By viewing the Branches Dashboard in your platform, you can view various statistics and graphs comparing the performance of different branches of your organizational chart.
To view the dashboard, access your platform as the Superadmin (or Power User with granted permissions). Then, reach the Admin Menu from the gear icon in the top right corner. In the E-Learning section of the menu, select the Reports subitem. On the main reports page, find the Branches Dashboard section, then press the View button. There are two common ways to navigate this dashboard. You can view a summary of all of the statistics and graphs for several branches at one time, starting with the root branch. This will be more a general summary and comparison view. Alternatively, you can view stats and graphs related to a specific branch and the sub-branches within that branch.
Viewing Many Branches in the Dashboard
By default, the dashboard shows stats related to the root branch and the branches directly linked to the root branch. If you’re viewing the report as a Power User, you will see only branches to which you have visibility. At the top of the dashboard, when the root branch is selected, you can see a summary of various numbers, including:
- Users in current branch. This is the total number of all users in all branches, including the root branch and sub-branches.
- Enrollments. This is the total number of enrollments of all of the users in the root branch and sub-branches. Enrollments are counted on a user-to-course basis, so a user that is enrolled in five courses will be counted five times*
- Completed, In Progress, or Not Started. This is the total number of course enrollments in which users have the Completed, In Progress, or Not Started status. Enrollment statuses are counted on a user-to-course basis, so a user that has a status of In Progress in three courses will be counted three times for that number.
*The total enrollment number also includes users that are enrolled into courses that may be on the Waiting List of a course or have any status in the course (i.e. Suspended) that somehow links the user to the course. In the Performance by Branch section, the donut chart displays the first several branches with the highest number of users enrolled in courses that they have not yet completed (they have any status other than Completed in a course). For each branch, the size of their portion in the chart depends on the total number of users in the branch with the In Progress or Not Started statuses.
For example, Branch A has 54 users total in the branch, and 30 of them have not yet completed courses. Branch B has 40 users in the total branch, and 35 of them have not yet completed courses. Branch B will have a larger portion of the chart because the total number of users that have not yet completed courses is higher than in Branch A.
Please note that this chart only shows the branches if the In Progress and Not Started course enrollments is greater than five. For all other branches, there will be a single smaller portion of the graph dedicated to all of them.
You can hover your mouse over a branch’s portion of the graph to view the enrollment statistics related to that branch. By clicking on the branch in the chart, the dashboard will then display graphs and statistics related specifically to that branch (see the section below).
In the Overdues by Branch section, you can view a bar chart related to the top eight branches with the highest number of overdue enrollments (users enrolled into courses, but they did not complete the courses by the deadline). By clicking on the branch in the chart, the dashboard will then display graphs and statistics related specifically to that branch (see the section below).
In the Branches section, you can view a list of all of the branches with the same numbers that appear in the Summary section of the dashboard (see above for details). By clicking on the branch’s name in the list, the dashboard will then display graphs and statistics related specifically to that branch (see the section below).
Viewing One Branch in the Dashboard
To view one branch and all of the sub-branches in that branch, you can click on the branch’s name or item in any of the widgets that appear in the dashboard. Alternatively, you can press the Folder icon in the navigation bar at the top of the page, then select a branch or sub-branch from the panel that appears below. Now, all of the widgets will show data related to that specific branch and any of its sub-branches. The same logic outlined in the previous section of this manual for each widget applies to this view as well. The only differences is that the statistics used are pulled only from this branch and its sub-branches rather than multiple branches. Refer to the section above for more information.
Viewing the Users View in the Dashboard
To view a list of all course enrollments for users in a single branch, access that branch by clicking on the branch’s name or item in any of the widgets that appear in the dashboard. Alternatively, you can press the Folder icon in the navigation bar at the top of the page, then select a branch or sub-branch from the panel that appears below. Then, in the Display View section in the navigation bar at the top of the page, switch to the Users view. Now, a list of all of the enrollments for users in the branch will appear. Please note that this list is created on a user-to-course basis, so users enrolled into multiple courses will appear multiple times in the list. For each enrollment, the row in the list will include:
- The user’s first name, last name, and username
- The user’s status in the course (Not Started, In Progress, or Completed)
- The course’s code, name, and type (E-Learning, Webinar, or Classroom)
- The dates that the user was enrolled into the course
- The date of completion (If the user has completed the course)
- The total time spent in the course (If the user has completed the course)
- The score and credits of the course (If the user has completed the course, and only if applicable)