Your platform allows you to measure the effectiveness and prove the impact of learning through the use of the Learning evaluation feature. While most of the functionalities are present in your learning platform, these additional functionalities require you to connect to the Learning Impact external platform:
- Using QR codes to mark attendance
- Checking out the Session reports
This article presents how you can access and manage the Learning Impact external platform.
Accessing the Learning Impact external platform
Use one of the following URLs to connect to the Learning Impact external platform depending on your location or the date you signed your contract:
- If you are an EMEA client and you have signed your contract after October 21, 2021 use: (opens in a new tab)
- If you are an EMEA client and you have signed your contract before October 21, 2021, or a “forMetris” client, use: (opens in a new tab)
- If you are a North American client, use: (opens in a new tab)
You will receive an email with your username that allows you to configure your password.
When configuring your password, remember that the password must:
- be at least 12-character long (for EMEA clients with contracts signed after October 21, 2021 and all North American clients)
- be at least 8-character long (for EMEA clients with contracts signed before October 21, 2021, or “forMetris” clients)
- contain at least one numeric character
- contain at least one lowercase letter
- contain at least one uppercase letter
- contain at least one special character
Once your password is set, use one of the provided URLs to connect to the login page, enter your username and password and click on Connection. In the event you forget your password, click on I forgot my password on the login form. Enter your email address and press Send.
Once you have set up your account, you can create accounts for other people inside your company. Go to the Accounts parameters tab, then choose Access right and click on Add account.
If you were not the recipient of the initial configuration email, then you must contact the administrator of the external platform inside your company for them to create an account for you. For any additional questions, please contact Docebo’s help desk.
To log out of the platform, click on Log out in the top right corner of the page.
Managing accounts and parameters
To manage accounts, go to the Account parameters tab and select Access rights.
Creating an account
Press on Add account in the bottom right corner. This will open a pop-up box to add a new account. Fill in the required information:
- Entity. Choose your entity in the drop-down menu
- Level. Choose the level of the account from the drop-down menu:
- Visualization: select this level if you want the user to be able to only read reports
- Edition: select this level if you want the user to be able to edit the settings of courses and sessions when they have the relevant permissions
- Administration: select this level if you want the account to be able to edit any course or session and create other accounts
- Language. Select the default language of the account. The languages currently available are English and French
- Date format. Select the date format for the selected account
Note : You can change the format of the date that is displayed in the Learning Evaluation questionnaires and the emails sent out to participants. For your changes to be effective, you need to change the date format for the selected account and for the Support Account that appears in the Rights & Accounts Management table.
- Login. Define a username for the user. This username will be the username needed to connect to the platform
- First name and Last name. Enter the user’s first name and last name
- Email. Enter the user’s email address.
Press Save to create the account. Once you have created the account, it will be listed in the table on the Rights & Accounts management main page. You can look for a specific account by typing part of the account’s details in the Filter text box on the top right corner of the page.
Editing and deleting an account
To edit an existing account, find the account in the table and go to the end of the account’s row. Click on the Edit icon and operate your changes, then press Save.
To delete an existing account, find the account in the table and go to the end of the account’s row. Click on the Delete icon. Please note that you cannot delete your own account.
You can reset an account’s password by clicking on the Reset password icon at the end of the row. A pop-up box will open asking you if you wish to send a reset password email for the selected account. Press Yes to confirm the action.