rule, the users belonging to the group or the branch already assigned to the rule will not be enrolled in the newly added content. You have to remove them from the group or branch or belonging and add them back to have them automatically enrolled in the content.
- If you unassign a course or a learning plan from an enrollment rule, the users belonging to the group or the branch assigned to the rule are not unenrolled from the course or learning plan.
- If you add a course to a learning plan assigned to an enrollment rule, the users belonging to the group or the branch assigned to the same rule are automatically enrolled in the newly added course. This is the standard behavior for learning plans.
- If you remove a course from a learning plan assigned to an enrollment rule, the course enrollment of the users belonging to the group or the branch assigned to the rule is kept. This is the standard behavior for learning plans.
Enrollment notifications
Since users are automatically enrolled in courses and learning plans, if you have activated the notifications app in your platform, you can think about notifying them about their enrollments by associating a notification to your rules. Notifications are associated at rule level, so you can consider whether to activate them only for some rules.
First, enable the Send immediate notification digest on massive enrollment action option in the platform Advanced Settings. Refer to the Security Related chapter of the article Managing the Platform Advanced Settings for further details.
Then, set up the Digest: User Enrolled in a Course notification making sure that the groups and branches set in for the enrollment rule should also match the groups and branches set for the notification.
Finally, associate the notification to the rule by selecting the corresponding option in the right panel as a resource as described in the Assigning and Unassigning Resources to Rules of this article.
Activating and deactivating enrollment rules
Enrollment rules are created as inactive rules so that you can enable them once you have completed their configuration.
In order to activate them, move to the main Enrollment Rules page and click on the circle in the Status column corresponding to the rule you wish to activate, turning it into a checkmark.
You can deactivate rules at any time by pressing the checkmark, and turning it back to an empty circle.
Managing enrollment rules
All of the rules created in your platform are listed on the main Enrollment Rules page.
From here you can:
- click on the rule name to access its configuration area
- click on the icon representing groups/branches, courses/learning plans, and notifications in the rule row to directly access the Assigned Resources tab already filtered for that resource
- activate and deactivate the rule using the Status column
- edit the rule by clicking on the ellipsis button at the end of the rule’s row and selecting the Edit option
- delete the rule by clicking on the ellipsis button at the end of the rule’s row and selecting the Delete option. When a rule is deleted, the users already enrolled in courses and learning plans by the rule will keep their enrollment status
Enrollment rules logs
You can see all users that have been assigned to specific courses or learning plans from your enrollment rules from the Logs tab in the main Enrollment Rules page.
Each row shows the date and the time when the enrollment occurred, the username of the enrolled user, the rule type and name and the number of courses and learning plans the user has been enrolled in.
Click on the icon in the courses/learning plans column to see a recap of the courses and learning plans where the user has been enrolled.
Rolling back automatic enrollments
You can roll back the enrollments automatically done by enrollment rules from the Logs tab in the main Enrollment Rules page. This operation can be done both for a single user or for a selection of users, unenrolling them from ALL of the courses and learning plans they have been automatically enrolled in.
Once in the Logs tab, identify the user you would like to unenroll, click on the ellipsis button at the end of the user row and select the Roll Back option. The user will be unenrolled from all of the courses and learning plans he or she has been enrolled in through automatic enrollment rules.
You can roll back the enrollments for a selection of users by clicking on the checkboxes at the beginning of their corresponding row, then selecting the Choose Action button in the bottom right corner of the table, and finally Roll Back. Set now whether to unenroll users from learning plans only, or also from the courses included in learning plans.
Rollbacks are managed with background jobs.