You can share your learning activities on Twitter and LinkedIn directly from your platform by enabling this option globally in your platform or for individual courses.
For security reasons, the sharing of the courses’ platform links on social networks does not show the course preview. This also applies to the courses available in public catalogs.
Configuring social sharing globally
In order to enable and configure social sharing settings that will be applied by default to all new and existing courses, access the platform as Superadmin, then reach the Admin menu from the gear icon in the top right corner. In the Settings section, select the Advanced settings subitem, then move the Social & rating tab.
By default, users are not allowed to share the course information on any social network, but if you want to allow that option, choose the relevant preferences according to your needs. First, set if you want to let users share the details of their courses at any time or only when they complete a course. You can also select the option to allow them to share their course scores if provided.
Then, choose which social networks you want to enable for sharing: Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or Google Plus. Once inside a course, users will be able to select the social network icon to share the course accordingly. By clicking on the shared post on the social platform, friends and followers will be redirected to the course's page. Remember that course access is based on course visibility; if someone clicks on the link without being a registered user of the platform, they will not be able to access any page of the platform.
Configuring social sharing at course level
Independently from the social sharing settings, you have configured, you can set custom social sharing settings for individual courses.
To do so, reach the Admin menu from the gear icon and select the Course management option from the E-learning section. Find the course and click on its description. While in the Properties tab and click on Advanced settings and then Rating & sharing.
Then, reach the Social sharing section and select the option to enable custom social sharing for this course. Follow the instructions outlined in the previous section of this article to configure the social sharing settings. Remember that the settings set at the course level always override the global settings. Press Save changes when finished.
Tips & tricks
In addition to social sharing, you can enable direct sharing of the course enrollment link from the course page by activating the Enable enrollment links for this course option in the Enrollment options section of the course Properties tab. This functionality does not depend on the global or local activation of social sharing.