Disclaimer: Verizon has announced the BlueJeans service will be retired in 2024. Once the product has been sunset by Verizon, the Docebo for BlueJeans V2 integration will no longer function. For more information please see BlueJeans is Being Sunset (opens in a new tab) on the BlueJeans by Verizon blog. Docebo for Bluejeans V2 support ended on February 28th, 2024, the integration will reach its end of life on December 31, 2024.
For those using BlueJeans (opens in a new tab) for web training, your Docebo learning platform can integrate with this videoconferencing platform, so your users can access live training VILT sessions directly in webinar courses in their Docebo platforms. Find out more information about webinar tools for VILT courses on mobile devices.
Activating the BlueJeans app in Docebo
Activate the BlueJeans v2 app as described in the Managing Apps & Features article of the Knowledge Base. The app is listed in the Web Conferencing tab.
Configuring Docebo in BlueJeans
Now, you need to configure Docebo in BlueJeans. To do so, log into your BlueJeans account, then proceed to this URL (the link opens in a new tab):
On this page, make sure you are in the Group Settings tab, then select Add App. On the Create App page, add the following information:
- Name: The name of the App (Example: “DoceboBlueJeans").
- Description: The description of the integration.
- App Key: The app key that you create as preferred (Example: “Docebokey”).
Once you're finished, press Save. Now, on the Groups Settings page, your new app will appear in the apps list with the name, description, and app key that you created. Additionally, you will see the secret key. Then, enable the OAUTH ACCESS tab. You will copy all of this information into your Docebo learning platform to complete the integration.
Configuring BlueJeans in Docebo
Now, you can begin configuring BlueJeans in your platform by accessing the Admin Menu, then pressing the Manage item in the BlueJeans section. On the BlueJeans settings page, press the Create New Account button to add your BlueJeans account in your platform. Then, in the pop-up box, add your Account Name, App Key, App Secret, Webinar Tool Username, and Webinar Tool Password into the corresponding text boxes.
The account name, app key, and app secret are the information you saw in the app's row in the list of your apps in BlueJeans. If you need to retrieve this information again, you can do so by logging into your BlueJeans account (opens in a new tab).
The BlueJeans Username and the BlueJeans Password are your BlueJeans credentials that you enter to log into your BlueJeans account. You can add additional information as necessary. Finally, in the Options section, you can set limits on the number of sessions per course, the total number of sessions for this account, and the number of concurrent rooms. Please note that the number of concurrent rooms is the one agreed on in your BlueJeans license. Leaving these options unchecked or setting these limits to 0 will allow unlimited sessions, meetings or rooms.
To allow an unlimited amount of sessions or meetings, enter "0" in the fields. When finished, press Create. Your BlueJeans account has been integrated with your learning platform.
Now you can use the Meet-me (BlueJeans) web conferencing tool for webinar ILT (Instructor-Led Training) courses. Learn how to set up a webinar session and its events in the dedicated Knowledge Base article.
To select Meet-me (BlueJeans) as the web conferencing tool, select the option from the Video Conference Tool dropdown menu when creating session webinar events. Then, select the BlueJeans account that will be used to host the webinar or meeting.
Important Notes:
- Please note that the integration is available for BlueJeans SaaS, and does not support on-premise deployments.
- A BlueJeans account in federated mode with SSO is not supported in Docebo. If you have configured the SSO authentication in your Bluejeans page, when you try to create a BlueJeans session, you might receive the following error: “An error was returned from the API: ‘Incorrect user or password'”.
Migrating to Bluejeans Version 2
Docebo for BlueJeans V2 will completely replace Docebo for BlueJeans V1 by the end of December 2021. You can become a BlueJeans V2 early adopter by activating the new version of the integration at any time after November 25, 2021, so that you can already become familiar with BlueJeans V2 and prepare your platform accordingly. If you want to become an early adopter, here are the steps on how to do so:
- At any time, after November 25, 2021, configure the integration with BlueJeans V2, by following the instructions provided in this article. BlueJeans V1 and BlueJeans V2 can be simultaneously installed on your platform.
- Plan a date when you are moving to BlueJeans V2, and use the new version of the integration for the ILT (Instructor-Led Training) webinar events you are scheduling from this date onward. Remember that the BlueJeans V2 integration is identified as BlueJeans V2 in the Video Conference Tool dropdown menu when creating webinar events.
- If you have BlueJeans V1 ILT webinar events already scheduled after that date, you have to delete them and create them from scratch with BlueJeans V2.
- Remove the integration with BlueJeans V1.
Remember: you must delete the events associated with BlueJeans V1 before removing the integration, or you will not be able to delete them afterward.